🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 07:16:29 UTC No. 919979
>Open Blender for first time
>Completely lost in arcane and unintuitive interface (this coming from someone whose used GIMP and Solidworks)
>Google Blender tutorials
>184 video long playlist of 5 minute vids that poorly explain how to make some specific object
How am I supposed to learn this shit? I don't want to make a fucking donut, I want a simple guide on how to navigate the god-awful UI, and a concise explanation of what each tool does and what I might want to use it for. Preferably in text + pictures form, not some shitty video.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 07:57:33 UTC No. 919980
The donut tutorial is unironically good, not necessarily because of what your making but because Andrew had designed it for total beginners and he explains everything, even where to click.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:51:11 UTC No. 919992
Use Maya.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:06:11 UTC No. 920006
>The price of an annual Maya subscription is $1,785
No fucking thanks, that's like a month's pay for my broke college student self
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:29:30 UTC No. 920011
finding a good blender tutorial series is hard because of all the garbage that gets recommended. avoid blender guru at all cost. Imphenzia and ChamferZone are better IMO. also if you understand how UV's, texturing and rigging works, start using plugins asap. they are so much better than vanilla blender and save you lots of time.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:45:16 UTC No. 920015
>my broke college student self
Sign up with your college email and you can use it for free.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:52:08 UTC No. 920016
You can use torrent version
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 14:48:14 UTC No. 920022
Start with this. https://youtu.be/jnj2BL4chaQ
Then buy his courses when they get a discount on gamedev. That's what I did and I recommend. I bought the Grant Abbit bundle. 6 courses for 50 and something bucks. I still have to finish 4 more I already learn enough to make a real size replica of my room in blender.
Don't do the donut tutorial it's shit for begginers, it has too much information and little practice.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:52:12 UTC No. 920031
>and a concise explanation of what each tool does and what I might want to use it for
Do zoomers know what a manual is? Or do you stare at youtube all day hoping to have knowledge downloaded in your brain like in the matrix?
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 17:58:48 UTC No. 920038
Many years ago I started with BLENDING AWAY THE PAIN:
It's for 2.79 but it puts you in the right level UI-wise to start looking for object-making tutorials.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:07:27 UTC No. 920067
Same here. I have used many programs with non user friendly UIs like Lightwave, early Houdini or SI3D with no problems. But Blender never really clicked with me, not 15 years ago and not now.
Anonymous at Wed, 28 Sep 2022 21:38:03 UTC No. 920075
Shit, back in my day (2.49b) there wasn't videos on how to use it.
Had to get by with just the manual. So I had to make snowmen and vases until I figured out how things worked. After a week or so I was reaching past my comfort zone and doing all kinds of stuff.
In all honesty, the navigation of Blender hasn't changed much over the years after the UI changed in 2.5. If you can find a book/pdf on the basics, it should do you just fine.
There's some newer stuff with the UI after 2.8, but the change really isn't that large, despite what others might claim.
Learn how to move/scale/rotate and how to extrude, and you're 90% of the way there in terms of how to model something.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 09:03:44 UTC No. 922339
To be fair, blenders documentation is not very good, at least if you want to delve into specifics (and at some points, it's even outdated), so I understand their desire, even if I think that just a small tutorial on how to move around and stuff + experimentation will get you very far (coming from experience)
BTW, CGCookie has really good tutorials, I recommend
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 10:09:52 UTC No. 922341
I second this. After this tutorial you can more or less walk with your own legs.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 10:16:20 UTC No. 922343
1. Make a box
2. Make an edge loop
3. Extrude face
4. Remove/add vertex, edge face
5. Select some edges, press ctrl-B and wiggle your mouse
6. Know how to rotate, move and scale
7. They nuked the spacebar menu but remember that there's a very powerful search functionality for everything Blender does behind a single shortcut
8. Just go through all the menus in the 3D view
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 10:33:32 UTC No. 922345
it's not about making a donut retard it covers pretty much all the aspects of the interface and teaches you by making you do it yourself instead of giving you pictures and words to read
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:48:19 UTC No. 922349
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 19:19:41 UTC No. 922383
>hurrr spoonfeed me blender beginner basics, and also do it in a highly specific format
unironically give up now, you don't have what it takes. given that you can't even study the absolute basics of a skill that resembles playing a video game (there are far worse things to study), you probably don't have what it takes to excel at literally anything.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 20:41:53 UTC No. 922389
It's still way more intuitive than the other 3d stuff, 3d software in general is just complex and you gotta get over that first hurdle. I still couldn't use gimp for its shit interface tho so who am I to talk.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Oct 2022 11:31:15 UTC No. 922450
absolute filth
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Oct 2022 21:13:00 UTC No. 922639
Make a new project, pick Sculpting, and just play with the tools. If your shape starts getting blocky and low res go to the top left menu that says Sculpt Mode, click it, select Edit mode, select the blocky area, right click and then click Subdivide. Then press tab to go back to sculpt mode, select the Smooth tool (the sphere with a red flat surface) and smooth it out. That's all you need to know to get started and make something decent.
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Oct 2022 01:11:42 UTC No. 922673
edu version is free.
don't waste your time with blender if you plan to work in industry.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Oct 2022 19:10:29 UTC No. 922876
I don't pretend to like it either
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 05:12:08 UTC No. 923034
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 05:39:25 UTC No. 923038
This idiot can't even sit through a small tutorial explaining how to use tools and you expect him to mess around and figure it out by himself
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 05:42:12 UTC No. 923039
>How am I supposed to learn this shit?
Not our problem
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 10:33:09 UTC No. 923057
read the fuckin doc
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:08:41 UTC No. 923421
3d is probably the most diverse art medium you will find and thus the tools we have are diverse and intended to be used on a case by case basis.
Most people who use lets zbrush don't use 80% of the tools the software has. Same is true for blender.
Don't expect to know what every button does and what every tool does because you don't need most of them, understand the simple concept of moving vertices on an axis, beveling, shading a object smooth. Then after that learn how to turn a square into a hexgon, hexagon into a octagon and then a octagon into a circle.
From their you can make pretty much anything.
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Nov 2022 17:27:11 UTC No. 925327
blender is easy and gimp is fucking based what the fuck are you talking about retard
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Nov 2022 17:56:14 UTC No. 925329
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 22:32:21 UTC No. 926576
anyone got a torrent link for maya?
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 22:53:56 UTC No. 926581
Fuck Maya
(Totally not a Blender User)
But it doesn't really matter it's software it's how you use it is what matters
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 00:29:36 UTC No. 926594
I use blender for the past 20 years. Fuck the UIs, they come and go but keyboard shortcuts are ethereal. You don’t learn the UIs, that’s for Maya fags, you learn how to operate the keyboard. N, T, NUM 5, 7, R, S, CRTL+R are the most common I use. When I think scale, I think S, when I think rotate I think R. The UIs doesn’t exist for me.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 00:37:35 UTC No. 926596
I first learned to press TAB on the cube to enter Edit mode, 7 for top view and then select a vertex and E for extrude. To create a polygon you press F. First I modelled all my stuff in 2D then learned that pressing A to select all faces then E and Z for z axis makes it into a flat 3D object. The main thing for me was not to try to grasp everything straight away but slowly day by day after work. Print out the shortcuts and hang them above your desk.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 09:03:55 UTC No. 926615
Man, fuck videos.
I've been past watching videos for fuckin years, but I feel bad for the zoomies thinking that's the only place for information and being screamed at by some literal-who pajeet with a 30 second intro "what's up guys today i am going to be showing you how to make a suzanne monkey".
Literal fucking time waster. At least with text I can ctrl-f and find exactly what I need in 2 seconds, and if not, I have the ability to skim.
Videos are by far the worst fucking way to get information about something. Except in the cases where they aren't. I'll watch a video every now and again on something I've never done before, or some niche workflow, but those occasions are rare and I'd rather be reading a quick 1min rundown than a 10 min video to go over something that could be wrapped up quick.
I just fucking hate Youtube culture and the commodification of information.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Nov 2022 22:06:29 UTC No. 927817
the donut isn't just a meme it's a genuinely great tutorial, it's hands down the best way to familiarise somebody with the UI and general guts of how blender works
when you learn to draw you don't necessarily want to draw apples and oranges all day but you still have to knuckle down and do the gay noob shit you don't really want to do.
you need to get over thinking that you're too good to start off crawling. just because you're doing art on the computer doesn't mean you get to take shortcuts. that's the shitty part, the cool part is if you actually try to get something out of the experience you'll enjoy it for what it is anyway.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 22:47:20 UTC No. 927945
Recommend some UV and Rigging plugins
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 03:50:10 UTC No. 927977
Except 3d cameras and having any sense of quadrant control with zmodeler. Always some core feature missing with vanilla industry standard software. Yeah it's diverse enough to not be a problem, if you have access to a software engineer that will further customize a heavily studio modified version of the program, and you stay married to that company that manages to outlive you.
Its also been 4-5 years since users outlined the main problems with Quad Draw in the AD forums and they still have not been fixed. One of the allegedly best retopo tools that cannot handle peaks and valleys and constantly gets vertices stuck unselectable underneath the live mesh. Thank god for Topogun pushing forward.
Let it be made clear. Blender is not an option. I will not use badly optimized Blender viewport that pisses itself harder than Quad Draw on high density mesh pre-2023, nor do I desire to cross my fingers that I can import an autodesk product's presets and navigation scheme without running into another problem. Going back to Blender to try the latest version of Blender felt like playing a game with a terrible driving section and I've never been frustrated by Zbrush's infamous UI.
Blender acolytes telling people they have the most enthusiastic/rabid community is not relevant to their workflow. Yet to make matters worse Maxon runs the show and it looks like they have nothing to show for it come next year, except making groomgang jump ship to Blender for valid reasons.
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 04:07:24 UTC No. 927979
Kek no they want proof of enrollment these days in a cg program that uses their software.
The treasure trove of what they are looking for right now under their noses in the PTG thread but I doubt even mentioning this will get anyone to look at it. Hopefully it helps some bright-eyed prospective soul.
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 20:07:11 UTC No. 928049
If you are actually able to use Gimp efficiently, you already posses spastic arcane knowledge far beyond what mere mortals can usually attain. That program wants to make me slit my own throat, whenever I have been necessitated to use it over Photoshop. Buy a course on something like Udemy (Or find a free tutorial), of something you would like to make. I started with one on modular game environments.
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Dec 2022 16:08:54 UTC No. 928150
> I don't want to make a fucking donut
I didn't want to make a coffee mug either but the tutorial familiarized me with the basics of Blender from sculpt to render really quickly (2 hrs). And yeah, 2 hrs is pretty damned quick.
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 00:28:27 UTC No. 928327
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 02:33:09 UTC No. 928342
It's not about learning about how to make a donut, it's about learning the means/tools to make a donut, which can be applied elsewhere. If you don't want to do that, then think about what you ACTUALLY want to make, and then figure out how to make it. If there's a tutorial, even better. Keep going until you get stuck, then look up what you're stuck on. Google stuff. That would probably take longer, but at the end of the day, as long as you're learning how to do stuff, then you're on the right track. Getting through the interface is really the hardest part, in my opinion.
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 03:03:06 UTC No. 928345
>Keep going until you get stuck, then look up what you're stuck on. Google stuff
Blender also has a subreddit dedicated to people helping you and explaining (r/blenderhelp)
>inb4 muh reddit
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 03:12:58 UTC No. 928347
You wont learn anything from reddit
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 03:14:45 UTC No. 928348
you will learn thanks to the people using it
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 20:09:38 UTC No. 928451
Blender is shit, I hate it and I don't consider it to be real 3D software.
Some of, if not the single worst piece of software I've ever had the displeasure of using. Absolute sub trash tier, not even worthy of using.
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 20:58:48 UTC No. 928454
>filtered by blender
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 22:34:22 UTC No. 928465
I use actual 3D software that works and isn't made by and for trannies, anon. You should try it some time too.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 19:45:48 UTC No. 929353
>I am filtered by blender
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:14:54 UTC No. 930246
Maya Indie exist you retard.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 04:41:11 UTC No. 930291
I agree blender is shit, but maya is waay worse.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 07:15:58 UTC No. 930306
>How am I supposed to learn this shit?
Don't worry about it. In a few years you'll just be required to draw a stick figure and AI will figure out the rest.