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🧵 /archviz/

Anonymous No. 918693

So i know 99% of the board is more interested in modelling catgirls and donuts but i wonder if there's enough people here doing archviz to warrant a general.

So archbros:
>whatcha modelling
>whatcha rendering
>whatcha designing
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT

here is a project im working on for a public library. model's just getting started.

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Anonymous No. 918694

using rhino btw because sketchup is SHIT SHIT SHIT

Anonymous No. 918738

i luv rhino

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Anonymous No. 918786

>sketchuds could never

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Scn 23.jpg

the chair nerd No. 918805


Yeah finally an archviz thread.

>whatcha modelling

Mostly social housing projects for my third world country shithole. 10% Of the time I model chairs.
Currently on 2 social housing projects, and urban plan and other little projects.

>whatcha rendering

Rendering finals on this proyect and waiting for approval to make v3 of another one.

>whatcha designing

Currently designing my mother's apartment as an architect in archicad. The sad thing is I never get the time to make renders for my own personal projects.

>what software ya using and what software is SHIT

I mostly use 3ds max, heck I even had developed many utilities for it and I think I have the authority and 15 years of experience to say that is is a shit puke vomit software BUT a necessary evil for industry experts. All my clients speak autodesk so there you go. Americans use the imperial system so compared to that I'm better off.

So I use max and max is shit. I love and hate the little bastard. But mostly indiferent. It's just a tool yunno.

>Why 4chan and not cgarchitect?

Fuck forums at least here I can say shit shity fuck cuck fuck and no one flinches.

>here is a project im working on for a public library. model's just getting started.

Nice one anon. Just tell me if you need something or critique or sum shit.

Anonymous No. 918822

> Watcha modeling
Revit hates modeling
> Rendering
Lighting calculations
> Designing
Electrical and lighting systems for a bunch of projects
> Software
Revit is the best for MEP and Arch coordination, but holy hell does its renderer suck. Damn thing doesn't have bounce lighting or global illumination. I hate having to switch out to something else to see a decent look at the project.

Hopefully the One Graphics System with something that's newer 2005 is coming sooner than valve time.

Anonymous No. 918826

I'd love a more permanent archvi general


>whatcha rendering
Stills of a large resort expansion getting planned
Can't share pics of this one but I'll post others when I'm home, hope this general lasts because there's few places iv found to talk about archvis stuff beyond Facebook groups which are full of boomers.
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
Sketchup & twinmotion, I hate revit.

Anonymous No. 918827

>Designing shit for family

Noooooo bro what are you doing

Anonymous No. 918830

Do you guys usually model how a building will roughly look like when finished, or is your job more precise, inch by inch wall placement according to floor plans?

Anonymous No. 918833

Early concept renders will focus more on the structure, silhouettes and how it looks in location. But all real models are done from the ground up with cad plans.

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the chair nerd No. 918841

>I hate having to switch out to something else to see a decent look at the project.

Welcome to the monarchy of cad software.

Yeah. I know the good this I have a very strong character and I always get my way. And it's for my mum I mean it's torture but c'mon.

It depends. My models end up being more precise than some revit models on interior designs just because the client actually wants to see the stickers on the open ceiling air conditioning system so yeah. Archviz sometimes has to handle idiotic levels of detail.

Anonymous No. 918875

Nice job on the apt curtains, how'd you do that?

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Anonymous No. 918901

seems like a lot of yall have been on the industry for quite a while.
any advice for a lowly arch student? or just any input about what the field is like?

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2022-09-20 12-21-....webm

the chair nerd No. 918913

It's a little script I made a while ago that takes the transformation of the window objects and randomly models a low poly curtain using the dimensions of each window. You can alter the probability and offset of the curtains. I've always wanted to develop it more but it is my clients don't notice if I make it more user friendly or robust so apply the Pareto principle when it comes to work.

Run away! No jk. Study photography, it doesn't matter if you use skp, rhino 3ds max, watercolors, oil on canvas If you don't know how to compose, color and light an image so I always advice to study the real deal. The field is full of newcomers, heck even I consider myself pretty old school 8 years into archviz even I can't keep up with all the new shit and techniques but you'd be surpised how many "gurus" don't know the basics.

Anonymous No. 918921

Fantastic dude

Anonymous No. 918938

Portfolio question. How do I show off stuff in my portfolio that shows all the planning/concepting/revisions/optimal locations stuff I do for signage (hours and hours of stuff) that in the end is usually presented in ppts to clients but would look silly on a website showing screencaps of PowerPoints?

Anonymous No. 918941

I'm gonna start using clarisse because fuck proxies and point clouds. Or unreal.

Anonymous No. 918942


Good for you. Do you want a medal or something?

Anonymous No. 918945

damn that was awesome
what program is that?

Anonymous No. 918946


the chair nerd No. 918947


Autodesk 3ds max 2022

Anonymous No. 918951

lol no wonder i didnt recognize it at all!
imma rhino guy
could prolly grasshopper up something similar i suppose
super good work

Anonymous No. 918958

that script is seriously sick like the other have said.

about the photography thing, do u recommend going to like, a photography class? or just read a good book about the subject? if so which, id really prefer not to go to any photography classes as here it's usually just something bored mom's go to.

Anonymous No. 918973

he means study art, generally, and know how to make a god picture / to compose a shot, how color works etc etc.
art matters

the chair nerd No. 918981


Yep. My words exactly. It's not bound to photography.

Anonymous No. 918982

iirc guys like this

like vilmos

all studied painting before they got behind a camera

the chair nerd No. 918986


Fuck yes. Deliverance is a beautiful film

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Anonymous No. 919147


>whatcha modelling
Revit modelling residential projects.

>whatcha rendering
Early stage concept, rendered in Lumion. Simple shots until the building form is right.

>whatcha designing
Rather cool houses.

>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
Lumion is pretty bad. Making the change to 3ds & Corona soon.

Anonymous No. 919155

Nice bro
Don't forget to rotate those bushes on the right side tho

Anonymous No. 919157

what percentage of the models in your renders are:
a. modelled by you
b. pirated

what percentage of materials in your renders are:
a. created by you
b. substance source
c. megascans
d. other

Anonymous No. 919158

All modeled by me/studio

40% SS, 30% created by me, 5% megascans and 25% other

Anonymous No. 919159

>All modelled by me/studio
incl foliage, props, hoomans etc?

Anonymous No. 919161

No, but they are not pirated. We have archvis packs and use twinmotion for larger urban developments

Anonymous No. 919192

is corona actually good? i thought it was just some meme they were paying youtubers to shill

Anonymous No. 919197

Beautiful shit anon. Good job.

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01 Fachada Occide....jpg

the chair nerd No. 919202

Le nice. Yeah vary those right side plants. I would let some dirt creep up those immaculate white walls but some clients hate grunge so it's ok if no.

It depends on the project. For personal projects I model and create 100% of the models and textures, even greenery.

I had a studio with employees and shit but got tired of managing and not creating so I can account for myself.

For a client sketch like this. Cars, people, greenery and retail interior objects come from packs. Architecture, fixtures, furniture and office objects are all modeled by me for optimization purposes.

Textures mostly come from packs but all shaders are mine cuz how the fuck would even dare to use a foreign shader without testing its impact on rendering.

Hero textures and backgrounds like the sidewalk and road are taken from drone shots.

Yeah modelling trees cars and people for arch-viz seems absurd unless you really need something specific. Many archviz artists can't model for shit.I had a former partner that made godlike rendering but couldn't model a basic chair. At least I am able to model a decent vehicle, any piece of furniture and some organic stuff like trees and animals.

No it's a serious production oriented render engine. It's good for its price and community, a lot of resources and support from them so it's the best for production because you won't get stuck in some obscure bottleneck.

If you are not worried about licensing and/or render times then I would suggest Maxwell, it is and will always be my favorite but it is not fit for my day to day workflow.

the chair nerd No. 919203

Thanks well you'd be surprised how shit this project really is.

I like to think my job is to take social housing and make it look like 5 stars.

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Anonymous No. 919204

>whatcha modelling
Just some personal shit right now.
>whatcha rendering
Nothing at the moment.
>whatcha designing
Mostly comercial buildings, because fuck working with homes.
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
I'm using max and its shit. Trying out Blender because I just hate subscription models, but I'm afraid I have been using max for too long now and changing will be annoying.

Wondering if Unreal is worth it, anyone here tried it?

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Manzana 12 Vista ....jpg

the chair nerd No. 919205

Look. It's 90% asphalt and building in a sea of similar projects.

At least this is just a sketch for an urban devellopment and the client was willing to at least make some variance in the buildings and allow tall greenery. Final renders I guarantee will look rather dull with no trees, no bushes (commercial purposes) and homegenous facades because of costs.

Yeah it's sad but it's social housing.

Anonymous No. 919206

I've done a project for a shopping center a while ago and the client asked me to remove pretty much all plants higher than a foot because it would obstruct the view. Absolut morons.

the chair nerd No. 919207


I feel you bro, my country is so shit that I've had a client make me remove all plants from balconies because the slab was not rated to support more than 200kilos per sq mt. I stopped working with them but the surprising thing is that they where within construction codes!

Heck I even remember a fight with a client that asked me to put for chairs and a table in a 1x1.2 mt balcony so "people would feel they could do that in their shitty apartment" I obviously abandoned the project cuz I would not participate in that fraud.

Anonymous No. 919214

I get it, I work in similar projects. If you don't mind, I would love to take a look at the floor plan.

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Manzana 13-2 Plan....jpg

the chair nerd No. 919237

Nope sorry the plan is confidential information from my client but I can share the rendered floorplan since I still own the distribution rights of these images until they pay me.

Anonymous No. 919257

how do i get into architectural design?
i'm reasonably competent at modelling, but i'm such an architectural philistine that i've spent all day unsuccessfully looking for commieblock blueprints (i.e. elevations, not just floorplans) because i'm not creative enough to come up with my own design for a box with a few balconies and staircases stuck on.

Anonymous No. 919261

Speaking from experience, it will be hard to get a job as an architect without a degree and depending on where you are based, knowledge of local building codes.
That said, anyone can get into the visualisation side of things.
If you want to practice, the good way to get floorplans is going to websites of apartment buildings. Then you can practice building up from those yourself, usually they are detailed enough. Choose one near you and you can go and see how it looks irl too for comparison.

Anonymous No. 919268

For example I just googled new apartments Miami because I assumed your a mutt and this one was at the top of a list
Then search that apartment and if they are in development they will almost always have floorplans because they are trying to get buyers for the rooms.


Anonymous No. 919269

Houses, hotels and resorts are harder. Real estate sites will sometimes develop fresh floorplans when trying to sell nice houses as will development companies making larger gated community housing in which many of them are similar.

Anonymous No. 919336

>watcha modelling
I model and create construction drawings for residential homes for a homebuilder
>whatcha rendering
Nothing at the moment, but my company used to outsource rendering for marketing material, now we can do a little in house stuff because 3DS Max comes with our licenses.
>watcha designing
I'll be honest it was kinda beat over my head in school that draftsmen can't be designers so nothing, I guess
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
I use Revit, just starting to learn 3DS Max. I'm too green in this industry to know whats shit.

Anonymous No. 919373

frank lloyd wright started as Sullivans draftsman

really depends on what you try to achieve

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Anonymous No. 919669

do i need a super gaming computer and pay for the softwares to make awesome sized models and renders like you guys :(

the chair nerd No. 919670

You know the answer.

Anonymous No. 919673

When I upgraded from a 960 to a 2070 a few years ago the change in productivity is huge. Just being able to shit out way more renders at near production quality quickly to find optimal views and mistakes is so beneficial.

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Courthouse render....png

Anonymous No. 919773

>whatcha rendering
attempting to rework some things for my portfolio, been cutting my teeth on archviz stuff for about a year now but I'm not sure how to step up my renders. Currently they seem too clean and cheap looking
>what software
Mostly just Rhino & Vray, in the past I used a Rhino to Revit pipeline but recently I couldn't get Revit LT to import .sat files, really seems like Revit LT is pretty shit. Am I a brainlet for not being able to pirate Revit?

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Test 11.jpg

the chair nerd No. 919779

Try it out. You don't need cad software just a pen and paper. Here's a full design and rendering process of a small apartment I did a while back for a dude in WIP who had difficulty designing and rendering architecture. It was made on a remote desktop so the clicks sometimes miss.

the chair nerd No. 919781

Watch out on that brick texture. It has seam displacement artifacts and does not start correctly on the floor. Materials lack overall reflectivity so the space lack color bleeding on the concrete and occlusion. The camera is oddly focused on a non conventional angle and the ceiling mesh abruptly ends at the leftside image. Archviz is in the details and thisi mage lacks details. Don't worry it just needs work it is definitely a good start.

Anonymous No. 919787

looking at your work I can see what you mean, thanks for the good advice. Would that require further tweaking in the material properties or is is it possible to fix the lack of reflectivity in Vrays lighting properties? I'm pretty green when it comes to renderers

the chair nerd No. 919790


All dielectric (non metallic) materials have some kind of specular reflection and it's intensity and glossiness depend on the overall microscopic and macroscopic roughness and angle of reflection.

Make this mental exercise:

If you look ant asphalt downwards it looks pretty dull and non reflective because it is a very rough and dark material.

Now look at the same asphalt on a sunset form a very low angle and it will look like a very blurred mirror but it will take on the color of the sky, it will seep light and become very bright.

This little detail is from my experience the very basis of realistic materials. That is why I always test my shaders with 2 distinct light conditions 1. Direc sunlight 2. An artificial light from a shallow angle.

If you are using vray for Rhino you may want to up the glossiness to a higher value. In fact a perfect dielectric material is a 1.0 glossy material with a very rough surface and a low IOR Search for the term Dorodango and you'll see what I mean.

the chair nerd No. 919791

Yeah Reddit spacing I know fuck off.

Anonymous No. 919793

So that's what BRDF means, excellent stuff thanks again based chair anon

Anonymous No. 919884

Makes sense, thanks tho.

the chair nerd No. 919902

I can give you plans for another project. What fo you want? Residential, high rise, retail, office?

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Anonymous No. 919918

Residential would be great. Thanks again.

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rio 379.png

the chair nerd No. 919922

Here you go anon yc6mrx7w
Those are plans for a pretty cool residential building. The one that has _3d in it is a simplified version without annotations.
As for your image I like it, pretty nice, make sure to calibrate the exposure of that background because at normal exposure it would be brighter, also make sure to fix the aliasing on the glass table if you are using cycles I think it's fixed using a softer image filter.

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rio 380.png

the chair nerd No. 919923


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Another Angle.jpg

Anonymous No. 919927

Thanks chair nerd, I like it and thanks for the tip, I've been photographing more and noticing this details better now, this is an old render where I was trying Max + Corona

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Anonymous No. 919930

Is D5 any good. I'm thinking about switching over from lumion. Also what's a good place to [spoiler] pirate [/spoiler] PBR textures?

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the chair nerd No. 919938

No problem anon. That render is actually very good. I like it. Don't forget the transition profile from kitchen floor to wood flooring and something tells me that bike is out of scale or made for dutch giants.
I can tell you that those profiles are the kind dets that architects focus on.

the chair nerd No. 919939

Duh now I realise the bike is hanging.

Anonymous No. 920004

Good call, that is one I have missed.

Anonymous No. 920030

Here is a very nice, several hours long rendering course for vray+rhino

Anonymous No. 920079

This a good quality course thanks anon

Anonymous No. 920273

ouch this need some real photoshop love

get your verticals vertical, fix your city - yu need to be a cinematographer not a drunk tourists takin snaps

Anonymous No. 920274

nice render but damn this room is unrealistic cant sit or walk anywhere

Anonymous No. 920275

thats a cheap detail frankly and not worth the trouble rendering - unless you need it fr truth in marketing purpose

you can make a quality render - but these spaces have no sense of scale and are pretty bad (for real no offense - they just really really need help)

Anonymous No. 920699

I would take a page of my portfolio and make a grid like structure but have each different item as a different grid.

Portfolios don't matter as much as being able to clearly explain/show your work. They want to know if you use what they use and if you understand how to do the job. Anything else is a bonus

t. Five year archi in UK

Anonymous No. 920702

>>919930 or polyhaven.

Also use twinmotion - not as good but almost industry standard now

Anonymous No. 920704

Twinmotion is leading for large exterior developments for sure, which is what I use it for, but lumion still beats it for more detailed interior shots.

Anonymous No. 920709

100% agree. I think Twinmotion is super lacking in areas, but the fact that most computers can run it and an entry grade graphics card can ray trace a decent render - it wins.

Lumions and D5 can produce tons better but would probably destroy any of my places workstations

Anonymous No. 920711

I haven't heard of D5 desu
Give me a quick rundown

Anonymous No. 920712

It was the first [?] real time arch viz ray traching package but then twinmotion came out with ray tracing literally 3-4months afterwards, I think it was free but then had a pro which had models (that twin then copied?)

Anonymous No. 920714

Idk if TM is paid now but iv had it for free since I was an early adopter I think.. been using it since tm 2016

Anonymous No. 920733

I looked at D5 a couple months ago. It's good... but... It doesn't really offer anything new other than what everyone else is doing.

Anonymous No. 920810

Any chance you could share that script, friendo?

the chair nerd No. 920825

Yes but show me a render of yours or a screenshot with >>920810 and I'll gladly post it. Contribute to the thread.

Anonymous No. 920826

Based answer

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Scn 26.png

Anonymous No. 920829


Talking about contributing I just ripped a laminate manufacturer's webpage so I got to download 100 distinct laminate wood textures. Previews are made in CoronaRender They are fairly good at 4800px x 2400px with no light baked. They are not seamless but laminate wood isn't either.
Enjoy /3/. 3SxgcYx

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Anonymous No. 920893

Fair enough, look at this sad curtain-less building.

the chair nerd No. 920919

Well done anon. Cheers.
Beware! This script is literal shit. It is not in any way implementation ready, save yo file before running oh lawd.
It is better to select the window objects first and then run the sript. If you have any questions fell free to askthem.

the chair nerd No. 920920


This was made in an afternoon. I never wrote the part for material id discrimination so I suggest you use open loop poly selection and then change that selection to polygons so you can discriminate between rods and curtains.

Anonymous No. 920929

Incredibly based, thank you.
I tried running it but get this error, maybe I'm doing something wrong
>Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined
>Line number: 389

the chair nerd No. 920932


Don't worry What version of max are you running?

the chair nerd No. 920933


Fixed. It was calling a nonexistent fucntion called offseter() download from the same link.

Anonymous No. 920942

Sweet, thank you again! It runs but doesn't create the dialogue box.
Just to make sure, I select any number of window volumes (not planes) and then run the thing, right?
Also gotta say that the name "cortinificador" is just perfect.

the chair nerd No. 920943

>It runs but doesn't create the dialogue box.
Tell me more.
>Just to make sure, I select any number of window volumes (not planes) and then run the thing, right?
In theory yes. What issues are you having. I'm curious now.

Anonymous No. 921002

Well there are no issues really, it runs with no problems, but once it runs it creates a bunch of different planes for blinds, curtains, etc. But no fancy dialogue window like what appeared on your webm.

the chair nerd No. 921004

Oh I see change the last line of the dialogue
"createDialog DankLowResCurtainMaker pos:[1990,200]" this sets the coordinates of the dialogue. It's position is set to x=1990 so its higher than hd screens
If I would write a more decent script I would account for smaller screens and dual screen setups Then Hit the "Process Button".

the chair nerd No. 921005

The last line of the script I meant

Anonymous No. 921006

Yes! That was it, it's working perfectly. Thanks a lot dude.

the chair nerd No. 921008

Good. Tell me if you have any issues. If you find it cool I may feel compelled to make a more stable version of it.

Anonymous No. 921009

No issues so far! And you have something very cool here, you could definitely make some decent money if you polish it and sell it.

Anonymous No. 921012

Sketchup has node based modeling now
Revit is cancelled

>Only available in web browser
>Can't change parameters inside skp without being connected to internet

Unironically what were they thinking

Anonymous No. 921026

god i hate sketchup

Anonymous No. 921028

Does anyone have any insight on how twinmotion will be integrated into Revit? The keynote mentioned it but just kind of left it there. Im curious to see if it’s better than enscape.

Anonymous No. 921039

I thought Revit already had a TM plugin like skp does

Anonymous No. 921076

Do you guys work freelance? What are the best sites to search for freelance archviz jobs? I already know is sucks major dick

the chair nerd No. 921095

Don't. I have the trick for you. 1.Build a decent portfolio, website and a nice presentation. 2. Practice your pitch. What are the advantages of your services as an archviz. 3. Build a pricing structure to prepare for commisions and contracts. 4.Search for architecture, construction and design firms in your area and ask for a quick meeting and or the opportunity to talk with the peraon in charge of proyect sales and or marketing. 5.Profit. This is not how you do archviz, thia is how you start ANY services business. I still can't believe people rely on noobtraps like BE YOUR OWN INTERMEDIARY. Dude I literally work for 3 of the 10 biggest construction firms in my country. The only people who look for providers on those pages are cheap bastards, the clients that are worth something don't search for providers they expect to be contacted. Search in google for the story of Accuracy International.

Anonymous No. 921100

Well I live in a shithole country, so even the payments from cheap fucks on freelancing sites are still pretty decent for the living costs here.
I will still take your advise tough and try to find clients on my own first.

Anonymous No. 921103

Lets compare shitholes. Mine has a poverty rate of 39% and the 4th highest corporate tax in the world. You can't get more shitty than that.

Anonymous No. 921108

what's a good idiot-proof program to create 3d custom model of rooms and houses? I wanna make minimalist houses like those in japan.

I use linux or might use vm if it's lightweight.

the chair nerd No. 921110

I never considered my job about making a living its about starting a business. Do you want to live on a job to job basis? How about opening yourself to the opportunity of working for the big leagues. Every shithole has a constrctuon industry at least unless you live in Vebezuel, cuba or some shit like that.
Trimble Skp

Anonymous No. 921113

Ok, you win, not by much but the shithole trophy is yours. Congratulations.
I work at a small company and pay is pretty bad so I was thinking of going my own way. From what I've seen bigger companies here just hire freelancers anyways. So if I'm going to freelance might as well try to aim for clients abroad.

Anonymous No. 921154

Thoughts on IG for portfolio use?
Rn, I use IG quite a lot but only for talking to a handful of specific friends and I follow a bunch of relevant 3d related tags.
So I only have people I know kinda well followed and following me at the moment, I think it's like 60/50.
I have a fair few posts but it's random stuff, nothing 'offensive' but it is under my real name.
Should I start adding past shit iv made to the IG, even just flood it with shit iv done that looks good and turn it into a more professional IG or make a new one entirely?
How do I even go about getting legit followers on IG? Just making sure I tag my work?

My current idea is either flood my existing IG with stuff, it's probably gonna be 15-20 posts some with multiple images and relevant tags OR; Make a new IG and follow a bunch of archvis stuff then make just one new post every day or so of my content with proper tags.

Idk, I suck at social media.
What brought this on was getting invited a party with a family member who is tangentially in the Industry and being introduced to a bunch of people who all asked for my IG to see my stuff, they weren't put off when I gave my Behance instead but it was clear they all use IG as the primary. Was a bit of a surprise to me. I work/have worked at the same company for 4 years tho and they are all mostly freelance/contract though some are clearly more talented from looking at their shit.

Anonymous No. 921166

what image viewer is that

Anonymous No. 921169

Who the fuck has their computer set up like this?

Otherwise, looks cozy AF No. 921170

>sketchup is shit
4 u.

Anonymous No. 921176


Anonymous No. 921187

Good to see arc-bros better more attention on this board. I remember posting my uni stuff years ago here and it getting basically no replies :(

>whatcha modelling
Whatever the boss tells me to. New project almost every week. Just finished a rooftop render from a penthouse in London.

>whatcha designing
Don't do much designing, and will be surprised if any other arc-bros do. Designing is usually left to the client, with you filling in the gaps.
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
Max 2023. But I've used most 3d software you'd expect for arcvis. Honestly not much different. If you make nice renders it's going to max, in-house or fast: rhino, 3rd world: twin motion or other 'game' engines.

Sorry, can't post work, or risk doxing.

Anonymous No. 921265

Is unreal used in this field?

Anonymous No. 921266

Yeh, for realtime. Twinmotion is also technically unreal now.

Anonymous No. 921270

Is it already good enough for stills and animations?

Anonymous No. 921291


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Anonymous No. 921293

We made it bros

Anonymous No. 921311

Is ArchViz a good career path? How hard is it to get into?

Anonymous No. 921318

One of the easier ones as there's a deficit of artists atm.

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Anonymous No. 921374

The house I just bought. Time to figure out what I'm going to do with it.

the chair nerd No. 921385

Looks at least 45 degrees latitude. Cheers anon congratulations on your new house.

Anonymous No. 921402

Thanks bud! I might be a little off then; it should be about 55°, I did eyeball it though!

Anonymous No. 921410

Bump for this, I am really shit at social media and not sure what way to go with ig

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Anonymous No. 921411

I use blender and i do scenes just for fun, here's one i made today

Anonymous No. 921412

Is there no exit to the balcony there? Why the cross hatch on the lower half if that's not the balcony railing behind

Anonymous No. 921413

My IG followers are my friends in my class lmao, but occasionally I'd get a follow or two from a fellow designer. I also have a friend that did dailys/weeklys for a few months and actually managed to bag a thousand followers.

Also wouldn't it be more professional if you'd had a website to showcase your work? Perhaps i guess younger people are more incline to use socials.

Anonymous No. 921428

Yes, probably. I'm 31 and the group of people I met are late 20s, but still.

So any thoughts of whether I should make a new IG or just use my personal one?

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scene 01.png

Anonymous No. 921442

i fucking SUCK

Anonymous No. 921479

does your floor have a bump map?

Anonymous No. 921484

Do you pay for it?

Anonymous No. 921485

Chica lista. I've also done maxscript but I'm a retard and 2 months after completing the task I can't remember syntax anymore

Anonymous No. 921492

You don't. You just lack references.
Yes. But more importantly max pays for my mortgage, my shit my wife's shit and our trips. So yes I'm legit.
Chica lista será su abuela. Yes I code occasionally so I always have to remember basic stuff but with a code library it's not that hard.

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Anonymous No. 921604


I'm trying to figure out how to display 3d renders in VR for showcasing to clients. Like, I want the costumer to wear a headset.. And be able to get a 360 VR immersive view of the scene and model..

But at the same time I want the highest possible render quality.

How tf. do I achieve that? I mean, I guess I could load a model into a game engine, but then it looks like shit cause its not rendere properly..

So do I first render.. Then, ah.. somehow put on the renders as.. I guess textures on new more simple models in a game engine? It seems like such a wonky solution..

What keyword am I missing here?

Anonymous No. 921612

Literally is one of the main selling points of twinmotion. You can use presenter to set up how the experience the scene in VR mode too.
Of course, it's all realtime, quality is going to be limited by that but it's really good. For the ease of the setup, much better than the next best thing which I believe is unity and for that, you have to know how to basic a whole lot of stuff

Anonymous No. 921613


Thanks for responding. Not even joking, I have on my travels around googling keywords on my own, bookmarked the twinmotion DL site to return to when Im at one of my better workstations to setup.
Thanks for confirming im working towards the right place.

Since you seem knowledable about this subject - Do you have any tips for 3dsmax -> twinmotion?

Anonymous No. 921622

No, sorry, I only use skp > tm but Im pretty sure there is the livelink functionality between 3ds and TM

Livelink plugin sends your model to TM, then if you make a change in the 3ds model and you have both programs open you can press the update button inside 3ds or your modeling program to send the updated changes quickly to tm
Tm will reload the scene with your changes
Make lots of saves because idk how it works with 3ds, early on there were issues with the skp livelink reverting too many of the changes you made inside tm such as materials when you updated the skp model
Anyway tm uses pbr so as long as you are following pbr workflow in 3ds your shit should look as you expect in tm, there are probably a whole lot of things you'll need to test with modifiers though, I don't know enough about max for how that will affect the models in tm when you do the quick send, but if you import as fbx or obj they will come as you expect.
Also things you'll want to test are coordinate import settings. In skp for example it's important I have this stuff organized so when I am working with multiple imports from skp things are coming in at the locations they would be expected. This is really important for larger projects obviously.

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the chair nerd No. 921628

>Do you have any tips for 3dsmax -> twinmotion.

I don't use rt as a part of my services. I rely on self made webgl made experiences. In my client's book there is no use for an immersive experience if you can't send it massively over a phone.

But I can tell you one thing. Learn the shit out of geometry optimization, and texel density. I know twinmotion does this part automatically for in-engine assets and textures but not for ad-hoc models and textures. So yeah. Geometry optimization and texel density.

Anonymous No. 921638

Do you have that pic in better quality, it looks interesting but I can't red any of the text

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not the chair nerd I did not illegaly share this No. 921656

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the chair nerd No. 922031

So I'm finally I have some time to make progress on an apartment I'm renovating for my mum. I'll share my progress and some images.
I'd like to know if there are some /arch/bros in /3/.

Anonymous No. 922039

Yeah post full plan. Why not cad btw?

Anonymous No. 922040

Quattro bano???
Dios mio

the chair nerd No. 922043

Not yet and no CAD sorry I wont share that metadata.

Yeah. We sure do shit a lot.

Anonymous No. 922046

No, why aren't you using AutoCAD Is what I was asking.

the chair nerd No. 922047

Oh sorry I'm an idiot. I use Archicad only because that's what I learned in uni. I also know how to use AutoCAD but I've always designed pland in archicad. No metaphysical reason.

Anonymous No. 922048

Fair enough, I've not used Archicad but if you already know it and it does the job no reason to swap.

Anonymous No. 922242

Bump for my question, I'm still unsure if I should make a professional IG instead of using my personal one

Anonymous No. 922243

Separate your work life from your personal one. Simple as that. Start another instagram. I dont have any social media accounts. Even youtube or twitter. My business has but I do not and I enjoy every inch of freedom I have.

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the chair nerd No. 922574

Now I post full plan. All other systems are done, plumbing, electrical, gas etc. Now on to fixed furniture.
There are 30 pieces of custom carpentry that I have to design but the overall fit-out is done.

the chair nerd No. 922575

This is an old 1970's building.
There are structural differences between both plans because the original plan was made using the original construction plans and verifying some measures. After demolishing some wall we found some nasty surprises that modified the original plan such as sewage piping inside a closet wall. The architects of this building sure were smoking something hard back then.

Anonymous No. 922866

Let's say I start doing some artsy images like Mir. How hard would it be to actually get clients that like that stuff?

Anonymous No. 922909

Depends how good you are at networking and marketing yourself

Anonymous No. 922911

I mainly use skp for work, it's studios choice. Lately I have had issues with the quality of showing what's going on inside windows in exterior scenes.
I'm talking very large screens, like multiple apartments, villas etc.
Obviously furnishing each is a huge increase on the load, where do people find those kind of stock interior images you can put on the insides of windows?
Also bonus if there is any skp plugin with integration for this kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 922936

>White lines on cyan background
Look, good man, hard to review without knowing the requirements etc.
The only thing I saw would how close the guest room is to the kitchen, won't that be annoying?

Anonymous No. 922938

Can you get parallax maps in SketchUp? If not you could jank it yourself by making 3 planes behind the window with different furniture with alpha maps to simulate depth.

Anonymous No. 922939

Sorry, problem isn't with the creation of a single one, it's ways to quickly add variation to 100+ windows

Anonymous No. 922941

Ive done this a few times. Clients love it.

Not full VR though. I work in an arch practice and we use Revit to make the 3D model and then export it to lumion to render.

Its great putting the lumion model up on screen and walking clients thru the building. Just use WASD keys and mouse to look. really intuitive

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Anonymous No. 922942

Recent project i ran.

>concept image

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Anonymous No. 922943


>completed building

Anonymous No. 922946

Nice, same reason we use twinmotion in presentations. The VR isn't worth the setup but letting clients fly through their shit like a game always bangs

Anonymous No. 922948

thanks anon. not used twinmotion, looks cool tho.

so for this anon >>921604 hopefully you have some answers.

3D softwares liken lumion, twinmotion, enscape will allow you to create a very good looking 3D model you can walk / fly around.

go make something cool.

Anonymous No. 922954

>he fell for the twinmotion meme
why. datasmith works in UE4/UE5 just as good. you got way more control there as opposed to tw*nmotion. and once you've done the entire setup/preset once, its just as fast.

Anonymous No. 922963

Skp > tm is way simpler than skp > ue, and the reality is that once you have your file set up in tm, you can then take it to ue from there

the chair nerd No. 922970

Nice shit anon. I hardly ever get to make those type of buildings. Does your firm contract external work? The situation in my country is shit and the construction industry may come to a complete halt in 2023. And with a dollar here you can buy pretty much 2 houses a car, 3 horses and 20 ships (figuratively speaking).

the chair nerd No. 922971

Thx but that aint the guest room. Thats is a service room for a nurse. My mom is old and sometimes needs a stay home nurse for some treatments.
>White lines on cyan background
Yep. Cliche.

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Anonymous No. 922995

2nd year student here designing a discovery centre
I only use sketchup for quick test models and diagrams other than that Revit is king
What is the consensus here on Revit?

Anonymous No. 922997

Do you remake in Revit or do you move the model over
If Revit is king why don't you use it from the start?

Anonymous No. 922999

Its just a massing model to show my lecturers what Ive done
Ill probably just transfer my site model with the massing to Revit and remake the model with all the joineries since im an autist for complex timber joineries.
Both skp and Revit has its uses desu

Anonymous No. 923002

Why the tilt inwards
I hope you have something good to catch rain runoff or it's in a very dry area, where I live that would suck and would turn whatever is in the middle into a muddy pit

Anonymous No. 923003

Hmm now that you mention it
What about a gutter system?
I dont think it would look good with the roof tilting outwards desu

Anonymous No. 923004

I understand the look, just thinking practically. You gotta make sure you have good drainage if your going all in like that.

Anonymous No. 923006

I'd say I would divert flow to a single point and connect a pipe to a coloumn leading onto the ground.
Honestly I don't think im supposed to consider runoff as of now as a 2nd year but it would surely impress some people

Anonymous No. 923007

If this was a design you were supposed to come up with yourself, then you should be thinking about it.
Too many early students focus only on meme designs but architecture needs to be practical as well.
What side of your project is north facing? Is it taking advantage of the sun in that outside area? You can add in geo coords in skp.

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Anonymous No. 923022

I posted here before, what do you guys think about this one, it's a recreation of a classic liminal image

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Anonymous No. 923024

Its nice. Is the skylight supposed to be natural or artificial?
What is that red cabinet? FIre?
Its nice overall. I think that the trick to doing liminal spaces resides in getting an ominous feeling of "the presence of nothingness". That can be achieved with a key protagonist light and good composition. Picrel is for me the best example..

Anonymous No. 923026

It's nice to look at but I don't love whatever the skylight thing is supposed to be

Anonymous No. 923027

To the twinmotion users here, what do you do for decals for pathtracing?
Iv taken to just creating them as planes in skp (specifically road markings) then slapping them where needed and applying a painted asphalt material inside tm to them.

Anonymous No. 923048

Based in Aus. We do contract some grunt work to external drafting teams. weve a team in indonesia and one in vietnam.

Mixed results tbf. drafters arent paid to make decisions so they need alot of coaching and it almost makes it not worth the effort.

Anonymous No. 923051

fuck the skylight off or make it dark.

the chair nerd No. 923076

Thanks. Yeah. I was currently looking at the current state of freelance but it is not worth it. Too many pajeets and li's only eating rice for plans and renderings. I have my own small business since 2016 and we provide for big construction companies but this economy demands alternate sources of income. You would cry with the currency rates in my country. A gtx 4090 is almost worth a year's minimum wage.

Anonymous No. 923149

exactly that. we dont even bother including renders in our fees. the clients can get it done themselves for 10% of the cost. Less hassle for us also.

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Anonymous No. 923258

Here's the original picture btw
The sky was supposed to be a screen
Also your correct about the cabinet
I agree with you, light and composition are the key to a good liminal space

Anonymous No. 923262

I think you gotta make it more clear it's a screen, in the original pic you posted its just so overpowering and doesn't fit with the rest of the image

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the chair nerd No. 923269

Yep. If its a screen why not make it more ominous. Maybe change the textutecto static and decay lifht with a blue glare? I dunno but it looks promising.

Col_newb No. 923273

Hey Chair nerd, i've been lurking the thread for some time now, figured I could ask you a couple things since we're both Colombian

(Esas torres VIS tienen el tipico diseño moderno colombiano, y ví el transmilenio en el render del principio jejeje)

He trabajado de freelance para diseñadores locales y compañias para hacer renders basicos y trabajando planos, pero quiero conseguir un trabajo real

Que programas están usando las constructuras y como rayos consigo un trabajo en archviz?

He tomado full cursos y sé Revit, Archicad, Photoshop, Twinmotion y hago los renders en Blender+Sketchup

Me especializo en animaciones con Unreal Engine pero nadie quiere pagarme por hacerlas T-T

the chair nerd No. 923311

Hombre que bien. Pues ahorita con la situa no estamos contratando.
>Como rayos consigo un trabajo en archviz
Ojo esa es la pregunta incorrecta. En éste momento las constructoras están de capa caida y los estudios de archviz que yo conozco estan saliendo de gente asi que buscar camello en un estudio está un poco de para arriba. Lo mejor que puede hacer es construir un buen portafolio que tenga una gama de interiores y exteriores comerciales, residenciales y corporativos. La ultima vez que hice una convocatoria de portafolios me llegaron como 200 asi que la competencia es puta y muy pocos sobresalen. Tenga buena presentacion personal, no sepa sólo de programas sino de arquitectura, sepa qye dimensiones tiene un mueble de cocina etc, he visto muchos genios de los renders que no saben nisiquiera la altura de un mesón.
>Quiero conseguir un trabajo real
Esta seguro? Vea yo ya estoy engrampado con mi empresa y hacer freelance se me hace jodido pero hoy en día con éste dolarr mas le vale buscar en upwork o en betterpros algo, acuerdese que un salario le cuesta un 60% mas a un empleador asi que si ud pide 2palos su trabajo le cuesta a su empleador como 3.2 palos sin contar las licencias de software. Por otro lado conozco gente joven en upwork que con flexibilidad y desde casa se gana alrededor de 250 usd a la semana haciendo trabajos pequeños a gringos.
Por otro lado las industrias creativas en éste pais no son estables, ni siquiera yo como empresario tengo el trabajp asegurado en este platanal.
>Hago renders en blender
Chroma, ekoomedia, vika, umbra todos esos estudios trabajan con 3ds max y con vray o corona asi que si quiere mandar la hoja de vida alla le toca aprender.
>Hago animaciones en unreal y nadie me las compra
En Colombia la gente no paga por eso si no está acompañado de una propiluesta de mercadeo. Colombia es un país donde los primeros indios son los gerentes de mercadeo y ellos todavía le compran las ideas a las agencias de mercadeo ellas si buscan ue

the chair nerd No. 923314

Otra cosa si votó por Petro ojala siga desempleado toda su hijueputa vida. Y no no onions uribista. Ese malparido y todos sus colegas tambien son bandidos.
No le puedo dar mis datos porque 4chan no es el sitio pwro no dude en preguntarme vainas yo lurkeo 4chan por temporadas.

Anonymous No. 923319

fair enough with the TM to UE workflow

🗑️ Anonymous No. 923326

How do you guys handle big projects? I've only been doing interiors and single buildings, but I'm about to sign a shopping center with residential buildings. I'm not sure if Max is the best tool to render such big scenes. Would it be better to use Clarisse for the Rendering?

Can't really share my recent work, just this generic render.

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Anonymous No. 923328

How do you guys handle big projects? I've only been doing interiors and single buildings, but I'm about to sign a shopping center with residential buildings. I'm not sure if Max is the best tool to render such big scenes. Would it be better to use Clarisse for the Rendering?

Can't really share my recent work, just this generic render.

the chair nerd No. 923337

Max IS the tool to handle such scenes. Just make sure to manage well your xrefs and optimized proxies.
As far as I know Clarisse is just a pipeline of what you can do manually or at least para metrically using max's proprietary containers.

the chair nerd No. 923338

Also tell me if you would want a Latino monkey to offload some of the work. We are open for work.

Anonymous No. 923339

Yeah, most of the scenes I work on are around 10-20 mil polys with proxies objects. Make sure to disable textures in the viewport if it gets too slow.

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Sin título.png

Anonymous No. 923367

>whatcha modelling
interiors for remos.
>whatcha rendering
finishing, finishings is what leaves money, wood panels, wallcoverings, marble covers...
>whatcha designing
guest bathroom
>what software ya using and what software is SHIT
3ds max and autocad

the chair nerd No. 923377

Nice one anon. Buena esa.

Col_newb No. 923388

Ah caramba, no sabía que la sitación estaba tan mal. Yo estoy buscando algo de estabilidad pero no sabía que había tanta competencia

Con lo de Petro la inversión extranjera caerá por el futuro cercano, tiene sentido que las constructoras no quieran meterle plata ahora

Tocará seguir freelance. Pero hey, gracias por los nombres de las plataformas esas, quizás consiga algo mejor ahí.

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Back Day.jpg

Col_newb No. 923390

Btw uno de los trabajos que hice para un cliente de Costa Rica. Esto es considerado buena calidad en Colombia o aún me falta por mejorar?

the chair nerd No. 923406

La calidad está bien. Realmente yo no veo eso en un portafolio. Cualquiera puede sacar una buena imagen en 2 semanas. Los estudios como Chroma miram mucho el tema de que sepa hacer algo bueno en poco tiempo y siguiendo bien las instrucciones por eso sin importar el protafolio realizan usualmente una prueba.
Esa imágen le da para pasar el primer filtro en un estudio de visualización si.

the chair nerd No. 923407

Metale cariño a los carros y al pasto y ojo con el fondo que se nota que tiene una raya en todo el centro..

the chair nerd No. 923408

No es tanto por el tema de la inversión extranjera sino el tema del iva que si no se puede descontar, se tira el margen de las constructoras. Construir vis en colombia literal es ganarse la devolucion del iva.

Anonymous No. 923414

What a wholesome thread this has become

Anonymous No. 923448

No fuk you this is 4chan

Anonymous No. 923498


Onions otro anon,
Se ve bien, el pedo es que lo quieren en chinga (como siempre todo para ayer), y quieren que tu "aportes" para eso "te pagan", después tu avanzas sin que nadie te haya especificado materiales o detalles mas específicos. No les gusta porque pues todos diseñamos diferente o porque no se entendio bien. Va otra vez para atrás. No hay un estandar como las tiendas retail.

Anonymous No. 924056

ffs shitv*dia.

the chair nerd No. 924086


This is why I only update shit once a year. And I do it around july when my workload is low.

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Anonymous No. 925350

hope my laptop doesnt explode from all the structural framing im putting

Anonymous No. 925437

Any of you modeling your own plants? I've done a couple but generally didn't like how much effort it took and just bought packs instead.

Maybe now that I'm a little more familiar with blender's geometry nodes I should look into it again since the controllable randomization would take some of the load off.

Also I wish ugly plants were more available. I know they're primarily all aimed at commercial work so everything's nice and trim and green but I'm more interested in plants in the wild and not in a manicured landscape.

Anonymous No. 925575


What is this?

Anonymous No. 925577


Anonymous No. 925578

i get $20 a month, is good pc necessary for architecture?

no degree, highschool dropout

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Anonymous No. 925592

Some visitor centre for my final project.
my main intention is exposed timber joinery so im going autist mode on the structural framing
what do you think?

Anonymous No. 925661

In 8 years I have only 'modelled' a single plant for a job and it was a real specific pine that was old and sloped and a feature of the property
By modelled I mean I took that tree separately into blender and scaled and bent it so it looked like it did irl.

Every thing else we always use premade, making vege is a huge waste of time for arch.

Anonymous No. 925662

I can't imagine finding work as an architect without a relevant degree.

Anonymous No. 925677

What do you guys use to document your projects? I'm currently using Sketchup but I'm growing tired of layout's bullshit and wonky workflow.

Anonymous No. 925680

that's not how water works

the chair nerd No. 925686

If you are talking about the caustics those are not even calculated. I've baked them into the mosaic material because this client always asks for them even if they make no sense.

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Anonymous No. 925853

>mfw had to install older shitv*dia drivers for lumion to even work

the chair nerd No. 925872

Make sure to interpolate those floor objects in rvt before exporting.

Also thx for sharing, what semester is this? This gets me many memories from 10 years ago. Shit I'm old.

Anonymous No. 925875

Semester 3
Its just a render for my interim submission
My Uni is pushing us to use 3dsmax but I find it horrible and the ART renderer only uses cpu

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the chair nerd No. 925880

I'm currently making a custom kitchen design for my mum. This is the first version.

the chair nerd No. 925881

Yeah that pushing is shit. Use what software suits you.
Ok I ain't spoiling the rest of the career but take it as a general and uninterested advice: Simple morphologies are far superior to parametric ones.
What I mean by that is that your building looks like a typical 3-4 semester building where every point in the architectural program is met but the resulting shape of the building is not harmonious. In the later semesters and in life you'll learn that meeting architectural programs to the sq ft is the most idiotic thing anyone do because simple volumes and simple spaces are far more useful because they are far more flexible.
Don't take this the wrong way,I had a similar exercise in 3rd semester where a ramp requirement had to be met and all student sumbissions (including mine) where awfull deformed buildings with long ass ramps on the perimeter. It is ok because right now the best thing you can learn is meeting a program.

Anonymous No. 925883

I think my entire batch hates ramps, even the one disabled student on a wheelchair hates them too.

One more question, do you know how to make corrugated roof sheets that are cut in an angle, i can always use sweep on a cad profile but its just straight. I might just use bump maps to make it seem its corrugated

the chair nerd No. 925885

I am an Archicad dude so I don't have the ultimate answer. If revit you can always convert the extruded/sweep element into a mass element and then perform a boolean operation onto it.

the chair nerd No. 925886

In 3ds max its pretty straightforward.

Anonymous No. 925937

I'm an architect, graduated 2019 and kinda in the process of taking over the family firm. Also got a small archviz studio with 3 employees.
I'm trying to get my architecture firm to adapt BIM and finally switch to a more 3d oriented workflow. We use Vectorworks which can do all the BIM stuff but it's an absolute slog to work with. Everything is hidden away in some overcomplicated menu and it's just not fun to work with the software. Even 3ds max feels smooth as fuck in comparison. So since there are apparently other architects here: what CAD software do you find most enjoyable to use? Which is the most responsive, with the best or most user friendly UI?
Architecture is solved anyway but the softwares are just so ass. It's 2022, why can't I just select my site in a satellite view and have all the relevant data streamed into my CAD package? Why do I have to make my own styles for walls and windows and shit when I could just download curated ones directly from some workshop?
The entire workflow needs to be updated to the 21st century and integrated with modern tools. Rn architecture is like 1% design and the rest is fighting software and regulations. Fuck I should be able to sculpt some shapes in VR or on a fucking iPad and then just designate surfaces as walls and floors while an AI figures out the details

Anonymous No. 925941

thats alot of words to say
"Im roleplaying"

You can download dataset from satelite but that shit will be unusable for fine detail work that architects do.

the chair nerd No. 925944

I've worked with vectorworks many years ago. Didn't notice they where still around but hell I remember it has arcane.I aint gonna advertise software but you should try not a single sotware but program combinations. By this I mean that there is no silver bullet when it comes to architecture and archviz because they are separate industries but also software manufacturers wont even try to make the perfect cad software that builds up to code, makes parametric modelling, does rt, and also makes slick renderings. Even 3ds max wich is considered a swiss army knife cant handle the most basic line proyection viewports because its not meant for cad. Revit is to some, the ultimate arch design program but locks you in a bad relationship where revit isnt even compatible with himself. You take a typical arch firm nowadays and they'll use rhino/max/autocad/revit/unreal/archicad/sketchup all at the same time and will make it work somehow. There is no perfect workflow because not all teams are the same. What matters is to output plans, details, animations, renders, vr experiences and everything for the devellopment/promotion of a proyect in a way that works for the team and the business. For everything else you can always outsource to my company :)

Anonymous No. 926166

I'm not lapping and such data being useless is part of my point. For example, Vectorworks has a geolocation feature and is able to connect to GIS services but it's convoluted as fuck and I can't get it to work properly, or the government services are not responding correctly. But there are videogames where you can pick any spot on the world and plan railways or bus lines and it will just get the data from open street maps. Or flight simulator that just streams it. Of course it's not detailed enough because it doesn't have to be, but government data IS detailed enough, just not accessible. Hell, here in Germany we still sometimes have to call a gov office to order .dwg files of a site..

We're doing OK using Vectorworks for most things, supplemented with Adobe stuff for layouts and such, and of course the whole 3ds vray pipeline for Archviz. VWX just feels kinda clumsy and unresponsive, so if we're going to start with BIM, I figured it might be a decent chance to switch to a program that might be more responsive, if such thing even exists. A big client asked us to use Revit too but I'm reluctant because my older employees would probably not be able to handle it.
I guess I'm just annoyed that so much time is spend dealing with software and other technical issues when other fields seem to have way more advanced solutions. Like why can't I sculpt a site plan with some intuitive tools? Why can't my software automatically retrieve site data from government? Why is there no established market place for real life building parts, like the steam workshop would be a good example, where I can just subscribe to things and have them ready to use?
Anyway, to anyone who has used revit, how smooth and responsive is it to use?

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the chair nerd No. 926364

Just won a huge contract to make viz for 8000+ social housing. Currently making one of the 4 apartment layouts with structural materials.

INB4 Social housing is cheap as hell in my country so it uses only concrete slabs and the rest is structural brickwork.

How's social hosing in your country /viz/?

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Anonymous No. 926366

What's the best software to model a house plan in?

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Anonymous No. 926374

Help me out here
Blinds or no blinds?

the chair nerd No. 926383


Anonymous No. 926404

They look hideous imo

Anonymous No. 926406

They look odd because they seem to just attach to the timber framing with no housing or anything. But the timber framing itself looks odd, because that's not how actual framing works. Wood can't clip through other wood. You should look up some reference pictures and construction details

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Anonymous No. 926488

Kengo Kuma did it though

Anonymous No. 926510

Fair enough

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Anonymous No. 926543


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Anonymous No. 926737

how do i make it not stand out?
If i modeled everything in the background in lumion and put trees and grass surely my gpu would explode

Anonymous No. 926880

The curtains ? Give them some transparency or roll more of them up or btkh

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Anonymous No. 926917

ik this is not a technical problem thread but holy shit has anyone had this happen to them before?

my rhino 7 is suddenly crashing after opening any file. i can open a blank file and work on it but that's it.
and what's weirder, all curves and edges are also invisible now unless i hover over them.
this all happened today out of nowhere. i was working on a layout, moving the details and bam. it was working perfectly before what the hHECK. i have to render my project TODAY

i guess ill just reinstall rhino because this is beyond fucked up

Anonymous No. 926919

oh did i mention that not only it crashes but it also FREEZES MY WHOLE PC AND FORCES ME TO HARD REBOOT EVERY TIME?>

idont even care if anyone can help me i just have to vent my frustrations somewhere

Anonymous No. 926924

update: i reinstalled rhino from scratch. the problem somehow persists LOL

the chair nerd No. 926938

Reinstall your gpu drivers, directx and net framework.

the chair nerd No. 926940

This is tipical of a gpu driver fault. Also if case pc try to reseat your gpu and ram

the chair nerd No. 926943

>how do i make it not stand out?
That is the magic an archviz guy does. Not everything has to be in engine if still I suggest you put the background in post If you can get your hands into a drone. For the rest try and model a simple context in the background. Even boxes help a lot.

Anonymous No. 926948

I already tried gpu drivers and they werent it. Will try the other 2 though.

Sounds weird desu because it was working fine this morning but i guess software is weird like that.
Only thing that i can recall having potentially something to do, is that it first happened after importing detail views from one file into another. It had no problem at first but 10 mins later the first crash happened. I think the last thing i did was deleting one of the details.

But then again if the file was the problem, then why is every single file crashing?

the chair nerd No. 926950


What is your profession? I ask this question because archviz has become a job for me but even if it occupies 90% of my work time I don't consider it as a career. What I mean by this is that visualization in general is my career, my company and my job. If a client come to me wanting to visualize something it does not necessarily has to be architecture or civil engineering. My most enjoyable projects have been a mix of publicity work, video editing, animation, viz and creative writing.

You can start pretty easily as a freelancer but he most important questiong before starting is: Do I want to be an employee, do I want to freelance, do I want to have a company? I always wanted to be independent and have a little team at my command so the first thing I did was to search for an archviz position for a year at a design firm just to learn how to be a boss.

the chair nerd No. 926953

Another fix should be trying a restore point. Restore points are very useful specially for an viz machine that has a high probability of having fucked up registry, cracks and conflicting drivers.

I always recommend to have 100% of the assets in a separate drive or pc so your workstation can be fully restored without having to recover files, just installations.

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Anonymous No. 927040

Is this overkill?
Should I keep the sun in the back or no

the chair nerd No. 927042

I like it. But maybe a treeline in the same style?

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Anonymous No. 927069

what do you think

I find asking for feedback on this thread 100x better than messaging my tutor who answers 15 hours later. Down time because you cant progress forward waiting for feedback is truly a pain

Anonymous No. 927215

looks cool mang

Anonymous No. 927665

update: i fixed it by lowering my OpenGL settings on Rhino. it was apparently something to do with the latest AMD drivers being retarded

the chair nerd No. 927668

Yep. Sounded like a driver fault. I ve cursed my fair share on those.

Anonymous No. 927669

Got my first Internship for arch viz and it uses unreal. They told it's fine that i work in blender as well. Anytips you anons can bless me with for practicing?

the chair nerd No. 927671

Learn how to low poly. It can save your life.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 927672

Made in sketchup, this is my ideal city. I pour my heart and soul into every building, obviously not finished. It's mostly a sandbox where I test out different ideas on a basic city grid to see how it all looks.

Anonymous No. 927682

Do you mean retopology or just low poly in general? Isn't low poly the first thing to master ?

the chair nerd No. 927686

Low poly modeling in general if you like to modify, create custom assets for unreal. Yeah nanite is cool but it's not an excuse to not optimize your geometry.

>low poly the first thing to master ?
No not always. I know 'pros' that can't model for shit and only use libraries. Modelling, specially low poly/hight mesh quality will make your scenes simpler.

the chair nerd No. 927844

I have on my back 2 huge proyects that are due in december 10th and 18th. Currently only sleeping 3-5 hours a day and they are starting to blend together. This is the part I hate of working with latinos, we always save all the work for last. All my clients sit on their hands for 11 months and in december they expect me to deliver 11 months worth of shit. Good money but not sustainable. How do you guys deal with deadline pressure?

Anonymous No. 928593

>How do you guys deal with deadline pressure?
Mostly by taking Ritalin and crunching while becoming increasingly frustrated with my life choices. Also it's not a Latino problem because same thing happens here in germanistan

the chair nerd No. 928650


Yeah sure some arch viz clients do feel like alcohol. Once I deliver I'm like never again, but here I am. fml

Anonymous No. 928664

This stuff actually looks pretty fun. I've kinda always wanted to recreate my parent's house/childhood home in 3d. What's the best way to get started?

Anonymous No. 928670

Not waiting 11 months to actually begin a project

Anonymous No. 928671

Pretty sure you can use the web version of skp totally free, it has all the features you'd need to learn.

the chair nerd No. 928677

Obviously. But that is budget spending 101 for companies. What I mean is that they always realize in November that they must spend their viz budget on something and they send me 11 months worth of unfinished info or whatever and expect me to deliver by December. Normally social housing projects launch in January when potential buyers receive their layoff money.
The only person to blame is me because I always accept but literally 80% of my annual income comes in just 1 month, its crazy.

the chair nerd No. 928678

Why archilife has to be like this. Did we piss of some deity? Good thing is that I found a way to charge for my clients procrastination. I now have a deadline markup and I'm realizing clients will pay you even 30% more if you let them deliver the info late.

Anonymous No. 928687

As someone who's doing Viz and architecture, I can tell you that it's the same shit everywhere, archviz is just a bit more downstream. Basically clients of architects take a huge dump in the river, architects try and deal with it but since they're humans they just inevitably add more shit and it all comes floating down to the viz people

the chair nerd No. 928693

You have said it. I always tell my clients that the magic of archviz is not creating beautiful images it's reconciliating the standards of architecture, the requirements of marketing (usually my client) and the lack of imagination of management, all for an image the average customer does not look in detail.

This is why usually a good image for a construction company end up sometimes being uglier than the first draft. It's hard to make a 120000sqft project look palatable when the client tells you management did no approve of any trees in the images.

Anonymous No. 928740

hi guys, I'm new to BIM and I was wondering if you could help me with a nice revit home model that I can get a nice template from?

Anonymous No. 928808

Been there
Sucks when there are really really idealistic like pre planning concept renders of the locations. Then you look at your final realistic ones in comparison to the concepts which always look better and it feels pretty bad, even though they gave you all the fucking restrictions.

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the chair nerd No. 928811

Yep it's a process I call uglyfiying the project. Your first version is good cuz it has composition, good lightings, correct shadows. And the final version has no composition whatsoever, ugly camera angle and idiotic lighting because shadows do not exist.
I've managed to convince a couple of clients to stop ruining images by sending them version 1 vs v24 in a followup mail and tell the to choose their favourite.
It's been a problem for ever in the sevices industry: client hires the expert, expert delivers a product, client think he knows better, everybody works double.

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the chair nerd No. 928964

3ds Max crashed for the 15th time this week yay. Just lost hours of work cuz autobacks where corrupted.

While waiting to restart I'm sharing a preview of a project I'm working on. I've only got 3 buildings out of 30. They share architecture but are not the same so I have to be smart about my xrefs.

the chair nerd No. 928965

Humm I'll search for someting that has no problem with the original deisgner.

I've already shared some plans in this thread but those where form a company that went bankrupt and one of the admins is in jail lol.

What version of revit are you rocking. I think that autodesk's user page has sample projects for revit.

the chair nerd No. 928968


Yep here they are. Not to be offensive but why the fuck people don't google shit.

Anonymous No. 929047

Bruh just save manually. I compulsively save like every other minute.

Iktf. The worst projects for me are those that get one iteration after the other, and absolutely pointless changes. Doing interior viz for a shopping mall rn and we're at the stage where the lamps should be different color and the tiles on the floor need to exactly match the plans, meanwhile construction of the actual thing is already underway. Like do you really need me to change the color of some seat cushions? Does that really have an impact on your 300 million project?
The absolute worst is if they start to mess with the lighting tho... fuuuuuck

the chair nerd No. 929048

>Bruh just save manually. I compulsively save like every other minute.
Yeah no. Try that with a 700mb file even with proxys on a small office network already collapsed by the render nodes. I just need the program to save for me or I would never get myself to save it.
At least autoback saves locally on my workstation but it's not practical to save the file locally and the every instance copy it to the network.

>start to mess with the lighting tho

I feel you bro. Just take a moment and show them all the versions in a single sheet and tell them to identify the latest. I did that once with a client, he felt offended but understood my point and lowered the versions.

Anonymous No. 929060

Fortunately we run on a 10gb network so even large scenes load and save relatively fast. Like sub 10 mins is fast lol, we tried 3ds 2023 and ditched it again after a scene took 45 mins to load. But we disabled atuoback because we found it too disruptive and annoying

>lowered the versions.
Working on that but it's a hard sell, since the client of the archies also keeps making changes..

the chair nerd No. 929095

>client of the archies also keeps making changes

Yep shit keeps piling up. Nice one ,I do have a 10gb adapter on each workstation and node but I'm currently at a rented office with shit cat5 cables. Did a Synology to pc test and the latency doesn't justify buying a 10g switch for now if no renovation is done.

>we tried 3ds 2023
Dude never try a new version of max for at least a year has passed at least for serious projects.

I have a trick for you in order to make autoback more bearable:

Autosave.BailoutEnabled = false

It seems one of the big reasons autoback in max is slow is because it separates the file in data chunks that are compiled in the the header at the end of the process. By disabling the bailout, yes, you are tethered to an obligatory autoback but it's 10 times faster for me when I disable the bailout.

the chair nerd No. 929096


Just did a test with a 1.4gb scene (all proxies on memory), with bailout disabled it saves in 15 seconds. Without it saves in 1 minute.

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Anonymous No. 929290

Just completed my presentation
For a second year I feel like I did too much since most of my peers just did simple realistic renders
Doing an internship soon and theyre using Vectorworks but school made it impossible for me to learn the software

the chair nerd No. 929316

Nice work anon nice shit. This takes me back 10+ years ago when I presented my second year. In here arch is 5 years. If yours is similar the fun part begins in third year.

Anonymous No. 929319

Is Revit worth it for interior design?

Anonymous No. 929333

3 years bachelors 2 years masters
Our 3rd year seniors are suffering desu. Urban context + lots to research

the chair nerd No. 929363

Yes if your interior design is corporate office, large commercial fit-outs and systems integrations where you need to sum up quantities of electrica, data, sevices and measure installation quantities of glass paneling/ drywall.
If your interior design is decoration and small residential/work environments then revit is overkill, you can go with revit lt, archicad or even autocad.
If your interior design is strictly non architectural (ex furniture layout, cladding, wallpaper and basic finnishing) the even skp will do.\
Checked. Well I loved urban context research so I may be a little bit slanted.

Anonymous No. 929369

Nice dude, it's cool seeing your progress just by going back up the thread.

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Anonymous No. 930884

It's over for archvis 'artists'

the chair nerd (banned) No. 930908

Oh no its even up to client specifications.

Anonymous No. 930968

These look sick till you zoom in

Anonymous No. 931261

that ramp is killing me

as to vectorworks, just get inton all the window s that make it bim-able i guess.

Anonymous No. 931262

>two horizons
is that a davinci joke?

Anonymous No. 931590

shit in, shit out.

Diego A. Maradona No. 932023

Thank god, finally i found a forum to get advices from a archviz perspective.
My objetive is to get some freelances archviz job due i'm a last year architecture student and it would help me to earn in USD because my local currency really sucks, so anyway, my cuestion is this:
I got this pc and i want to improve it

i got this pc specs:
gtx 1650
ryzen 5 3600

and i want this:

rtx 3050
ryzen 7 3700

To consider that i'm use sketchup and vray to rendering more professionaly (i'm rendering only with cpu).
revit and twinmotion for quick renders for college.

is that a good improve?

the chair nerd No. 932028

Che boludo tu peso no vale tres litros de chota por votar por la chorra de Kirshner y su perro Fernandez. Votá por Milei vamos negro. Joke aside I always tell this to everyone trying to improve their workflow. I rock a ryzen 1700 system with an old 960 and I do archviz professionally. Why? Cuz I always offload rendering jobs to my render nodes wich are better than my workstation. It doesnt matter if you have a dual threadripper system as your main workstation If you are going to divide pc resources, render time and work time in the same pc. Its better to have a little render slave by your side, that will do wonders for your workflow. My suggestion, keep your old system and turn it into a render slave if that means you have to pay for a second mobo, psu and second set of ram. Setting up a little render network is for me the move to turn up your rendering game. Yeah a crazy good gaming pc will be faster but a rendering network sets you up to grow modular.

Diego A. Maradona No. 932031

Render slave is that they call render farm?

Anonymous No. 932032

Yeah a render node or slave is just one. A farm is just a collection of slaves, without all the cotton.

Diego A. Maradona No. 932033

thanks man, i will watch some youtube tutorials about that.
also i will vote milei for sure

the chair nerd No. 932035

Here you go campeón:
Also get one of these and you can start today:
Cheers mate.

Anonymous No. 932160

Student anon here
So im doing my internship right now and since they really like my hand drawings they want me to make interior perspectives. I expected to do computer renders desu
Thing is the architect wants me to make drawings with different materials and such so I resorted to using tracing paper which saves me a lot of time
I will never take Lumion for granted again

the chair nerd No. 932175

I think the old timer is fucking with you. He knows he is becoming obsolescent so hecis forcing you to work with a pen and papercto teach you someckind of lesson. If you feel bold enough try and pass a cg perspective with an ai style transfer of one of your drawings. Then after the praise tell him how you did it. He'll remember that day forever.

the chair nerd No. 932176

You can use this website.

Anonymous No. 932208

I know it's a super generic question, but how much do you charge per render? Assuming it's for a mid-grade professional rendering of a single house with basic surroundings.

the chair nerd No. 932209

It depends on the clients and your businessmodel. I never charge for a single render.
Imagine this situation:
A clients ask for a single image of a house with surroundings and all. You spend 30 hours modeling everything and rendering it and the the client asks for an image from the back side. Did you model the whole house? Does the client understand the process involved in creating an image etc etc.
This is why I always plan or propose my client a visualization program so I can understand the work involved and charge correctly for the imag
In my case I have clients that I charge on a image basis because their requirements and complexity are pretty standard but on other accounts I discriminate modeling, rendering, lighting as distincr items because the complexity is variable.
Look at this example: I once charged 1500 usd on a set of 21 images of an office building just because the model did not change and only variations of materials wanted to be explored from the client side. On the contrary I once charged 9000 usd on a single bathroom image just because the client wanted to showcase a smart toilet that had to be custom modeled to factory specs and it was for a large company.
My one advice is try to be honest and truthful with your client about your process but not on the level to reveal 100% your workflow. That is because the client wants to see some sense in your price structure but what always sets the price is the value that image gives to the client. You can charge more to bigger clients not because they have more money but because you can bet that image will represent more monetary value and so responsibility on your side. Also one thing to remember, when a client asks you to modify your prices and/or quality it is your responsibility to determine what type of service you are providing. So in summary charge for your work hours but also charge for the complexity of the project, the value of the project and the timeline.

Anonymous No. 932210

Thanks for the insight.

Anonymous No. 932232

I wouldn't say he is fucking with me desu. The studio already has a guy who renders.
When he was working for a firm he used to the same I did so he has really high standards
I do enjoy drawing and all but the guy is hard to impress

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the chair nerd No. 932399

I may be too geriatrophobic.

Anyways look at the sweeeeeeet renders I'm currently on. It's a bare bone version of social housing in this case the kitchen. Yeah that's how the product is delivered.

Archbros how do you cope on soul killing architecture? Not every project is a pritsker but every project has a render.

Anonymous No. 932497

Depending on your role on the project you can plea to not make the units too fucking shit, but after a couple of times without ever getting a positive answer, you sort of accept that you're gonna have to do a lot of shit in your career just for the money.

the chair nerd No. 933512

test bump

the chair nerd No. 933513

I thought bump limit was 500 test

Anonymous No. 934873

uni break prolly taking a toll on this general