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๐Ÿงต Making a patreon game

Anonymous No. 920085

I want to make a commercial patreon.

The thing is, I'm 1MA, but I want to make a commercial patreon game.

But obviously my skills aren't the best.
I need skilled character anime guys who are willing to do coomer shit and aren't moralfags.

Obviously, you don't have to work for free.

I will try to make a prototype using my crappy indie AAA shit tier style.
Eventually when I get some interest from degenerates, and I can afford to pay someone with real skill, I will hire people.

But I rather hire degenerates from here, because, well, this is my turf.
This website has been my home.
I don't belong in another site.

Just leaving this here if anyone wants to eventually join.

Anonymous No. 920263

You should ask Cris.
He loves that style and I bet he would help you out. He has a lot of gamedev experience and can whip up a functioni g prototype in a day! It's almost like you two are made for each other.

Anonymous No. 922163

That invite doesn't work anymore. Can post a new one?