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๐Ÿงต Nvidia developing ai to generate 3d models

Anonymous No. 920149

its over

Anonymous No. 920401

Aye, but I like it better when I do it meself, lad.

Anonymous No. 920476

You know, there are people that still exclusively work with film photography? And receive monetary compensation for it...

Anonymous No. 920509

>there are people that still exclusively work with film photography? And receive monetary compensation for it...

That's not a good comparison. There's no signs of any kind of photography being replaced.

Anonymous No. 920553


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Anonymous No. 920617

Funny enough, Blender Guru did a presentation on AI a few years ago. A good one, too. Nvidia started with AI for denoising and now look at them.

Anonymous No. 920636

neural network needs data to remix and produce new stuff
with images it's easy because you have google
same with videos or voice - youtube
but there's no available source of 3d models, and neural networks need hundred of thousands samples
basically we gonna end up with 3d scans but with interpolation and "guessing" with absolutely horrible topology an uv
that won't cut for prod