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Anonymous No. 919931

So should I be worried about 3d AI? I understand 2d artists coping with MUH IRREPLACEABLE CREATIVITY and I get that and enjoy making my own stuff in my spare time but 90% of the comissions I get the guy just wants me to be a printer and copy his concept art 1:1 while 2d artists actually get to input their own thoughts on the subject

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Anonymous No. 919933

make 3d porn vidya and you will be safe for few more years at least

Anonymous No. 919934

There is no I in AI. Its dumb all the way down

Anonymous No. 919935

That sounds like something that'll get replaced the day 3d AI goes open source, also making porn sounds miserable

Anonymous No. 919936

ah yes, the famous 3D / UI / Programming / Sound AI, the whole game industry trembles because of it
use your brain for something else than posting frogs

Anonymous No. 919949

Second point still stands

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Anonymous No. 919977

The current hurdle with AI is copyright issues. Disney for example has been notorious with shutting down coomer artist for simply copying their art style.
And it'll depend on the art style too. If its your average concept art, then no one will bother. But if its celshaded/cartoony then it will be more noticeable.

As for 3d, its more complex to replicate full 3d models and their nuance compared to pictures.

Anonymous No. 919981

3d work would be even easier to automate, AI can already ascertain depth, I've seen it turn 2d pictures into fully topologized models.

Anonymous No. 919990

AI is the bleeding edge.
It's nothing new by itself but these new nVidia cards are making it very feasible. AI is the future. This whole "but muh 2D/3D !" is just a tiny part of a larger picture. AI tech is for everyone to learn, develop, and figure out how to use it to make bank. Why are you worried it's going to take your job away? Why not go ahead of the curve and learn to code, learn AI, and learn how it can help you become a better whatever?

You like have a horse and carriage and are constantly complaining about these new cars which have been popping off. Just get a car and you'll be fine, don't just stand there and cope.

Anonymous No. 920001

>3dcg so dead they have autobot AI from /g/posting 24/7

Anonymous No. 920002

AI is a tool, plain and simple.
Construction workers don't suddenly fear for their job because a new power tool comes out. It simply lets them build something better, faster, and more efficiently.
Sure, any jagoff can use a hammer to drive a nail, and that nail might "get the job done" when it comes to sticking 2 things together and nothing more, but a hammer in the hands of someone capable can do more than just stick 2 boards together.

AI is the same case. 2d, or 3d. Use 2d to generate concepts and iterations faster, and if a 3d AI ever comes about that's actually capable, use that to fill out your scene with 10x more detail than you could have ever done if you had done it by hand. Bonus points if you actually plug in your own concepts (like a thumbnail sketch, or rough blockout) into 2d img2img to flesh it out even more.

AI isn't a shortcut, and it should never be the end result. If you use it in a workflow, it should be used like a creativity multiplier. Just like when you have a beefier GPU you throw bigger scenes and render resolutions at it, with AI you should use it to do more work than you ever could have alone. 2d+3d AI can turn you from a single dude slaving away bit by bit to an entire creative team.

AI is only going to "take yer damn jerbs" if you never had the creative drive to leverage it properly in the first place. And in all honesty, if you couldn't, you probably didn't have a job to take to begin with.

Anonymous No. 920860

Why are you worried about that, your wasting time that could be used to creating something.

Anonymous No. 921468

Op is shit won't even post on the board anymore