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🗑️ 🧵 Maya General

Anonymous No. 919874

Lets start Maya General to share our tips and useful stuff!

Looking for good addons recommendations.
Anything that also helps with Sceneprep that isn't bifrost would be good to know.

Anonymous No. 919877

>Looking for good addons recommendations
Blender sir

Anonymous No. 919880

sir, i know you may be retarded but blender is not a maya addon.

Anonymous No. 919896

For a poor fag, is there a maya retop style addon for blender?

Anonymous No. 919897

>Maya thread
>guize how can I make Blender more like Maya?
Holy fucking shit, stick to your own threads you retarded monkeys.

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Anonymous No. 919942

why don't more 3d programs ship with cool and useful base models? :(

Anonymous No. 922375

maya indie is well worth the money.
thats my tip

Anonymous No. 922380

You don't work in the industry though. Waste of money.

Anonymous No. 922385

you dont know what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 922490

but i already have maya indie anon.

Anonymous No. 923690

Where do you guys download shaders for Maya?

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AZRI.ma_ - Autode....webm

Anonymous No. 923694

I have a question related to axis/grid and and export to Unreal.

Ok so, I downlaoded a few rigs to train animations and they all seem to be on a different axis. I can see that cause of the grid position and the way the camera rotate around the mesh. How do I fix that so it's in the right axis AND on so the grid is set up correclty?

Just putting the up axis to y in the settings doesn't fix it. And I also tried to change the mesh's rotation manually and reset the transformation and same thing.

Anonymous No. 923770

i already responded to You in other thread about this,

change(in preferences) the up vector to be maya Y.

those files are loading in correctly either way, and shouldnt matter.

Anonymous No. 924316

>Looking for good addons recommendations.
Excellent script packs with tons of useful little helpers.

Anonymous No. 924317

Maya 2023.1 or Maya 2022.4?
I'm still on 2022.2 and it's buggy as hell, pretty stable tho.

Anonymous No. 924336

Totally forgot I asked this, didn’t touch Maya since then. Thanks again I guess. Also I didn’t feel it worked for a while cause the camera was just flipped vertically… My bad.

Anonymous No. 924341

Maya 2023.1 really
updating for my pluginssake

did see the tools they made, but its not for my workflow sadly, but thanks anon! hopefully someone finds it useful

recently botaniq released the scattering system for maya

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 924446

Anyone willing to post their maya setup with two monitors? I want to use my other monitor but I don't know what a 2-moni. setup should look like.

Anonymous No. 924448

Main monitor 1 persp cam full screen with a high spec blinn control material
2nd monitor 1 large persp cam for modeling and a docked outliner and attribute box

Depends on how you like to work and what tools are important to you. I don't animate, I don't need the time slider. 50 whopping pixels moar. Everything else I use is just a floating window sized to my current needs like the hypervisor or UV editor.

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Anonymous No. 925102

Scripting fags, can you tell me what are the basic parameters in Python that pretty much every function share like the 'name' in all the polys methods (polySphere(name='cubeA') for example) ?
I have no idea why these are not specified in the doc? Like I tried for 20 minutes to set up a position parameter on some meshes before realising I should have used cmds.move on them and I find it quite stupid that you can't directly set up the position of a mesh on the same commande that it's created with.

Anonymous No. 925118

>onegoogle away

Anonymous No. 925126

Not what I asked but thanks. I was asking for parameter not the actual methods but I don't think the common ones are listed in one place.

Anonymous No. 925286

Another stupid scripting question.

How do I get the name 'hierachy name' of an object instead of its shape name? Here's this little piece of code as an example. It's just supposed to print the translater of all the locators in the window.

locators ='locator')
for loc in locators:

When I create locators by spamming the locator button in the rigging shelf, I just end with locator1, locator2, locator3, etc...
The problem is that loc return 'locator1Shape' instead of locator1. What to do to get 'locator1'?

Anonymous No. 925295

If You had read the documentation you'd realise that Ls will list last path, you can use long command to get full string, but you then need to do string operations

I think easiest way to do shit like that is with
import maya.cmds as cmds

locators = = 'locator')
lr = cmds.listRelatives( locators, ap=True )
maxindex = len(lr)

for list in range(maxindex):
print (lr[list])

Anonymous No. 925296

> If You had read the documentation
I do but it's badly set-up and sometimes very confusing.
> you'd realise that Ls will list last path
Last path? What does it mean. The doc says "The most common use of ls is to filter or match objects based on their name"
Also is Dag the thing I was after ? I see this Dag thing being used everywhere in the doc but don't know what exaclty it refers to

Thanks, your code works tho. I actually did try the listRelatives command but didn't put the ap flag so I ended up with a None return value.

Anonymous No. 925304


last _element in path_ sorry.

-long flag will try to input|path|with|parents|like|this

and without the -long flag you' most likely see 'this' only.
list Relatives - in Your case will allow you to quickly extract the parent DAG object of Your list of shapes

DAG objects are there for world space transform - shape node is basic node that contains main data for Local transform etc (You can think of DAG object as a special group container that sits over the base)

You can also list the (Assemblies) flag as True to get the surface level objects wthin the scene - not with type tag as it wont work -and then sort into new array, using match name and appendning.

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Anonymous No. 925309

Ow I see, thanks a lot man.

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Anonymous No. 925412

hi just started Maya designing buildings and landscape for marketing to jerk off to what do I need to know to get ahead of my peers

Anonymous No. 925432

learn shaders and what renderer you want to use

Anonymous No. 925457

Another stupid question from scripting newbie.

I made a fuction that return the translate of a shape or whatever. My problem is that I'd like to use that value returned to create a bone at that exact translate position.
But I get my value as [(0, 0 ,0)] instead of (0, 0, 0). What to do ?

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Anonymous No. 925459

Any script recommendations for modeling? Never tried any on Maya

Anonymous No. 925465

Here's the code for >>925457

def createSkeleton():
createJoint((0, 0, 0), 'Root')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('HipsLocator'), 'Hips')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('UpperLegLocator'), 'UpperLeg_L')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('LowerLegLocator'), 'LowerLeg_L')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('AnkleLocator'), 'Ankle_L')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('FootLocator'), 'Foot_L')
createJoint(retrieveBoneLocatorPosition('ToesLocator'), 'Toes_L')

def retrieveBoneLocatorPosition(locator_name):
locators_selection ='locator')
locators = cmds.listRelatives(locators_selection, allParents=True)
for loc in locators:
if (loc == locator_name):
return cmds.getAttr(loc + ".translate")


In the scenes, I have a bunch of locators with their respective names based on the limb they're supposed to represent.

Anonymous No. 925516

[] indicates that you make a list/array,
usually if you specify [0] in that case, it will read the number set

Anonymous No. 925517

Yeah I figured, I should stop asking questions like that.

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Anonymous No. 926505

How the fuck do I move a bone/object without influencing its children positions? For example, I have this rig (more a proxy that'll generate a rig trough the placement of locators) I'm trying to adapt for a mesh and I can't precisely move the clavicle without moving the entire arm. Wich is annoying if I want to slightly edit a previously moved bone. Google tells me D or Insert does that but no it moves the pivot of the selection, wtf?

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Anonymous No. 926521

Try holding D

Anonymous No. 926524

Yeah I realised that it works for bones but not for locators or shapes wich is what I need to move.

Anonymous No. 926597

in move tool settings
turn off Affect children.,

Anonymous No. 926623

i opened maya this morning and my viewcube is gone. i only turned it on once, so i forgot a long time ago how to turn it on. how do i turn it on?

Anonymous No. 926624

ok found it. windows -> preferences -> viewcube: click "show the viewcube" box, but how did it get shut off?

Anonymous No. 926638


other plugins/ environment from the files will change Your maya.

Anonymous No. 926666

pirated maya pleess

Anonymous No. 926679

fuck off to CG peers thread faggot.

Anonymous No. 926699

Thanks man

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Anonymous No. 927529

What could be the reasons for my textures to not show if:
- I reloaded the textures to their correct paths
- Put the window in shaded mode
- Ticked off "Use default material"
- But if I assing another custom material to a selected part of the mesh, it does show it in this new material

Anonymous No. 927685

I would help you, but you play League of Legends.

Anonymous No. 927695

>share our tips and useful stuff!
Here's a tip, grandpa: Download Blender

Anonymous No. 927705

stay in your lane jeet.

Anonymous No. 928377

No clue what most people use, but my 3 monitor setup really depends on the workspace I'm in. For modeling I keep persp cam with the main maya window on my center, with pureref and a ortho cam open on the right and maybe the hypergraph,outline, or UV editor on the left. Lookdev is the the same at center with hypershade right and render window left. Animation usually has the animation layer editor on the left and the curve editor on the right, although this is always changing for the situation, sometimes you need the bifrost graph for simulations. Basically, I'd set up a nice flexible and clean workspace in your main monitor, and use your second for other related tools. Hypershade, graph editor, an ortho cam, etc. Sometimes you just want a web browser open for the Maya docs even. Don't worry too much about getting one perfect setup, just keep the tools you need all the time at hand in each workspace you have, and keep everything else as flexible as possible.

Anonymous No. 928379

Learn basic topology practices, but don't get lost in it. Learn Arnold and the Hypershade editor. Don't waste time learning all the renderers in existence, use Vray if your machine is more mid range, or if you're doing long animations and you need a faster render, use Arnold in every other case. Learn MASH or Bifrost for scattering objects on your landscapes. Golaem and similar addons are great ways to give life to your spaces by adding crowds of animated people. Resources like Quixel and speedtree are also amazing time savers.

Anonymous No. 928380

why are the blenderfags the most annoying cretins on this website

Anonymous No. 928818

Not just here, they're annoying irl too, I know a guy who constantly shit on Maya and shill Blender 24/7, always talks about how Maya is failing and Blender is taking over and is better blah blah blah. But the more I argued with him the more I realize he knows jack shit about Maya.

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Anonymous No. 928934

It's not people who use Blender specifically, it's just new people who have a lot of very shaky confidence in their abilities. Blender just happens to have a lot more users like that than Maya does.

Anonymous No. 929000

>Its not them specifically
but its always users who use blender that shit on anything that doesnt have its faggot orange logo

Anonymous No. 929001

What's the difference between Maya and 3DS

Anonymous No. 929002

> still have this problem
For real anyone can't help me with this?

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Anonymous No. 929006


Anonymous No. 929010

What shaders are you using? The Arnold shaders and Maya shaders will show textures in the viewport most of the time. Other shaders wont.

Anonymous No. 929325

How hard is it to switch from Blender to Maya? Blender's viewport is real laggy for what I'm doing and hardware upgrades aren't helping anymore. I need a scriptable API as thorough as Blender's (everything has an api handle, everything). Python preferred but C++ would be fine I guess. Pretty sure Maya has everything else I need.

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Anonymous No. 929350

I want to do hard surface modelling in Maya but I can't seem to find any decent tutorial out there that gets straight to the point. Anyone wanna point a noob to a good channel on youtube or any other helpful sources?

Anonymous No. 929446

pro advice: dont do modeling in Maya.

Anonymous No. 929448


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Anonymous No. 929455

>How hard is it to switch from Blender to Maya?

...its easier than the other way around!

>Blender's viewport is real laggy for what I'm doing...

...just curious, what are you doing? i know that maya can handle extremly large files, but in the end, it depends on the machine you using! pic related, its the elysium station from teh movie "elysium", it takes 45 minutes to load into maya/the machine it running on!

>Python preferred but C++ would be fine I guess.

python and c++ api ...

Anonymous No. 929597

>pro advice: dont do modeling in Maya.

Anonymous No. 929599

model in Max like Arrimus3d, our savior

Anonymous No. 929600

Modeling in Maya is perfectly fine if you are not a Blunder damaged retard.

Anonymous No. 929617

quick question, has anyone found a way to auto save in student version of maya? It seems like for some dumb reason Autodesk never added autosave to the students and my teacher says he can never find it either.

Anonymous No. 929620

Its not its strongest side, Maya was made for animation, try doing it anything other than Maya for better optimisation and workflow.

blender fanboying is as retarded as sucking corpodick. stick to the software strongest side faggot.

Anonymous No. 929665

Might be a stupid question but if I export an animation to another character that has the same rig and joint hierarchy but only the proportions of the bones differ, will the animation be correctly adapted to the other character?

Anonymous No. 929718

it wont be 1:1

Anonymous No. 929740

Hold W, tick Preserve Children

Anonymous No. 929852

Does anyone know how to keep the paint brush user settings, i made a good tree from paint brush but there is no google result on how to keep the tree from changing into default 99999999 polygon version.

Anonymous No. 930115

>.just curious, what are you doing?
Wacky animation with multiple modifiers on a couple meshes duplicated from one controlled by an armature and copying back certain vertex positions procedurally using geonodes, plus using geonodes to affect shaders. Can't say much more, client wants it a bit hush until they do their reveal.

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Anonymous No. 930219

Question for Maya oldtimers/fans, what's your favorite version of Maya and why?

Anonymous No. 930582

2016, because it is perpetual license.

Anonymous No. 931440

On Mars 3d, he has a very good car tutorial series and he covers absolutely everything you know for 99% of the models you will ever do

Anonymous No. 931442

>Its not its strongest side, Maya was made for animation, try doing it anything other than Maya for better optimisation and workflow.
Werks for me tho

Anonymous No. 931548

good for You anon.
I find more high detail stuff is chugfest for modeling and i have to switch softwares for it

ultimately do what works for your current task.

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Anonymous No. 931552

I use Zbrush for details. That said even though I'm comfortable working on Maya I've been thinking of getting into 3ds max, what benefit does it have over Maya in hardsurface modeling other than "better workflow"?

Anonymous No. 931596

the only saving grace of 3ds max is the modifier stack.

Anonymous No. 931603

How do i layout uvs but scaling only some shells?

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Anonymous No. 931611

Anonymous No. 931620


the modifier stack, and parametric modeling, is the reason why you would model in max, and it is pretty neat, though at this point blender has almost cought up in terms of that modeling system, and surpassed it with add-ons, so frankly the only reason i would recommend max anymore is if you already know it like the back of your hand and dont want to learn a new software or if your pipeline is already built around it. but if you havent leanred any 3D software yet and are trying to pick one, i could not really recommend max over blender anymore, especially with its price tag. you just dont get anything extra.

maya separates itself from having a really nice suite of animation tools, and the modeling toolkit isnt bad either, although my information may be a bit outdated here, i havent used maya since like '18. it was the software we learned when i was in college, my college called itself a "maya house" really proudly (probably some kind of handshake sponsorship or fasttrack that never ended up panning out), and there were some features i really missed about maya, like the radial menu that can access 99% of the features in the software from one wheel, the various node editors, set driven keys. idk, maybe a small feature but i just really liked mayas little transform window on the right hand side

things i didnt like about maya was mostly its destructive history and how it handles history poorly, and i kind of remember its bones being a pain in the ass to orient when rigging in a way that max and blenders werent.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 931691

is it possible to model stuff in maya without importing the reference images? every single tutorial for maya starts with importing the reference images. suppose i don't want to draw it first, can i just like come up with some shit from scratch in maya or is that really terrible and nooblike?

Anonymous No. 931719

What version?

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Anonymous No. 932041

Anyone here tried denoisers in Arnold? I'm trying to figure out which one is the best (Optix, Oidn and Noice), Optix and Oidn look pretty much the same except Oidn deal with details on textures a little bit better, and Noice, according to google, is supposed to look the best but in my case looked the worst as the details were washed out compared to the other two, but apparently it's stable and works for animation sequences.

Anonymous No. 932411

He means actual scripts you fucking retard.
Some guy called Malcom made some good scripts, some free, some paid, but not expensive anyways.
Also if you want a good autorig, Advanced Skeleton 5 is great, you can use it for free as long as it is for non commercial use afaik

Anonymous No. 933145

Switching back to maya after 10 years of working in a different field.
Need a really robust tutorial to regain control on advance modeling, non of the basic stuff. help?

Anonymous No. 935115

>advance modeling
Learn Zbrush, then just do retopology with Maya, the tool is pretty much braindead to use too, really good.

Anonymous No. 935409

'cause you are a Blendlet instead of a Maya CHAD

Anonymous No. 935425

you need a 3rd monitor

Anonymous No. 935426

nice k0t

Anonymous No. 935432

first monitor be decent size, hopefully ultrawide, second be a regular 24 inch with a vesa mount used vertically.
Use a virtual monitor splitter like displayfusion

Anonymous No. 935457

usually i keep uv editor and tool settings open on 2nd monitor, everything else is on primary monitor

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Anonymous No. 936488

Uhh guys, I just rendered a exr sequence and i have no idea what to do with these layers.

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Anonymous No. 936581

For me it's 2011, the switch to dark mode was exciting to me because I wasn't a jaded fuck back then. This all changed in 2015 when they did your standard soulless corporate bullshit switch again, making the logo look like Max. It has only gotten downhill since then and by now it looks like your classic mobile chink gacha shit, fuck everything.

Anonymous No. 936582

those are aov's used by arnold's 'noice' denoiser.

Anonymous No. 936588

my screen turns black for like 3 seconds while working on UVs, how do I fix it?

Anonymous No. 936945

Did you clear prefs folder? Also sometimes I nuke the whole maya folder, resolves weird issues that are impossible to troubleshoot.


Anonymous No. 937999

Best scripts and addons:
>Maya Bonus Tools (downloaded through official maya channels, required for Zen Tools as well as containing useful features outright.)
>Zen Tools (You'll need a Highend3D account to download, which can take like a day cause that site is ass, also sometimes the site is just straight up not working, so if you can't get it, just try again the next day until it lets you.)
>dpSmartMeshTools (Great for Combining, Separating, Extracting, and Duplicating faces without adding groups and changing around hierarchies in your outliner, keeps shit nice and clean.)
>SimplePipe (does what its called, simple way of making pipe geometry off curves, use in conjunction with Convert Polygon Edges to Nurbs Curves in order to create quick and effective trims and things like that.)
>DcBoolManager (if you're not satisfied with Maya's native visualization of live booleans, gives you a wireframe of the boolean shapes so you can easily manipulate the boolean shapes while they're still live. Doesn't do anything different than what maya can already do, just displays it more user friendly.)
>XRay_toggle_object (allows you to use xray on individual objects per object instead of as a whole or needing to apply a shader.)

I have more but they're pretty specific to what I do, I think most people could get most things done using these. Hope it helps.

Anonymous No. 938014

Useless for anybody but absolute beginners.

Anonymous No. 938525

Is there a way to "invert" the hidden polys?

Anonymous No. 938606

>select everyvertex/polygon you see now
>double press "H"

Anonymous No. 938607

My personal proudest achievement is successfully converting a blender flag to Maya.

Anonymous No. 938676

I get
// Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2022/scripts/others/toggleVisibilityAndKeepSelection.mel line 21: Error: Cannot hide all faces of an object. Hide the object instead.

Anonymous No. 938701

is it just me or maya 2023 just stopped shitting itself even if it has a gorillion nodes in the construction history? Even quad draw seems to be cached now. LMAO even operating on very dense meshes doesn't turn my 4090 PC into a potato.

Anonymous No. 938709

that seems like a (You) problem then, so cant help you. sorry try resetting yourr prefs

Anonymous No. 940639

There have definitely been some performance improvements after years of Autodesk fucking around.

Anonymous No. 940682

Maya doesn't have addons, we have market place completely different thing because we have to buy stuff. Plus 99% of people's recommended features like bone weight, VR, Unreal, etc, are here too instead of putting it on MAYA LIKE NORMAL COMPANY'S DO. Thanks Autodesk for not doing normal things.

My 1050ti graphics card nearly got half of the animation cache, that's better than 2022 for 10%.

Anonymous No. 940735

>Maya doesnt have addons
'you' dont know what the fuck are you talking about, stop larping as amaya user, and go back to blender.

Anonymous No. 940740

Recommen me a good set of tools for rigging. I'm after one that has a rig for game engines (Unreal in my case).

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Anonymous No. 940798

When are Character Animators switching over to Houdini or Blender?

>>Autodesk is asshole
It is a sad day today, as I uninstall my last and final Autodesk product.

Many of you may remember my past life as an Autodesk evangelist and software consultant. As such, I helped promote and teach 3DSMax across the world...

Anonymous No. 940836

>Blender is the ONLY economical choice, and the ONLY product getting the depth and speed of development that once blessed 3DSMAX.

get this dumbass out of here

Anonymous No. 940851

if you scroll past all the gender and sexuality politics that makes up about 90% of that person's tweets, the parts where she actually comments on using blender are basically all negative, haha.

Anonymous No. 940951

Advanced Skeleton 5 has option for UE skel creation.

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Anonymous No. 941046

I have a rigged character model in maya and I am trying to export it as an fbx, but when I do, parts of the model are missing, the armature is a mess and none of the meshes have vertex group data for rigging.

When I export as an obj, I can at least get the meshes. But my rigging skills are terrible.

Can anyone give me advice on what I am doing wrong?

If you want to see the model for yourself, it is available for free on Gerardo Montaño's artstation.

Anonymous No. 941049

Well there is your problem, you using blender. Nothing in blender stays the same, any advice or article we give you will become obsolete in a new patch by the blender developers. Your model should work on any program, maya is designed to work on all engines.

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Anonymous No. 941052

Funny, because unreal engine doesn't like the exported fbx either, which is why I tried to inspect it in Blender
This makes Maya the common denominator in this problem.
And I am asking for help with Maya, not Blender.

Maya might be an industry standard for 3D modelling and animation, but I have little interest in paying for a piece of software for something I am do as a hobby. You wouldn't expect someone with a civil pilots license to go out and purchase a Boeing 737 even though it is technically a superior aircraft than say, a Cessna 152.

I'm just interested in making 3D printable models, not movies, and Blender is the quickest, viable option for me.

So do you think you could possibly set aside the software superiority complex and maybe just try to be helpful?

Anonymous No. 941071

Just because You export stuff from Maya wrong and UE does not like it , is not software issue, its user issue.

Anonymous No. 941073

I looked into the problem and yes, it's still a Blender problem. I check the original artist who uses Zbrush and has everyone knows Zbrush models are unable to support Blender, as stated in their website:

Also explaining why your model become a mess is the original artist not putting the model into one single piece, as explain here:

Now you maybe saying what if that isn't the problem? Well you maybe right because a simple mistake like that shouldn't cause the model to not appear in unreal. Which leads to Vertex/polygon problem. Zbrush doesn't like to change it and when someone does it causes different results. It works in Maya yes, does it work in other programs? I don't know because the original artist doesn't seem to know either. They did claim it works in Unity but everything works in Unity because Unity nearly never gets updated. This is all tech stuff that is out of our control. It should be the artist responsibility to test the model on all game engines.

Oh and i don't know why you getting so many node errors. maybe it's due in part with Maya and Zbrush not liking the file. Or you did something in Blender and export it to Unreal, which sounds like the real reason.

Anonymous No. 941123

>I have little interest in paying for a piece of software for something I am do as a hobby.
you won't pay $270 to support your hobby? really? a runner who buys two pairs of running shoes a year has spent more than that.

Anonymous No. 941124

Don't reason with that idiot.

Anonymous No. 941140

you are arguing that on a board where 'pirated softwar erequest' thread is still on.

Anonymous No. 941217

Anyone have and good tutorials for MASH?
been fucking with it for a while and it seems like a really good tool but it just slips my grasp most of the time.

Anonymous No. 941316

so when is maya 2024 gonna drop? isn't usually around now?

Anonymous No. 941516

it's out

Anonymous No. 941519

biggest change : Bifrost.

Its over for us maya folk. Houdini won.

Anonymous No. 941521

I don't really care about the rest that much, but the rigging changes are great.

Multiple skinclusters is the most important addition for me. It basically removes the need for corrective blendshapes, or at the very least reduces the need by a lot, and since skinweights are easy to transfer between even different topologies, it'll be much easier to reuse, instead of needing to rebuild corrective shapes for multiple characters.. Or you could even do topology changes to rigs mid-project without much issues. With skins, it's not a problem, but with shapes, you'd need to redo everything.

Rotation reordering on the fly is a handy addition as well.

Anonymous No. 941524

Lol who cares studios will continue to use their own custom 2018 maya for the foreseeable future lmao

Anonymous No. 941538

what do they have some plugins written in python 2.7 or something?

Anonymous No. 941541

Same shit if you work with AutoCAD in an engineering firm. You realize how many companies are still running outdated software? It just werks bud. Updates are a meme to please the shareholders and get the hobbyists to stir shit up. It’s all marketing my nigga.

Anonymous No. 941554

nice strawman

Anonymous No. 941565

>who cares
>updates to rigging and animation that are substantial
yeah, who cares, blenderlet

Anonymous No. 941707

how well does a pirated copy of maya 2023 work on current MacOs?

i'm leaning to animate in maya which my college provides a licence for free as part of my tuition but during the summer my license will not be active again until the fall so i won't be able to practice with maya unless i pay $305CAD a month or pirate maya on another computer in the meantime

i currently use a macbook pro form 2018

Anonymous No. 941713

Retarded take, you arent in school because you would know that You would get free access for the duration of your course, which You can confirm with an email.

meaning, you just want to pirate it anyway.

gtfo to the pirate thread and ask there.

Anonymous No. 941721

why would you need to pay $300 a month? do you make more than $100,000 a year? if so, stop whining and pay for the tools you use. if you make less than $100,000 a year, then get maya indie which is $300 for the year. also, if you're using macos obviously you should get maya 2024 which is apple silicon native.

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Anonymous No. 941728


Anonymous No. 941754

dude if you can't even find the indie pricing on the autodesk website, are you sure you've got the cognitive ability to use it?

Anonymous No. 941763

he deosnt know basic shit, he just wants to pirate it, leave it alone.

Anonymous No. 941764

nigga you can keep using edu licenses even after you graduate. I am not even a 3d student lmao and it's been 10 years already. Autodick makes so much money off engineering CAD software that they just don't fukcing care to look at lmao.

Anonymous No. 941858

Does anyone have recommendations for Maya tutorials? A lot of tutorials on YouTube use different methods to do the same thing, amd it is a little frustrating. I'm just not retaining much.

I want to animate with it eventually. I used to know Solid Works pretty well, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I'm tempted to just take a few classes at my local community college. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous No. 941860

abraham leal are the best ones i've found. as for multiple ways to the same thing? are you talking about inserting edge loops using the multicut tool vs. insert edge loop? if you detach insert edge loop from the menu, you'll see it has a whole page of options that you won't get from the multicut tool as far as i know. which to use depends on what you're doing i guess.

Anonymous No. 941861

Thanks, I'll check him out.
Yeah, using the tools. I saw a few different processes for modeling figures, and some use different menus. Like some use the multiview camera, and the mirror tool, while others seem to copy, and paste sections.

Anonymous No. 941866

one thing to consider is what year of maya they are using. it's pretty stable, but they do add new stuff regularly, so maybe one way is the way people did in 2018, but in 2022 and later you do it some other way. i guess i'm mainly thinking about the retopo stuff, but i'm sure there's more. linkedin learning does a "maya 202x essential training" every year which covers basics, but always updated to the latest and greatest tools and best practices.

Anonymous No. 942057


any of you dudes do the "low poly art for video games" course from michigan state on coursera? it says they use maya lt which i think has been discontinued since the advent of maya indie, so i wonder how old it is? the sample videos don't show them using maya at all, so i can't tell. one of the free samples demonstrates how to use tone to create atmospheric perspective which is like some real art school shit rather than just the technical training. looks good, but coursera classes i've taken in the past vary widely in quality from better than an in-person class to worse than just watching some guy on youtube, so i'm hesitant to cough up the dough for it. i bet somebody ripped the videos, but i think doing the assignments on schedule will help me learn more effectively, idk.

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Anonymous No. 942165

Does anyone know how to stop maya from adding "Shape" suffix to newly added blendshapes?
I need a very specific naming scheme and this is annoying to edit out manually each time I add new ones.

Anonymous No. 942190

the formatting is prob gonna get screwed, but here you go:

import maya.cmds as cmds
shapes ='blendShape')
shapesLen = len(shapes)
for i in range(0, shapesLen):[i])

Anonymous No. 942197

in python indentation matters, so you have to indent those last two lines in the loop, but it prob doesn't do what you want because i now see your target is named shape not the blendshape itself. would have deleted it but post was too old by the time i noticed, but anyway if you have so many of those it gets tedious to name by hand, you can automate it. couldn't find a way to change the default tho.

Anonymous No. 942207

Damn that seems like such an obvious oversight, thanks anyway.

Anonymous No. 942215

i just watched this
is it possible to bake the textures to use outside of arnold? it looks pretty good

Anonymous No. 942219

i tried updating it this morning, but i can't figure out how to get a reference to the sculptTarget. new to maya scripting, so idk. when i add a new target to a blendshape it always named it after the object like "pCube2","pCube3", so i'm not getting that same naming behavior for whatever reason anyways.

Anonymous No. 942224

Is 2024 stable?

Anonymous No. 942353

Any good character modelling&rigging courses for a beginner?

Anonymous No. 942376

ironically searching for maya 3dcg will give you good results on youtube and filters out all the blender faggots from appearing in your search results.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 942388

did you try the one on linkedin learning? you can often get access for free through your city's library. i watched some of it, seems ok. i always start with linkedin learning to avoid having to sift through dozens of "wat IS up GUYZ!" youtube shit.

Anonymous No. 942406

>have a base mesh
>have a big set of meshes that are deformed targets of that base mesh
>add them as blendsape
>all is well, FBX export works flawlessly
>now try to alter base mesh by deleting some faces and apply "bake topology to targets"
>all is well in the preview and changes were applied to the tagets when I view them
>export as FBX
>ERROR vertex count on targets does not match, skipping
>now try to delete the same faces on base and target meshes, but manually
>now it exports flawlessy

I could punch a wall sometimes, fuck this shit.
Now I'll have to manually delete specific faces form 200 targets, fun!

Anonymous No. 942849

This retard deleted topology after making blendshapes
lmao even, this isnt blender you faggot, you have to either make a duplicate mesh and use an addon to transfer the blendshape, or you are fucked like this.

this isnt Maya problem, you shouldnt punch a wall, you should punch yourself for being retarded.

Anonymous No. 943213

What are the hotkeys to toggle Drag select or Paint select modes? In Blender it's C.

The only ways I've found of enabling it in Maya are the vertical toolbar on the left that I always have hidden because it's just basic tool that all have hotkeys, and by opening the Select Tool Options and ticking Drag select.

I could've sworn I read in the documentation there's a simple hotkey for it but I can't find it now.

Anonymous No. 943395

Arnold is on a league of its own, rendering the same set of texture with let's say Iray, won't give you the same output. Like night and day.

Anonymous No. 943397

Why do you care if he paid or pirated?
What concern is that to you?

Anonymous No. 943412

his uncle works at nintendo.

Anonymous No. 943847

Is maya the recommended tool for animating coom vids?

Anonymous No. 943853

only if you know what you're doing and willing to be a high-effort coom producer
blender is where most of the coomers actually do their disgusting business so you'll find resources for that sort of thing easier

Anonymous No. 943854

paint select is to hold tab iirc