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๐Ÿงต Is this the same animation?

Anonymous No. 920605

Let's see how sharp /3/ is.

Anonymous No. 920618

Who cares

Anonymous No. 920623

I love people who care enough to click on the thread just to spam shit like you did.

Anonymous No. 920625

The girl on the right has a bigger butt with fat bouncing around as she runs. Apart from that they look the same.

Anonymous No. 920642

Who cares

Anonymous No. 920651

both have flat asses

Anonymous No. 920658

No, she is lifting her legs more on left.

Anonymous No. 920673

>makes webm
>doesn't sync the animation
Who cares.

Anonymous No. 920697

Doesn't look like the same animation but looks like made by the same artist or that one was made looking at the other as reference material.

Biggest difference to my eye is the back, pink/right rolls faster left and right pausing on either side while white rolls smoother from side to side.

Anonymous No. 920706

Hips raise different
Could be a simple tweak but it's not the same animation
Case closed

Anonymous No. 920724

you think I stole from you?
accuse me then

Anonymous No. 920756

Class 6 animschool student here.
Anyone who sees the same animation here is a retard

Anonymous No. 920758

Is this the Swedish guy who spams asses from the game on the right?

Anonymous No. 920764

Yes, this is a Sybb thread.

Anonymous No. 920827

So what's the difference then, Mr Wise Guy?

Anonymous No. 920828


Both feet don't go as up on the right animation.

The left animation is far more detailed on the shoulders it takes the time to account for lower back tension when running.

When the legs are fully extended the character does not have the same pose.
The left animation takes into account the arm torsion when running and the upper body cycle is faster.
It's not the same animation and I don't animate for shit.

Anonymous No. 920884

The hip rotation are the biggest give away that anyone with a functioning brain should be able to spot within seconds. The right cycle is very much asymmetrical (The hip rotates much higher on her left stride than it does her right), while the left seems to be complete symmetrical.

Even just looking at both key poses and comparing the two you can see they dont run the same at all. Its literally just a woman running in both videos.

Anonymous No. 920996

Too old.

Anonymous No. 921017


Anonymous No. 921052

Right arm moves different