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Is my portfolio good enough to be in the industry? at Sat, 1 Oct 2022 22:45:27 UTC No. 920500
I've been trying to get a job as a 3D artist for ages, I just want to know what I'm doing wrong and what I should do to/ know someone to get a foot in the industry.
I have proficient knowledge in creating game-ready assets, a beginner knowledge in rigging, and little to no knowledge in Unity or Unreal.
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Oct 2022 23:36:19 UTC No. 920512
the reason you arent finding any work, is because you need to practice more and get a fuck ton better, the art industry is cutthroat and trying to be a character artist is literally the hardest thing you can try to get a job in. You are not good and you need to practice more
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 01:31:25 UTC No. 920522
1) It looks like it is created in AI with as many errors as in the base of the hair, elbow, red shirt fused to the skin, etc.
2) This directly is unfinished.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 01:31:28 UTC No. 920523
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 01:43:29 UTC No. 920525
Sell your models get paid, easy.
Is my portfolio good enough to be in the industry? at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 03:34:14 UTC No. 920538
Do you have examples of stylized characters that will get someone hired by the industry?
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 09:11:40 UTC No. 920578
Why not just try fix what's been pointed out and paint textures on the two clay faces
Then you'll already have a better portfolio.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 15:34:47 UTC No. 920657
you might be okay-ish with details, but you still lack fundamentals. This model alone is not good enough for game. it doesnt look game-ready to me, and I'm sure as hell it's not good looking either.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Oct 2022 21:20:27 UTC No. 920715
OP's stuff looks like shit and some fucking chav above posted some shitty sculpt of a fat guy claiming he knows shit op is just a retard fucking tards amiright
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Oct 2022 14:06:04 UTC No. 920782
is this 3DGuy when he's not pretending to be retarded for (You)s? the face looks similar to me
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Oct 2022 06:06:26 UTC No. 921054
Looks a bit off.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Oct 2022 07:38:04 UTC No. 921059
guy gave sound advice, dude. Your attitude is probably what's holding you back. Your portfolio should be a shitty webpage or at least artstation profile. Just having a few images on your harddrive won't cut it. Also, you have to prove that your assets are game-ready by making custom character models for games you like. It gets you to learn the engine and could be useful for applying to the developers of those games. Devs like to hire modders.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Oct 2022 09:22:03 UTC No. 921062
Dude, that fat guy model is not mine, I already have an artstation set up. the models have wireframes, UVs, and rigs in my artstation. I know a lot of the trendy artstation pages are just Zbrush sculpts, not really proving that they can create a game ready model.
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Oct 2022 10:10:33 UTC No. 921064
post it or gtfo you worthless brain dead nigger that can't even get a job. You're asking for advice in a shitposting board get self awareness and kys
Anonymous at Sun, 9 Oct 2022 17:57:19 UTC No. 921488
Even I can get a job. Although I'm paid shit. Still I get paid.
Anonymous at Mon, 10 Oct 2022 03:47:30 UTC No. 921538
learn2python and you easily make 4 times what a rank and file 3d monkey makes in his lifetime.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 05:13:14 UTC No. 921824
OP here, I'm just going to say this:
Are you fucking retarded? Dude, that's just a Zbrush sculpt, where's the wireframe? The rigs? If I wanted to work as an anime figurine sculptor, I wouldn't have bothered buying Maya. All jobs in Indeed require me to have knowledge of Maya, Zbrush, Adobe Substance, and Unity/Unreal. I fucking wish it was just Zbrush. Your Zbrush sculpt doesn't prove shit in making a game asset. Dude, if it was just a Zbrush sculpt, my final output would've been 30% better.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:01:37 UTC No. 921826
Shit poor thing can she walk with all that fluid on her kneecaps? Put her out of her mysery.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:12:39 UTC No. 921827
>Proficient in creating game ready assets.
>Proceeds to show a deformed woman as hia best work
>Hurr durr sculpts cannot be retopoed into game ready assets.
>Hurr durr Ir I would ve wnted it my wprj could be 30% better
>Proceeds to show a mediocre and unfinoshed sculpt.
I've got it anon its not your portfolio, its your little mind that cannot get you into the industry.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:16:41 UTC No. 921828
Man, if you want to hurt my feelings and crush my ego, just post your best work man. but I know you won't because the /3/ board NEVER post their portfolio, they just spew hot shit without backing them up. I'm just gonna assume your best work is the basic blender donut unless you can prove me wrong.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:25:30 UTC No. 921831
Bitch I don't even do cg I come from /ck/ but the same way you can smell a rotten egg from miles away I can tell your Sakura is deformed and your sculp aint finished and not portofolio worthy. It's like me pretending to be a chef just because I have a thousand dillar chef's knife and my hobby is suddenly up to industry standards. Go back to your ego shell you smoorh brained fuck.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:30:37 UTC No. 921832
>Ismy work worthy?
No its shit
>Why you hurt mah feelings.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:47:07 UTC No. 921834
>Tries to get in the industey for ages.
>Asks for examples of characters instead of spending 5 minutes on Artstation.
Yeah. Ignorance is bliss but op's is more lile a blizzard.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 06:48:19 UTC No. 921835
Oh so you can't back up your shit talk? Man, you're like the Nostalgia Critic, ripping on movies, thinking he's hot shit. Then when it comes to making his own movies, he makes HOT GARBAGE. Look, I get it, you don't have to be a chef to know that a meal tastes bad. But you just sound like a negative nancy, you don't have actual critiques, you just say 'it's bad' without pinpointing anything. If you want to sound like Gordon Ramsey, just a blanket, 'you're bad' is not gonna hurt my feelings. Listen, bro, I get it, I like being a negative nancy too, but it's not gonna hurt anyone's feelings.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 07:10:28 UTC No. 921837
Negative Nancy? Who the fuck are you? Frank Kellog? Where you by chance raised by your granmother who still uses those expressions? Now I know why you are made of glass. Its because in your house the only person you can show you work to is your partially blind granny. Do you want pointers? How about that inverted shader curve that makes those legs have darker edges, how about that skirt made of militaey grade wool softened with glue, how about that lazy red shirt that is probably just a mask on the same mesh of the neck, how about those hideous kneecaps that protrude like she had grade 4 arthritis. How about not calling a dumb screenshot of a basic sculpt a portofolio piece. Bitch I come to 4chan for my two best hobbies, cooking and roasting insecure idiots like you. If you come to 4chan expect fucking negative idiots like me. If you want your dick stroked softly got to reddit or DeviantArt. Grow a pair man. I am enjoying my hobby while you seethe and fume instead or bettering your portfolio.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 07:49:13 UTC No. 921839
Yeah, I didn't expect reddit level praise, you think I'm that retarded? I didn't expect the critiques to be this SHALLOW though. Any retard can call anything bad, but it takes a special autistic retard to crush someone's ego with their pinpoint critiques. I think you're the only one that gave a critique that I can try and fix. Now I know that Substance Painter rendering sucks, I need to practice my anatomy, the texture is too realistic for the style.
Anyways, I guess I am retarded for thinking that /3/ board is full of people that actually know their shit.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 08:32:14 UTC No. 921842
It's like she's aging in realtime as you look down the image.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 13:43:44 UTC No. 921862
>Posts 1 image and 1 screenshot
>Expects critiques not to be superficial and or shallow
Post your ArtStation profile anon
>Wha you hurt mah feelings
>Admits he has to improve his anatomy and still blames /3/ for not knowing shit.
>Texture is too realistic
Dude you just have become ny favourite punching bag keep replying.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 13:47:51 UTC No. 921863
Whoah imagine this dude recieving a group assessment in a real work environment.lfmao
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 14:20:52 UTC No. 921872
well, anon did say he was trying to improve, so...
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 15:21:09 UTC No. 921879
Dude, just fucking STOP attaching your ego to your work.
Artists Mental Health 101.
Not only does it make you look and behave like a retard, every time your EGO gets triggered into arguing with assholes/idiots, they'll pull you down to their level and beat you with experience, which feeds you subconscious insecurity and you have to process and balance this negative feedback-loop. Just don't - its a waste of energy.
An attack on your work, your behavior or even your "persona" has no effect at all if you deliberately and consciously cut the connection/confusion between self and ego. You're not your ego, the ego is your advisor, you are free to ignore it - don't let it become your tyrant.
Posting work here is more like an confidence and endurance test which can be helpful, but you need to be able to discern valid criticism from invalid criticism.
Nobody can touch your state of mind and mess with your emotions if you remove your ego from the equation.
>I just want to know what I'm doing wrong and what I should do to/ know someone to get a foot in the industry.
Failing hard and failing often is actually recommended. Failure is a good teacher, just make sure to learn from it.
If you want serious criticism and want to know if you are employable go post on polycount or some other community.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 15:26:04 UTC No. 921880
You'd be better off going to a place like r/zbrush if you want to get actual critique. Any other community oriented around professional software can be a good place to go for critique because they are some of the few places on the internet, other than this website, where people are willing to be critical and not hugbox you. I've seen threads like these play out before. Boards like this one and /ic/ have professional artists that are just bad enough to still view amateurs as competition and will give shitty advice on purpose instead of improving their own shit. You also have some posters who don't make anything but still think they have the insight to give effective critique.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Oct 2022 21:31:50 UTC No. 921931
Salty idiot that fucks with op here. Yes he is right.I am sorry he was an easy target.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Oct 2022 15:37:03 UTC No. 922974
As a professional character artist your work isn't bad at all, there could be slight adjustments but it comes down to personal preference, nice job
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 12:23:01 UTC No. 923066
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:05:44 UTC No. 923074
If you don't have profile at art station i can't even take you serious. If you do post link then we talk.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:38:16 UTC No. 923082
>want a portfolio that will get him a job in the industry
>doesn't fucking know what retopo is, thinks sculpts=finished model that can't be put into games
Holy fuck the state of /3 these days
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:02:36 UTC No. 923085
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:12:38 UTC No. 923087
Ok OP, its never late to learn the workflow.
I dont consider myself a pro, but I already worked for several videogame studios making assets and characters. I used to be an environmental artist but I grew tired of sculpting the same stuff.
Nowadays, the most common workflow includes, as you say, Maya, PBR (substance) and Unreal, yes. But theres also the high poly sculpting, mostly done with Zbrush. Your workflow was used for videogames maybe lets say until the PS2/3/era. Switch too
Now almost every artist works with Zbrush, creates a high poly sculpt, with all the details, textures, maybe scanned data (have you seen the latest Resident Evil remake games? those hire real people, scan their heads and then they use them on Zbrush).
Because of using such high poly and dense data composed of millions of polygons, you will also have to learn how to *retopo*.
So you will end up having 2 models, the highpoly and the lowpoly. Then, you can *bake* the details from the high onto the low if you want it to use it into a game engine*
*You can still have the highpoly one decimated and used for example inside Unreal 5 with Nanite, but thats another subject
Finally, my current job in the industry is to sculpt characters in A-pose in Zbrush, retopo them, posing them and create sculpts for renders and advertisement. So yes, creating a "sculpt" is something not closed, you can still work with that for a videogame and, in a near future, you wont even need to retopo them at all.
And, as for /3/ and advice, tips and similar, you can ask for it but I think its not the best place. Try discord channels, artstation (really, it has a nice community), behance or why not, reddit. But mostly, study. Keep studying, learning, working every day and accept critique. This 3D world is too fucked up, and when you thought you knew the ultimate workflow it gets outdated in a matter of weeks. If you are just starting, make yourself a favour and select another route in your life career.
Good luck.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:10:15 UTC No. 923108
Wasted your time anon, OP is not going to read even half of that and will call you an idiot who doesn't know shit. He said he's been doing for ages and doesn't know the most simple workflow, it's actually over, he doesn't want to and won't ever learn
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 00:09:30 UTC No. 923125
The subdivision modelling workflow is its own style. Just because the studios you work for use retopo workflow does not make subd workflow obsolete. There's a sad focus on making everything as realistic as possible while not focusing on style. RE remake models, while technically impressive, make me feel ill. it looks realistic but it's realistic in the worst possible ways. Imagine if netflix remade RE4 as a shitty live action movie. That's what the RE remake is. Its pathetic attempts to remake a cashcow again to bring in more money from people who are trapped in nostalgia. As capitalism deteriorates and you are pandered to more and more, I hope you realize that the "industry" and it's workflow choices are part of the same rot. 3dcg can be an escape from reality but for some reason we bring it right back.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 02:15:33 UTC No. 923132
shut the fuck up, just stop talking, you don't know shit, brainlet, this isn't even related in the slightest, OP will NEVER get a job without knowing the most common workflow in the modern industry
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 03:24:06 UTC No. 923134
gifrelated is you after having your cv rejected for the 1000nd time despite your epic subdivision modelling workflow (you don't know the basics of creating game ready assets)
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 03:40:03 UTC No. 923137
The funniest part is this is probably three times more low poly than the op pic monstrosity
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 10:03:16 UTC No. 923150
As I mentioned, the poly modeling is also used nowadays in indie, switch, cellphone games and many other options. Of course OP can make a way in the industry just doing that, or even like that guy from /3/ who is constantly asking about recreating the psx graphics. But I was replying to what he said, thinking Zbrush is something you dont need to create a game asset and trying to invalidate it:
>Dude, that's just a Zbrush sculpt, where's the wireframe? The rigs? If I wanted to work as an anime figurine sculptor, I wouldn't have bothered buying Maya. Your Zbrush sculpt doesn't prove shit in making a game asset. Dude, if it was just a Zbrush sculpt, my final output would've been 30% better.
I talked about RE because is the easiest example, but stylized games like Fortnite, the Crash Bandicoot remakes, Spyro or even Fall Guys used Zbrush and the sculpting method. -Even before Epic bought them- (Hell, even Fall Guys used the XMD free cloth alphas for most of its floors)
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 11:40:59 UTC No. 923156
Wrong, Sub-d modelling is not a style, its optimisation method you tard
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 21:30:33 UTC No. 923233
>know nothing about /3/
>see banner in picrel while browsing another board
>decide to visit /3/ just for the heck of it and see what's on this board
>first post in the catalog is a user looking for a job
lmao i must say you have a very accurate board banner
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Oct 2022 23:25:33 UTC No. 923251
industry person here
Your portfolio from what I gather in this thread looks like it's just a bunch of loose screenshots of things. No rendering, no nice compositing, no good presentation really.
If you want to present game ready assets, show them off in a simple environment with nice lighting, then present an animated turntable and wireframe if possible.
But before you that I think you should go back and practice some fundamentals. The wrinkles in the sculpt in the OP look very busy and unrealistic, the lighting is just sort of flat and unappealing and you haven't done much in the way of texturing and shaders.
pic related, something from my portfolio
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:49:00 UTC No. 923347
I have a question for you.
Why are you here?
I'm just a hobbyist at a very amateur skill level, and even I feel like the general quality and advice on this board is more often actively harmful than helpful. The average post here is annoying and spiteful. What does this board offer to a professional like you?
Good advice, by the way. I hope OP takes it.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 22:18:26 UTC No. 923379
I think 4chan has the potential to be a good place to learn something new. Nobody is here to sell you anything. Everyone is honest. It's the beauty of anonymity. Unfortunately it usually just devolves into people being spiteful and nasty because they can get away with it without their name being attached.
Maybe I just want to lead by example and maybe other people will see that 4chan doesn't always have to be about ruining someone's day but maybe just helping out your fellow autismo who hates other spaces on the internet as much as you do.
Or maybe I'd rather rip off my own fingernails then start posting on reddit.
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Oct 2022 22:56:37 UTC No. 923383
You're helping white supremacists by posting here. There is no salvaging this place. It used to be alt right and now there are a lot of right right people here. You can find most of them in DAZ threads since their brains aren't developed enough to use real 3d software. It's better to let these people squalor in failure than to help them. Your work also will be associated with these people by posting here. It's better to keep your work to yoruself than to share it with people that don't deserve it. Unless you dont see anything wrong with the views expressed on this board. Then you can get fucked too.
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Oct 2022 02:11:51 UTC No. 923399
question from a newbie, how long does it take to make a character for a modern game like let's say rdr2? Including retopo and texturing ofc but excluding any rigging and animation
>If you are just starting, make yourself a favour and select another route in your life career.
please dont say that
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:12:44 UTC No. 923431
I agree with you. Everyone here is sort of jaded in their own way, but the anonymity really does transform the experience into something you can't get in any other website. Nobody has a fish to sell, nobody has much of a reason to lie, and sometimes the jaded facade does slip a little bit and you get genuine advice like yours. It's a very hostile but pure and honest place.
I think the 4chan boogeyman is seriously exaggerated. This website is not filled with right-wing extremists or white supremacists or whatever the fuck. /pol/ is a very tiny part of the site and part of me inherently knows you shouldn't take anything posted there too seriously, it's literally called politically incorrect.
I don't think posting your portfolio stuff here should be a big deal, at worst it's just another form of social media, and anybody who immediately throws people interested in 3D and people interested in politics all together just because they visit the same site should be ashamed of how shortsighted that is. But unfortunately we don't live in a world like that.
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Oct 2022 23:17:21 UTC No. 923521
I've got a question and it is really bothering me, it would probably be more fit for freelance contractors:
I've been working for one studio remotely as a freelance contractor since 2020. It's a flexible type of job where everyone works as much as they can and are paid hourly. Now, I've been working for them on and off at the beginning, but since last year I'm constantly involved in their projects. However, it's still not fulltime, because I'm also working for another studio, so I end up doing 50-80 hours per month for them.
What's bothering me is that they still didn't even give me a hint of a possible pay raise or a move up the seniority level. Generally only a tiny fraction of artists there have a senior role though. And they've told me multiple times they love my work and are satisfied with me so I'm pretty sure it's not about my skills.
I'm afraid of asking anyone there directly about it, but I do wonder if anyone knows how do studios like that choose to whom they should give a raise in salary / seniority, and when?
The only thing I assume may be the reason is that I don't work fulltime for them, but I don't see why that would be necessary if I have still provided a lot of working hours in total for them, just spread more thin over the years.
All the compliments are nice and all, but I've started to feel like I'm not appreciated enough because of this. I'd really like to continue working for them and t b h even my current wage is pretty good for me, but damn... It does feel bad when some of the artists reached seniority in like 6 months to a year and I'm still... here at the same spot.
I know that a senior role is also described as someone who doesn't need handholding and is helping other people in the team. I fit both of these descriptions as well btw.
Anonymous at Fri, 28 Oct 2022 22:41:26 UTC No. 923638
Man I really wanna suckle on those fish titties...
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 12:59:38 UTC No. 924215
pure soul.
zoomers will never know this feel.
emulators or remakes dont count.
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 17:16:00 UTC No. 924236
push for a contract or leave
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 18:22:46 UTC No. 924245
What kind of contract? I have the same contract as everyone else in the studio.
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 22:48:50 UTC No. 924269
I posted things I learned here from personally from big industry veterans, without initialy divulging that, that I never learned nor was emphasized from here before. Anons just reeee'd thinking I was trying to take away their pet tools. The problem with this website is it turns into an imposter syndrome crab fest that is completely removed from reality.
>I don't think posting your portfolio stuff here should be a big deal, at worst it's just another form of social media
But it's not. It never was. The issue is that the internet became a small place with less OC and more recycled frogs with every site spilling over into one another until the old guard went back to lurking or left entirely, and tourists started treating this place like social media even though they are just unverifiable anons visiting threads with bots that die in a few minutes or hours. Remember this place is almost 20 years old. Some of us knew what a horrible mistake social media would be especially after seeing alot of gay ops which became something mainstream called cancel culture as the internet and real life were integrating. If you're posting your work here, it's done through secondary portfolio.
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 23:50:48 UTC No. 924276
to make by a seasoned pro: a month or more
to become a seasoned pro: many years
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Nov 2022 23:56:02 UTC No. 924277
do you get any time to breathe or do you struggle with deadlines
Anonymous at Thu, 3 Nov 2022 15:48:24 UTC No. 924355
A character for RDR2 likely isn't made by a single person, but rather a team with each member in charge of a part in the grander process. Concept art, sculpting, retopo, UV-mapping, texturing and baking, cleaning up motionbuilder data and making sure it loops properly. All would be handled by a different person in a big studio.
That isn't to say modeling guy can't do nice UVs or paint when making something for his portfolio. I think
is an okay estimate if this were the case - if he knew exactly what he was making, had good experience and worked with no breaks for a month or so, about two to four hours a day, then you could expect a high quality AAA game character in an A-pose in about month's time. Creating a custom control rig for that character will add exponentially to this.
Anonymous at Thu, 3 Nov 2022 16:45:23 UTC No. 924362
I'm pretty sure even each one of those is separated, because different people would work on e.g. modeling (body, clothes, hair etc.). At least from what I know as a non-character artist.
Anonymous at Thu, 3 Nov 2022 20:40:26 UTC No. 924405
Sounds like hell, doing same shit all day, at least when you are doing both sculpting, retopo, uv and textures you don't spend enough time on each phase to get bored of it
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 09:18:14 UTC No. 924606
Anon, the biggest reason you don't have a job is that you're trying to get join an over-saturated market with a hand full of jobs. Consider a career change to an astronaut, it might be easier.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 16:23:48 UTC No. 924686
the reason OP, why you dont have a chance at job is because Your skills are stuck at early 2000's graphics style.
you need to get better at doing appealing models.
Anonymous at Sat, 5 Nov 2022 21:01:03 UTC No. 924742
it sounds like you don't even realize what you want. and it shows in your work ethic for the company. ya sure you put in 40-80 hours in a month but if you want a serious full time gig with them then you need to show that you are capable of it as a freelancer. So man or woman up and work the 40 hours a week for them for 5 months and then ask for it out right. And say that you want to go "steady" with them or something to that effect. But basically contract out 40 hours a week for them.
But basically show the intent and back it up with MAN HOURS of high quality work. Because they will be looking at your work in a different light now that you want more money. And they will do a ROI type of thinking on your job. Might not be worth it if you lacking in any area of your work. Because I know I would scrutinize the fuck out of your work if you came at me with that attitude.
Ps. Try to not to sound like an entitled spoiled little bitch in the conversation. Something you need to work on.
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 00:19:00 UTC No. 924780
dude just give up, i gave up 2 years ago and just work at a restaurant now, i randomly decided to check this again and nothing has changed, JUST GIVE UP
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 01:08:51 UTC No. 924783
Go wait on a customer, pandeho
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 01:48:52 UTC No. 924786
You were born too late and couldn't early start first gen or in the early 2000s when profs would throw jobs at people who slept in the computer library. You didn't go to a French-Canadian one year program, as a transgender, and make a demo soldier getting fast tracked to ubisoft to later make Adam Jensen. The industry is full of people that either end up opening their own business or skipping straight to that but even the veterans with connections have to make sacrifices and have as much luck or action as you do for a long while until dumb luck pops up or offer during some small talk. The labor market and global economy at large is cracking while you can already see the AI being rolled out at a rapid pace making junior artists obsolete or at best a division of labor so specialized your only role will be to drag and drop smart materials or cut and unwrap UVs until your skin turns curry and you feel dead on the inside like someone working at McDonalds when they thought they were going to become a chef.
Just become niche AI artist and turn other people's coom into money. The manual art is for self-expression
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 02:07:58 UTC No. 924789
>ust become niche AI artist and turn other people's coom into money.
Why is making porn always the only solution for you 3D doomers?
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 03:43:50 UTC No. 924791
Market research. You can also engage in IP violations from 3d printed Ghost of Tsushima masks for cosplay or masquerade balls. Note people only sell the file (sometimes even the rights to an IP they do not own) no need to print and physically ship this stuff. All the customers love these guys. They don't moralfag around in their reviews nor review bomb (haven't seen it yet so could be wrong on an exception), not even when a bootlegger draws attention and asks what to do about someone literally committing more than successful fraud with their friend's work to the crybabies over at polycount or reddit. Remembers IP is an ethical gray area that goes both ways when it comes to personal creation especially with physical property. Companies do worse and try to use legal trickery to steal employee personal projects.
Let's get back track though... Baby yoda? Slap a monster kits and a green baby bonnet on a besh mesh with the magic of dynamics and charge 28 dollars. Speed sculpted fat Pokemon? You inflation brush is finally worth its weight in gold. Yes even monetized trailer Tifa 8 months before the remake came out with allegedly a mediocre rig (#1 seller to this day.) The underground 3d world is your oyster. A portrait of a realistic black woman smiling sideways with a raised eyebrow with her tilted toward the camera with her left eye looking at it while holding a book by Greta Thunberg? That shits going on the Zbrush screensaver with your name (maybe pseudonym) for the world to see and getting an interview on the official channel.
Who needs the headache of junior artists to work on the filler background assets hastily made lo poly mugs and textured trash piles when you got this in little old Blender?
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 05:45:39 UTC No. 924796
Nobody who hasn't been living under a rock wants to work in the video game industry. Do you want the mangaka lifestyle but as a zog cog salaryman with very shaky job stability? And like the guy below you said it's cut throat for character artists and I assume you have no connections. Your reward for this thankless sedentary work will be compromising your model and/or redoing it both because of possible change in concept or the rigger wants his way and more. Also get ready for proper naming conventions and alot of groupings to make the animation department as happy you want them to be. Have a nicely organized hierarchy tree so you're not known as "*groan* that guy." It's gonna be a back and forth any way varying in duration depending on what's being worked on but keep in mind that you're working with pipeline downstream in mind.
On the plus side if you're super levels of good to the point that art directors want to swap your magic saliva and nominate you for cybersculptor initiative, you can have all the lefty sois be responsible for retopologizing your hi poly sculptris abused model just because you refuse to do so. Your retopo bots will hate you but they were mean NPCs anyway and it's worth the price of not having to retopologize, so don't feel to Griffith about it. No trad sculptor has to deal with it, so why should you?
Oh right before I forget you don't have to be too strict about your portfolio when it come to the character design. What I mean is show off what your main style is but be flexible. A more simplified chibi version of your character or something suited for a commercial will broaden your appeal beyond just one specific industry without being all over the place with your portfolio. It'll demonstrate a range and that you aren't a one trick pony with your interpretation of a character staying inside your comfort zone. All the wireframe better be sexy with retopo loops in the key deformation places and ngon under the armpits (saddle surface.)
Anonymous at Sun, 6 Nov 2022 22:34:32 UTC No. 924882
>Just become niche AI artist
With how easy it is to get started and with how many capable GPUs are on the market now, I get the feeling those 'niche AI artists' are gonna reproduce like cockroaches at an explosive rate and soon, it's gonna be traditional artists that are niche instead.
I actually think this is a good thing for real artists though. With the way the weird human brain thinks in funny ways, the ordinary art made by the human artist in a stream session over a few days will be seen as much more valuable than the good or even fantastic art spat out in droves by the AI, just because you know the ordinary artist is a human, you can see all the effort he's put into creating the drawing, and you associate that time he's spent laboring as added value, even though it doesn't really add anything to the finished product.
As places like danbooru ban AI art and pixiv segregates it to its own tag, but the AI models continue to improve to the point where it'll be incredibly difficult and time-consuming if not impossible to definitively tell whether any one piece is AI-drawn or not, more and more emphasis will be placed on the other end of the spectrum - verifying that it's a human doing the art, be that through upload frequency or past proof like streams or through other means, and just assuming everything else is done by AI because what else can you do at that point? And this verification process will add to that perceived value of existing artists and the prestige of their art. Again, you know it's a human, you verified it, you know he puts all this work into it, you'll put far more stock into whatever it is he's doing just based on the authenticity and labor factors.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Nov 2022 14:08:02 UTC No. 924956
One of the best advices you'll ever read here. I actually learned that the hard way. First time i posted my work online, people in the thread shit on it hard. There was even a guy writing in ghetto speak, telling me he didn't know why, but he "hated my work". At first i was fuming, telling myself "what the fuck do they know?". Took me a whole day to find the "perfect" reply to every one of their posts, cause i took the time to check their profiles and see their work. i was convinced that, because their work wasn't as good as mine, they didn't have any basis to criticize me. My reply was passive aggressive as fuck. I basically told them "thank you for your crictics, but i'm satisfied with the way i'm doing things". They didn't reply back, so i thought i won. Two days later i wen't through my works, and they looked like shit. Seriously, it was like midas touch in reverse, i wasn't satisfied with how any of it looked. it took me a whole week to go back to work, cause i didn't want to even look at it, so i thought to myself, "maybe those fags were right". I started following their advices, even the ghetto guy, and my work actually improved greatly. At first i was ashamed with how i responded to their crictics, but eventually i started posting my work there again, and they like it. Some of them were even impressed. So maybe this thread can teach you something