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๐Ÿงต Motivation thread

Anonymous No. 920224

Hey guys I've been battling procrastination and I feel like I'm wasting my life
Each time I'm telling myself I'll model/draw/sculpt today and just end up wasting my day on vidya and other stuff
Do you have any advice on how to train every day and not procrastinate?

Anonymous No. 920229

Anonymous No. 920230

>Do you have any advice on how to train every day and not procrastinate?
I use version tracking software and read the source for 3d applications and use houdini and /stage/ so whatever i do is piss easy to experiment with and undo at any stage of the game. Its like I'm running on easy mode all the time

Anonymous No. 920232

Thanks anon
I hope it'll help me i really want to change

Anonymous No. 920241

Thank you

Anonymous No. 920244

Kind of sounds like ADHD

Anonymous No. 920246

Is there a way to deal with its procrastinating symptoms or treat adhd besides taking legal meth?

Anonymous No. 920247

You are not lazy, and dont worry you also dont have ADHD or other meme like that, you just havent got your priorities straight, the reason you dont wanna model/draw is because its not that important to you

Anonymous No. 920248

I think you are right and I just need to realize how much it is actually important to me
Cause it is one of the only things I enjoy that is productive my outlet of creativity and my plan for a future profession
I need to make a conscious decision to make time for it each day

Anonymous No. 920252

Who told you that you could post for me?

Anonymous No. 920367

Just give up, in the next few months AI will automate all of art and creativity. Architecture, 3D modeling, writing, full on game development, making long movies. There will be nothing left, and you cant do anything about it.

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Anonymous No. 920382


Anonymous No. 920403

What no balls does to a mf.

Anonymous No. 920445

the AI is dumb as a rock mate

Anonymous No. 920531

I know this video probably has some good info in it, but dear lord this fucker is, for lack of better words, such a doom-baiter.

Every time I see his thumbnails or read the titles for his videos it's like watching someone masturbate to depression.

Anonymous No. 920980

Elastic habits