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๐Ÿงต You know we're something if a game dev ourselves

Anonymous No. 920526

With all the good talented members of this respectable board, why hasnt anyone collaborated on a project to make anything. You already know a company is average and not making there best, but plenty of proof of a single mooder out doing them. If you guys are as good as you say you are, I challenge you to show them what you're made of, imagine it as many users here making a game and one users is as a good as a whole company by themselves. We have the numbers and skill we could ship out interesting games and all get paid, could even make this a new jobs doing this, so what do think?

Anonymous No. 920527

These niggers are too busy sucking the cock of their 3D software of choice to make anything productive, anon.

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Anonymous No. 920529

You know we flip the market and create I need for good games, and use the games as a portfolio to get into 3d jobs or create our own, unity is the first step.

Anonymous No. 920535

We aren't programmers though.

Anonymous No. 920537

There are some here, and we can learn.

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Anonymous No. 920541

I like you're attitude friend, if we put all our technical know how together, i can really be the next kojima. I need you guys to model 50 different nps and at least 20 different buildings. I've got some good ideas that'll really shake this stale industry up.

Anonymous No. 920544

4chan collaborative efforts almost always fail. It's simply not worth trying to work with anyone here.

Anonymous No. 920859

Let's try it out tho, we all vote on what kinda of game to work on, this way it's people doing one guys work for him. After voting for the game type, we have our best creative writer team come with a summary for the story and plot, our designer character team will work on models and npcs what do you think?

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Anonymous No. 920921

It sounds nice in theory, but these things tend to not happen. That being said, i'd potentially be on board if anything were to happen.
UE5 makes it somewhat easier.

Anonymous No. 920990

/vr/ routinely puts out community sourced Doom wads.

No reason /3/ couldn't do the same.

Anonymous No. 920993

Autism and overblown egos. Enough said.

Anonymous No. 920995

Kids. Asians.

Anonymous No. 921025

don't know how to rig stuff

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Anonymous No. 921031

Could be these things, but judging by the fact that it's been 4 days it's likely not going to happen because there is no leadership. No one took the time to organize a meeting. No one has given any ideas on what we should create. No one has set any goals or provided any example of work. It's fun to think about, much harder in practice.

Anonymous No. 921045

You're right, so to change that I'll invite people to a discord server, there I will put up a poll and people can vote for what kind game this should be, since it will be first Collab project the game will be small. Everyone will be given rolesin the discord based off their skills.

Anonymous No. 921060
I won't be doing anything on there yet, but if you're interested join.

Anonymous No. 921061

>make a few building models for a Steam Workshop city builder
>many MANY positive reviews
Maybe I should make my own game

Anonymous No. 921077

fippy bippy

Anonymous No. 921150

i am

Anonymous No. 921159

Wanna join,we would appreciate more folks with your skills,I'm gonna put up a poll soon for what kind game we could work on based on the votes.

Anonymous No. 921160

yeah. if you dont mind me being a /g/ tard that would rather use a graphics api than an engine

Anonymous No. 921163

Your skills will be helpful I've put up a poll on the discord in the vote channel

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no shame.jpg

Anonymous No. 921185

Good idea on paper, but there's 2 problems with that:
1) most anons here are mediocre lazy Dunning-Kreuger fucks, myself included
2) everyone involved in the project will need to be okay with whatever it's being worked on, and with the sheer amounts of autism at play here any one anon-team will quickly come apart. No I wanna put my 9000 year old loli vampire in the game! No I wanna put my sparkedog turtledicked fursona! No it should be a Cod Dudebro FPS! No it should be a Souls-like action RPG with IMMUHRHSHON where you can customize the color of your anus hairs! Yeah it wouldn't work. Probably. You're free to try, surprise us.
Like I too every once in a while get the idea to "build up a team", but then I'm reminded of how much more appealing it is to do what *I* want and not having to put up with other people's bullshit. But hey, clearly we got different priorities, I genuinely wish you luck son

Use Unreal bro, no coding experience needed except for the very basics like what functions, booleans, floats etc. are
Take this, Nakov is a great source for absolute coding beginners. And if you'd rather study another language, Nakov also has that same book adapted for Python, C++, Java etc. just check

Anonymous No. 921199

This is why the first one will be a small project. If the group can agree for things on the small project, and it goes well, we could do more.

Anonymous No. 921237

What kind of game do you wanna do OP (I'm assuming you're the OP)?

Anonymous No. 921243

theres a vote in the discord but for some reason he only has 4 options and theyre all terrible choices for a first game

Anonymous No. 921251

What are they? Iโ€™m not touching Discord.

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Anonymous No. 921273

Those options were the only ones I thought would be easy to make and take less time. This first time thing so to see if we are capable to collaborate our first should be something simple. I'm open to ideas if you have any to speak of, and discord is only thing I know of where people can come together to speak and quicker to get a hold of people.

Anonymous No. 921277

>fighting game
>easy to make

Anonymous No. 921280

And what are your ideas?

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Anonymous No. 921286

New poll is up in the discord.

Anonymous No. 921288

Post it here

Anonymous No. 921289

If I posted here what guarantee do I have that your going to Collab and work with me?
I'm I can post it here, but would I know if you will participate in the game, how would I contact you or any anonymous person to do their part?

Anonymous No. 921290

I'm trying to get people to vote on a genre of a game, if I just made what I wanted to make it would just be another post of someone asking people to do their shit for them. What I want is to get a group of the members here and make something good, and if we could do that we could make a profit.

Anonymous No. 921298

we settled on old school dungeon crawler

Anonymous No. 921301

Since you're all artists and not coders, you should've gone with something with minimal coding requirements but huge opportunities for art, like a fighting game.

Anonymous No. 921302

fighting games arent easy to make at all what the hell are you talking about

Anonymous No. 921303

Holy shit just post the options here you colossal faggot I ain't touching Discord, unless the options are good, but not before I've even seen them

Anonymous No. 921304

The options are for the view of the people agreeing to work on the project, if you can't use discord what can you use?
I don't hear any alternates

Anonymous No. 921306

>moving hitboxes in time with animations isn't easy

lmao wut?

Not that anon, but if you're this fucking disagreeable over something as simple as being asked what the voting options are, then holy fuck I do not want to work with you.

Anonymous No. 921330

>Not that anon, but if you're this fucking disagreeable over something as simple as being asked what the voting options are, then holy fuck I do not want to work with you.
I'm that anon, and holy shit no kidding bro, OP sounds like an autistic uncompromising retard, good luck getting people to work with him

Do I really need to spell it out for you? This is my reasoning, gonna put it in a way you can understand:
1) I don't routinely use Discord, I don't like it
2) if your ideas are good enough, THEN I might be bothered to use it
3) before joining your Discord, I'd like to hear what the game options are first
Do you get it now? It's not a matter of alternatives to Discord, but a matter of "give me a good reason to use it", and that reason is whether the game options are based or cringe. Okay? Do you understand?

Anonymous No. 921376

Here is the poll for one of the premises we're going to be working on you can vote for
If you don't have other ideas I ask you don't complain about the suggestions.

Anonymous No. 921377

I don't care if you use it or not it's there so we can discuss it in place where we can actually send links back and forth of the project with worrying about it being sabotaged, you need a network or application where you talk to someone and send them files. If you can't offer anything but " that's a a bad idea I don't do it" you go about your day I'm not making this just to hear excuses of why you can't do it, or why it doesn't work for you, it's not about you it's about a team effort.

Anonymous No. 921381

You guys are way too ambitions already. The first project should be opening a default UE or unity scene and getting a character moving around a simple environment.

Anonymous No. 921438

We're doing a revote for the game genre place your votes

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Anonymous No. 921659

Things are now in motion that can't be undone.

Anonymous No. 921671

>6 votes total
I mean, this is a small board, but there's a tie between survival-horror and rpg

Also, discord takes most of the discussion away from the homebase.
If you want a leader or make an egalitarian commune or something, use tripcodes

Anonymous No. 921742

>survival-horror and rpg
I just lost interest. Gonna continue with my own thing. Also OP seems like a huge retarded faggot.

Anonymous No. 921745

What is your idea.

Anonymous No. 921746

doom mod, but voxel doom

Anonymous No. 921747

Not an idea, it's an actual game now. It would be great to have others working on it, but like the other guy said it would just end up being 5 idea guys trying to turn my game into their game.

Anonymous No. 921829

I joined the discord reluctantly but its dead
I want my money back

Anonymous No. 921844

try your luck with >>>/vg/agdg/

Anonymous No. 921858

I knew this would fail before any sort of development actually takes place. OP is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 922075

Is there still a discord going? if so can i be invited to it? I just want to help make props and assets i dont care about creative direction

Anonymous No. 922079

Link is still open I think

Anonymous No. 922082

its expired

Anonymous No. 922090

yeah man that's based af

Anonymous No. 922267
We're looking for someone to make back ground assets like maps, books, or phones or TV's

Anonymous No. 922283

Make them yourself, dipshit

Anonymous No. 922290

I am, but lack the time to commit to a bunch of anons wanting to do a thing.
Am also a freetard who hasn't used any modern game dev tools besides Godot and Unity and hates Unity.