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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920260

Is there any free modelling software with an intuitive interface usable by someone who hasn't spend 200 hours watching shitty Blender tutorials?

Anonymous No. 920268

Wings 3D

Anonymous No. 920283

ngmi with that attitude, this field isn't easy, you can't be filtered by some program already lol. (I can only understand if it's houdini). Try blender fo artists, which has a cleaner UI, some people prefer that.

Anonymous No. 920285

Wings 3d Chad, also true moi3d if you like wings

Anonymous No. 920286

Imagine being filtered by the interface of a program that billions of a pajeets use daily to make cow porn.

Anonymous No. 920288

>Filtered by blender UI

How about you spend one day learning it and the rest you figure out as you go?

Is not like you need more

Anonymous No. 920298

Does Wings3D has something like surfaces/NURBS/splines/whatever it's called?
Something like a square "patch", controlled by points/curves/beziers/etc?
I'd really like something like that, preferably controlled by bezier handles.
I don't think Blender has anything like that.

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Anonymous No. 920300

Something like this? You can get it as a plugin

Anonymous No. 920302

how do you even use this software, like wtf is this crap

Anonymous No. 920306

Figure it out. Left-click. Right-click. See what shit does. I learned how to use it doing nothing but that, and you can do it too.

Anonymous No. 920307

Can the curves in that plugin be moved in the 3D space, or only in 2D?
For example, could you make that Bluetooth icon curved when seen from the sides?
Also, can you go back and edit the curves after the geometry has been generated?

Anonymous No. 920312

I haven't actually used that plugin myself, but you can move the curves in 3D. No idea if you can edit the curves after generating the geometry, however. I'd say no, but that's just my guess.

Anonymous No. 920314

Never used it but the God of Modeling Arrimus3d uses it

Anonymous No. 921506

why are so many of you fags afraid to just mess around with a tool and figure out what each thing does ?

the chair nerd No. 921543

Don't tell them. Hard work is a very well hidden secret in the industry.

Anonymous No. 921560

Zoomer, like boomers, are afraid that if they touch a wrong button, their PC will explode.

Anonymous No. 921566

Watched zero tutorials and I instantly figured out the interface. It's like every tool was placed exactly where I would have placed it have I made the program.

Anonymous No. 921592

Yeah, it's called "paying somebody else to do it". The interface is you handing cash to somebody less lazy than yourself.
Or you can wait for 3D AI to get better and more available. Doesn't seem that far off, really.
Or you can spend a couple hours learning the 7 or 8 necessary hotkeys for using Blender for modelling, you lazy cunt.

Anonymous No. 921602

Because a bunch of lazy AI-clinging zoomies who blew threw their covid gibs are staring down a lifetime of minimum wage grunt work started flooding the art boards trying to speak with authority (lol) about how all the mean "gifted" artists are going to lose jobs.

Anonymous No. 922148

god fucking damn have you ever heard of a manual? turn off your fucking internet for a minute and try learning shit like normal people did 30 years ago.
for the love of god no, just use Maya.

Anonymous No. 922150

>filtered by blender uj of all things


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Anonymous No. 922175

Almost 400 hours have passed since you posted your stupid message. Have you learned anything?

Anonymous No. 923930

i learned that ur mum loves sloppy blowjobs