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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920291

You guys make fun of Cris, but he's literally the Leonard the Vinchi of this board.

He's not only a pretty reasonable artist (both 2D and 3D), but he's also an entrepreneur (he's making his own game), a programmer, an inventor (he's trying to come up with new ways to generate characters efficiently using AI), etc.

While his results so far aren't impressive, I respect his determination to keep trying new things and improving his work methods. I believe in the long term he'll accomplish his goal of creating a videogame.

Meanwhile, you guys just criticize him and the other anons who post their work. You shitpost about which 3D software is the best or the worst. You debate useless things. But most of you don't actually make 3D stuff.

Anonymous No. 920292


Anonymous No. 920299

Cris. This board's Cris. He's like Leonarda Vichy.

Anonymous No. 920341

Not a reason to leave up like 15 garbage thread on a slow board

Anonymous No. 920351

It isn't the board that is slow; it's Cris that is too fast. Cris is much more productive than any of us.

Anonymous No. 920352

>I believe in the long term he'll accomplish his goal of creating a videogame.
cris you are already 33 years old

sage No. 920355

Fucking kill yourself you useless brown piece of shit

Anonymous No. 920392

never heard of him lol

Anonymous No. 920443

I'm not Cris, I'm simply a fan of his determination.

Anonymous No. 920716

Based Cris enjoyer.

Anonymous No. 920897

What's Cris been up to recently? He hasn't posted anything.

Anonymous No. 920989

The soul of /3/. Cris will never be forgotten.

Anonymous No. 921007

12 posts. 6 IPs.
was all made by the same person.
Why are you like this?

Anonymous No. 921085

Because Cris inspires me.

Anonymous No. 921140


Anonymous No. 921455

This board's beloved idol, Cris-sama!

Anonymous No. 921712

He was in the Capitol on Jan 6.