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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 919427

How do I salvage it? I just wanted to make an anime shortstack

Anonymous No. 919429

If you don't want to learn the basics before jumping straight to coom, use someone else's model.

Anonymous No. 919437

Just scrap it, start again.

Anonymous No. 919441

Paint it green, make the eyes black, and wa la, you’ve got a sexy 10/10 ayylmao babe.

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Anonymous No. 919452

i hate to tell you this but theres no way of salvaging this, start over again and try getting acclimated with the anatomy fundamentals before you do

remember, you should know the rules before you break them

Anonymous No. 919453

that's a finished sculpt, anon. are you on drugs?

Anonymous No. 919454

Fuck off blendlet cuotas take you bullshit else where /3/ is for profesional Who use autodesk.

Anonymous No. 919482

You remind me of myself when I started. That body is one thing, but why does her head look like a plastic bag? My advice is to learn a blocking (optional) > sculpting > retopology workflow since it results in a more well-shaped model with better topology. Anatomy is another important thing. Anatomy is the thing that gets most beginners because they like to focus on micro details instead of the overall form and proportion created by the bones and muscles. Aiming for a Fortnite-esque style using realistic references, anatomy diagrams, and ecorches would be a good start.

Anonymous No. 919485

jesus christ how horrifying

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Anonymous No. 919501

why dont you try to sculpt it over a reference?

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Anonymous No. 919504

why do i feel like half the people here don't use references in general. they really help, especially if youre starting out.

Anonymous No. 919532

Where do you even find these?

Anonymous No. 919535

Unironically start over. There's nothing worth salvaging.
Refer to the work of others - both 2D and 3D.
You will improve rapidly if you are continually studying the work of masters.

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Anonymous No. 919537

Literally type in "anime character reference sheet". Have people really forgotten how to use search engines?

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Anonymous No. 919539

Search for "Character sheet" in any booru or google, try to get something with the least gesture that has front and profile view at least
here ill spoonfeed this time

maybe it is similar to drawing, where people think using references is "cheating", you need to well something before you attempt to create

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holy flippin moly.jpg

Anonymous No. 919557

>maybe it is similar to drawing, where people think using references is "cheating"
never thought about it like that. makes a lot of sense actually

Anonymous No. 919576

Don't take this the wrong way, but I showed this to my colleague and we can't stop laughing.

Anonymous No. 919744

Thanks, those references look great.
Do you think AI will ever be able to generate character sheets like these?

Anonymous No. 919752

>Do you think AI will ever be able to generate character sheets like these?

only if they have literally hundreds of thousands of character sheets premade in their database to change 1-2 pixels from and call the result "new".

AI is fucking dumb as shit

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Anonymous No. 919756


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DALL·E 2022-09-18....png

Anonymous No. 919759

I used AI to generate some wonky images but I was able to sorta kinda use some as reference. Started drawing and have slowly got better and absolutely got shit on but drawings. Not being able to cope I've moved over to 3d modeling using a free VR headset I got.
>AI can only take images, bash them together, and slightly alter them using Chinese kids using Photoshop

Anonymous No. 919760

Hate my life
>Absolutely got shit on by drawfags

Anonymous No. 919769

I guess it can be possible but like i showed there are thousands and thousands of these type of images that you dont really need Ai if you only want them for reference.

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Anonymous No. 919926


Anonymous No. 919989


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Anonymous No. 920028


Don't worry OP
You have already reached top level art style from 30000 years ago.

Anonymous No. 920029

Can't remember the last time I've met a person this tiny.
Would probably pick them up and do the tossing up and catching thing at least a dozen times

Anonymous No. 920173

Learn anatomy. Practice anatomy.

Anonymous No. 920222

>Have people really forgotten how to use search engines?
Unironically yes.

Anonymous No. 920369

this reminds me of the first time i tried to 3d model

Anonymous No. 922100

I've seen worse get money on Patreon, you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 922147

I really don't understand how you niggers get into 3D without having some background in studying/making 2Dshit first. at least for artistic stuff like characters and chingchong cartoons.
you don't even have to be good at it, i'm a really horrible and undisciplined artist but i know what i like and i am capable of making observations about art and caricature and shit. making 2D scale-accurate model sheets is overkill and autistic but you should definitely do lots of sketching and make plenty of chicken scratch exploring the possibilities of your vision before you build the thing in 3D. once you know how the dynamics and style of the whole thing work, it makes figuring it out in a literal 3D space easier.
but i guess we live in a world now where 3DCG is dominated by sculptfags who iterate forever on the same mesh, instead of people who BUILD their models with purpose and a sense of design.
fuck i miss the NURBS days, it filters all the vision-less nigger artists

Anonymous No. 922181

learn to use reference first anon i know you want an oc shortstack ive been there but learn to use reference before doing it straight from imagination

Anonymous No. 922192

OP you clearly are on the wrong board. You need to do research on /x/ for time machines so you can go back to the caveman era and sell this as a fertility goddess statue.

Anonymous No. 922698

>that side view on the top right
please don't use this as reference.

Anonymous No. 923115

thats not a shortstack
its a "i ate my boyfriend" type of anime girl

Anonymous No. 924859

this caught me off guard, holy shit i havent laughed like this in years. thank you anon

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Anonymous No. 924997

Hijacking the thread to ask about this. Let's say I found a reference like this, and it's an OC made by an artist, probably Japanese, he uses twitter and pixiv, the usual stuff.

Well, I like the reference, and I try to turn it into a sculpt to the best of my ability. I decide to put it for sale.

Should I be allowed to do that? I mean, obviously I can, but who does the right to sell something like this belong to at the end of the day? I made the 3D abstraction of it, but artist guy made the sheet and the concept of the character. Should I at least go and let him know I'm doing it? Ask for his consent in selling it? Or am I overthinking it? The last thing I want is for good artists to stop making OCs and character sheets if they think their OCs are just gonna get re-appropriated and sold on some corner of the internet, because to a guy with a hobby in 3D like me, those sheets are worth their weight in pure gold.

Obviously this doesn't count for characters from established franchises from big companies. They don't need the money from any sales I make, they're not gonna be hurting if I make a model from their characters, they don't even know I exist. I'm talking about the other end of the spectrum here of artists who also do it for a hobby, who make their own characters and likely don't make much money off of it to begin with.

Anonymous No. 925174

i think its just of a moralfag decision at the end of day for art without any copyright.
>completely asshole
sell it without without any remorse
>not so asshole
plagiarise the design and change some things like the colours, some of the clothes, etc.
ask for permission

just remember you will be profiting using a fellow artist work, yeah yeah you are working hard too to make the model but you get the point, are you okay with that? i think second option its the better for you, at least you can call it inspiration instead plagiarising if its different enough

Anonymous No. 925182

>Should I at least go and let him know I'm doing it?
The last thing I want is for good artists to stop making OCs and character sheets if they think their OCs are just gonna get re-appropriated and sold on some corner of the internet, because to a guy with a hobby in 3D like me, those sheets are worth their weight in pure gold.
Kinda answered your own question there.

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Anonymous No. 925224

>you put it up on a model viewer website, no download
no worries there, I wouldn't even ask for permission from the artist
>you put it up on a model viewer website, and you let people DL it for free
a little tenuous, but I still wouldn't ask for permission or anything
>you put it up on a model viewer website that has a storefront, and you put it up for sale
that's more complicated, there's nothing stopping you from selling it, but as you said so yourself, you don't want to burn any bridges. I think it varies from artist to artist, some would probably be totally cool with you selling a print of their statue, they might even give you a boost on twitter, just happy that there's more eyes on their art and their designs. others would probably be a bit miffed that you didn't even talk to them first, and would ask you to take it down
if you're at all serious about this as a form of income, I would grab one of your many weeb friends who actually knows japanese and pay him a bit to help you send messages back and forth with said artists. better to be safe and ask for consent first than to do an entire model, retopo it, merge it, pose it, and then find out the artist doesn't want you to sell it, though I bet most of them would be cool with it anyway

Anonymous No. 925624

Don't make exactly their work if you want to sell it. It's meant to be a reference.
Ignore opinions about whatever programs he's using, see how he references multiple things? Different artists, different people with haircut variations, different clothes and posing. The see through synthetic muscle idea from a game was a stolen idea but not a stolen implementation.

Anonymous No. 925807


Anonymous No. 925824

>right next to this thread is a thread about "anatomy for sculptors"
Dude the solution is literally next door

Anonymous No. 926926

nice model of a gender-bent SCP-173 as a fertility godesss, anon.
>Can't wait for your 1st shitty porn animation / garbage meme game once you texture this badboy

Anonymous No. 928544

you tell me

Anonymous No. 928599

>AI is fucking dumb as shit
lmao even

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Screenshot 2022-1....png

Anonymous No. 928629

wtf?!?!? why do this? Why do this on purpose?

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Anonymous No. 928659

>maybe it is similar to drawing, where people think using references is "cheating"

Thanks for putting my fear into words

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Anonymous No. 928662


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Anonymous No. 928673

It can, but getting it to create something that resembles a proper t-posing character sheet for 3D modeling is really hard. I recommend using img2img instead of relying on luck.

Anonymous No. 928674

Note: I have had more luck when generating nude references.

Anonymous No. 928676

impressive this almost looks usable.

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Anonymous No. 928683

Yeah, this thing still has a very long way to go, but if you are willing to fill the gaps it has its uses.

Anonymous No. 928684

No dont

Anonymous No. 929459

nice fertility idol

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Anonymous No. 930260

Anonymous No. 930498

>not using tinkerCAD for your big breasted anime women
for shame, anon. for shame.

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Anonymous No. 933081


Anonymous No. 933089

Looks like u know how to use the software, now learn anatomy and figure drawing, practice sculp/modeling/drawing first until you know the shapes from memory

Anonymous No. 933160

Wow send it to me anon Ill try to save it! xD

Add me on Discord Zeriel#3844

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Anonymous No. 935003

OP Here, finally thought of a way to salvage it

Anonymous No. 935004

I'm just some fag passing by who never comes to this board, but do you have a source for the top drawing girl??? Anyone?

Anonymous No. 935005

>Have people really forgotten how to use search engines?
if it's not an app on my phone, I can't do it half the time, LOL

Anonymous No. 935007

where do you start? feed in a very general reference sheet into img2img and then specify from there? or can you start with one image of a character and ask SD for a reference sheet?

Anonymous No. 935015

anon please make this into a vrchat avatar it would not be hard

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Anonymous No. 935016

that's the plan, I'll make it public when it's done

Anonymous No. 935024

You can do both. But the output will be determined by the model you use.

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among gus.jpg

Anonymous No. 935313

I think it turned out alright

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Anonymous No. 935314


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Anonymous No. 935315


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Anonymous No. 935317


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Anonymous No. 935318


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Anonymous No. 935319

thicc amogus

Anonymous No. 935819

just photobash retard

Anonymous No. 935895

>OP is an AI retard too

Anonymous No. 935896


Anonymous No. 935908

how exactly do you end up this bad

Anonymous No. 935909

I'm sexually confused

Anonymous No. 935916

Most people would see that the model is trash immediately and just start over, or never make it that far on it to begin with.
But an uber-coomer is blinded to the abysmal quality of the model because it's "thicc" - he always sees redeeming qualities in the model, and so we end up with a thread like this

Anonymous No. 936720


Anonymous No. 936725

You can’t escape drawing nigga. Go back to /i/

Anonymous No. 937173

what are you talking about niggabro