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🧵 pls rate.

Anonymous No. 919130

This is my current level of pixel art made from 3D as of last 2 days.

Anonymous No. 919132

Unironically the best thing you've ever made, cris. It seems like spending some time on /ic/ instead of this god-awful board did something for you.

Anonymous No. 919136

It looks fine, but it's pretty low contrast.
You should check out what cartoons like the Boondocks and the Proud Family do to make their niggas easy to see despite everything being dark as fuck

Anonymous No. 919145

Cris? is that you?
you've grown, I am proud of ya

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Anonymous No. 919154

bros... cris is growing too powerful...

Anonymous No. 919160

>I'm worse than Cris now
Fuck. I got too cocky.

Anonymous No. 919171

Maybe, you're still better than him in the sense that you're not making 1235236 fucking new threads every day.

Anonymous No. 919181

Cris, congratulations.
This is actually good.

Anonymous No. 919211

you are all putting too much faith in cris, if this even is cris. if this is cris, he's stolen a model and put a pixel art filter on it.

Anonymous No. 919227

steal a model and then put a pixel art filter if is so easy then, faggot.

Anonymous No. 919238

Can you post more pictures, Cris? It actually looks great.

Anonymous No. 919242

okay nevermind it is cris and he did steal the model to put a pixel filter over it

Anonymous No. 919244

damn bro, no need to get defensive, it should be really easy for you to show us the model and how you did this since you made it right? I mean you always show us the creative process for your other awful garbage, it should be easy for this right?

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Anonymous No. 919260

It definitely was made by cris. I pulled this right off of his twitter and it seems exactly like something he would make. I think you guys may just be in denial that cris somehow managed to surpass your modeling capabilities.

Anonymous No. 919290

way to go chris :D

Anonymous No. 919292

this is actually good

Anonymous No. 919297

I think he made a bet with another anon to make a game. I think the deadline is in early February.

Anonymous No. 919303

still a blocky piece of shit. When Can you ditch this pixel ngmi style and go for something high realistic?

Anonymous No. 919328

It's blocky, low detailed shit with low contrast colours that make everything blur together into an indistinct, unreadable mess.


There is at least some appeal. This is unironically the best thing you've ever done, Cris.

It took you 12 years to get here, 15-20% of your life expectancy.

Was it time well spent?

Anonymous No. 919339

when you give me millions for a high quality movie budget retard.

Anonymous No. 919355

orange top white booty shorts

Anonymous No. 919495

Any updates, Cris?

Anonymous No. 919526

Nah. It'll be another decade before he improves on this at all.

Anonymous No. 919540

reading some art books about photography and film to improve my skills.

Anonymous No. 919543

Jesús cristo que es eso cabron

Anonymous No. 919691

kek stop seething and just get good

Anonymous No. 921448

Chris... I am so proud of you

Anonymous No. 921636


Anonymous No. 921645

>Cris' Twitter account is gone
Chudbros... we're winning

Anonymous No. 921664


this is a good argument for hard work being more important than talent