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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920068

>blender good
>cant drag and drop files in
Lmao who the fuck uses this dumb shit?

Anonymous No. 920069

Hes on molly

Anonymous No. 920071

you can drag and drop blend files, images, videos and text files

Anonymous No. 920072

You cant do it with fbx and obj which is what I do the most, I agree with OP, that thing is pretty dumb and idk why it’s still not a thing.

Anonymous No. 920073

you are right, we need that kind of thing in blender, submit your ideas here
or write it yourself and submit your code to blender devs

Anonymous No. 920076

>drag and dropping
Fucking zoomers

Anonymous No. 920086

It’s been extensively talked about for over four years blender just sucks shit

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import fbx.jpg

Anonymous No. 920100

that's weird devs don't wanna work on this, looks like they want to do it in some convoluted way, no idea what they are trying to do, easiest way should be detecting what is being dropped by file extension then opening an option menu as usual
it should be like in this software

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blender import.jpg

Anonymous No. 920101

Anonymous No. 920137

shouldn't you be in the ground, fossil?

Anonymous No. 920259

>>cant drag and drop files in
You can.


>you can drag and drop blend files, images, videos and text files

>You cant do it with fbx and obj which is what I do the most, I agree with OP, that thing is pretty dumb and idk why it’s still not a thing.

Strange just noticed that. WTF blender?