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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920036

Is it possible to optimize Eevee's VRAM usage? I'm making a very simple scene PS1 style with very low resolution textures but I keep hitting the 8GB limit and Blender crashes.

I only have 50 materials, 20 image textures and 70k tris, why tf is this happening

Anonymous No. 920040

I don't know if you're joking, but, 50 Materials?

Each individual material you assign contributes to that usage

Anonymous No. 920044

Sure, but 8gb?

I guess I could join textures and make a tileset, but then I'd lose a lot of flexibiltiy during the scene.

It only occupies 1GB of VRAM on Cycles, I don't understand why Eevee makes it so heavy

Anonymous No. 920051

Why is it always those people who know the least about how PS1 graphics worked who want to recreated that shit?
>8GB vram not enough
>50 materials
>20 image textures


Anonymous No. 920055

Because it's easy, dumbass. Just because it's PS1 graphics doesn't mean I have to make it on MS-DOS with 64kb of ram

Anonymous No. 920062

Nvm, turns out I forgot I set shadow resolution to 4096

Setting it to 1024 reduced VRAM to 1GB

Anonymous No. 920070

Why do you need Eevee? 2.79 has a raw OpenGL rendering that would look even closer to PS1

Anonymous No. 920077

50 Materials isn't really a lot if you have a large scene. Especially with things like cars.

Anonymous No. 920108

most intelligent psxfag

Anonymous No. 920948

set it to like 128px if you want ps1 tier

Anonymous No. 920950

Better yet, turn it off since PS1 didn't have shadows like that, I'm pretty sure.
Shaded polygons yeah, but actual shadows, nah.

Anonymous No. 920959

if you are using intel

Anonymous No. 920963

Hand coded drop shadows for platforming if you were lucky. Some fancy shit on n64. Shadows weren't much of a thing until the gen after that with a few exceptions on PC and by other hardcore autists.

The ancitentfag has spoken.

Anonymous No. 923229

This style is so beautiful!
Is it from a videogame you're creating?
I'd like to follow your work!

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Anonymous No. 923232

>I only have 50 materials,
>I only have 50 materials,
>I only have 50 materials,

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Anonymous No. 924866

>shadows ate the majority of your vram
nice render engine blender foundation

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Anonymous No. 924869

i know this might sound ridiculous in the year 2022, but you are literally using (indian) freeware and that just isn't enough for 1/4-century-year-old graphics.

Anonymous No. 924881

You should also look into creating texture atlases - that is, putting multiple textures into single images. It's more efficient for the shader pipeline as it cuts down on the number of materials used.

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Anonymous No. 927591

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Anonymous No. 927592