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๐Ÿงต Anyone want to make some game art?

Anonymous No. 920023

Hey 3dCG, I'm a game dev looking for an artist to team up with to make some indie games! I was working with another artist but he is not committed to the projects, and I haven't been happy with the small amount of work that he did complete. I want to work with someone new. I have a bunch of games that I'm working on, the coding is more or less complete but I need ART!

I'm willing to split any profits 50/50, but I need someone who can commit themselves fully to the job. Anyone here interested or have some advice for how to find an artist to team up with?

Anonymous No. 920025

Advice: Don't search for a serious person on 4chan chud.

Anonymous No. 920027

are you that chris guy

Anonymous No. 921985

looking at that artstyle i cant even tell if op is being serious or shitposting

Anonymous No. 921989

Genuine advice: use AI like Midjourney to create your art.

Anonymous No. 922092


Anonymous No. 923123

what kind of art do you need?

Anonymous No. 923129

I want a team to build some portfolio

Anonymous No. 923130

You got email or a twitter account to hit you up? Anything to contact you and talk more details?

Anonymous No. 923131

it only took you 10 years right? RIGHT?

Anonymous No. 926163

>candy power

Anonymous No. 928472


Anonymous No. 928475

Working for a percentage with someone who has no track record of successfully releasing games seems like a bad idea.
If you offer money up front you might get a more enthusiastic response

Anonymous No. 928478

I can for 10usd/hour
I'm willing to give you 45% of my part. So we end with 95%-5%