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🧵 This is the final straw.

Anonymous No. 920117

Going to make a porn game with this style.

I no longer give a shit about anything.

Better get shit done in a SHIT TIER MEDIOCRE GARBAGE STYLE, than just keep dreaming about improving or other random BS idea.

Better get shit done quick than wasting my time idea guying.

Anonymous No. 920123

Make sure to do a flip when you inevitably fall flat on your ass.

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Anonymous No. 920126

Anon, a japanese guy went from this...

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Anonymous No. 920127

To this in the span of 2 months. You have no excuse. Apply yourself.

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Anonymous No. 920151

i think being artistically skillful in drawing anime before you start going into 3d plays a significant factor in your ability to translate it into 3d as you learn the software

Anonymous No. 920154

that's a single model, dumb retard.

You can't spend 95% of the art budget in a single nice anime model.

Anonymous No. 920159

The guy draws a daily picture of his waifu without fail. He evenly admits he is not good. He got to that point by sheer determination.

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Anonymous No. 920160

you're so dumb it hurts, that's not 2 months of work dipshit, that's what he can make in a few days AFTER two months of practice. it's taken you 12 years to get to the level of the model in the op, it's literally impossible for you to improve. you will never complete anything, that game will never be done to a decent level, and if you ever release it you will receive overwhelmingly negative reception.

Anonymous No. 920162

my art budget is 3-4 hours to get a finished model rigged and animated from scratch with 2 game animations.

I'm willing to increase that budget to maybe 5 and if you're lucky 6 hours.

Can you make anything better FROM SCRATCH, in 5 hours?

Not, I don't mean a nice model.
I mean a finished original design, from scratch, rigged and 2 game animations finished.

5 hours.
I don't have more time in my budget.

Anonymous No. 920168

bro what the fuck are you talking about, from what you've been posting you've already spent MONTHS on these shit models, 5 hours my ass dude. are you planning to enter 24 hour game competitions? what possible reason would you need to make a model in 5 hours when you spend 10 hours a day posting on here.

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npc levels.png

Anonymous No. 920189

This is what I mean.

Anonymous No. 920191

Those styles don’t work together

Anonymous No. 920192

the trick is making sure the player thinks they belong in the same story.

Anonymous No. 920205

sureeeeee. glhf man

Anonymous No. 920209

Ever heard of modular assets? You don't need to make a model for every single character in your game. Nobody does, even big AAA who may have the money for it. You would have to be retarded to do so.

Anonymous No. 920213

modular assets are still a massive amount of work if you make an AAA realistic modular pack.

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Anonymous No. 920226

Change textures, change colors, add/remove some tiny detail, change sizes. Your lack of creativity is troubling to me.

Anonymous No. 920234

And It will look like 99% of generic garbage game professional industry art.


Anonymous No. 920321

Now this is top tier shitpost.

Anonymous No. 920461

This is really nice. Is there an accepted standard to anime eye placement on 3d models or it an anything goes kinda deal?

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Anonymous No. 920473

The one eye length between eyes holds true.

Anonymous No. 921988

is this really Cris posting or yet another shitposter larping as Cris? i cant even tell anymore

Anonymous No. 922162

Who did this and how?

Anonymous No. 922207

Prior drawing knowledge and a ton grinding.

Anonymous No. 922252

this doesn't look bad tho, maybe it looks bad for a porn game but not for a game
I want to make similar models, like the ones from the late 90s and early 00s, any advice?

Anonymous No. 922255

When you shitpost the same thing many times it becomes extrenely low quality.