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🧵 Blender eevee

Anonymous No. 920254

I think it is crap.
Why bother fucking with it if you can get a RTX and use Cycles?

Why fuck around with it?

Anonymous No. 920255

Look up the differences between biased and unbiased renderers and how each has pro and cons for different art styles.
Also, Eevee is still a fuckton faster and time is money.

Anonymous No. 920257

>Also, Eevee is still a fuckton faster
Yea I know only now that we have the hardware to do real time ray tracing do we even bother?

>for different art styles.
I'm a modeler so I do not give a shit about renderers they are all shit who will become obsolete and all the skill you have in them is literally meaningless.

Anonymous No. 920303

Eevee is good for stuff like material previews and renders that don't necessarily require photorealistic lighting.

Anonymous No. 920319

>time is money.
Not when the result is absolute crap. Just use Unreal.

Anonymous No. 920360


Anonymous No. 920374

>Just use Unreal.
You tell them !

Anonymous No. 920385

If you've never used another software you probably don't know how annoying it is setting up shaders and materials in a path tracer, I love being able to do all that with fast response.

With that being said hopefully Eevee next makes it more useful for finished rendered frames (outside of NPR and night time sci fi scenes)

Anonymous No. 920444

Eevee doesnt even have RTX support, years after its debut.

Anonymous No. 920448

Unreal is 8GB and is a huge beast.
Eevee comes in Blender, around 300 MB, and can look just as good if you have experience and know how to set up materials, lighting and effects.

Anonymous No. 920449

you are dead wrong. Unreal is leagues ahead and does raytracing

Anonymous No. 920450

>Why bother fucking with it if you can get a RTX and use Cycles?
I can't

Anonymous No. 920472

Still think it's about the artist, not the tool. This is easy to verify by looking for "best Eevee renders" images and comparing with "best Unreal renders" images, which I'm not going to waste my time doing because fuck you

Anonymous No. 920474

you're doing mental gymnastics

Anonymous No. 920484

its fast (good for quickly making porn $$) and good for "previewing" what scenes would look like in game engines even before passing it down the pipeline

Anonymous No. 920580

You're retarded

Anonymous No. 920581

This is the way.

Tools is tools, saying one is better sounds fucking stupid when you're comparing tools for different things.

e.g. tHE SCALPEL is BETTER than a hammer because it can SLICE. Hammer users are stupid, why use a hammer when even a butter knife can cut better?

Anonymous No. 920595

does it have RTX or does it not, shitter?

Anonymous No. 920694

So it is a money problem?
Not using ray tracimy only makes less sense then demanding every software hasło MS DOS version in 2023. You can user ray tracimy on a potato PC only get ready to pay in time

Anonymous No. 920705

>implying blender users have money

Anonymous No. 920755

For stylized renders, EEVEE is god. For everything else, its ok if you're on a time crunch or doing an very long animation.

Anonymous No. 920759

eevee is not a biased renderer

Anonymous No. 921401

is there any reason to bake materials (procedural materials) if say the objects and animation just stay in blender? that method is usually if you're exporting to some other program or making a game? I'm trying to work with cycles and mostly use procedural shading and rarely any image textures

Anonymous No. 921422

Only really if the procedurals completely fuck things when they compute.
For some reason I have one that completely tanks the viewport any time it's viewable (it's one that randomizes UV tiles to make seamless textures more "seamless").
But nah, I never bake them unless they're fucking huge and take more than 5 seconds or so to show up when I swap to viewport (5 seconds when it's computing that single material,swapping to workbench viewport with a whole scene might take collectively more time than that)