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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 920648

I would like to commission someone to model gun furniture so I can make my Unica 6 look like the above image. I would either be 3D printing the parts, or sending it to a company to make a resin cast of the model

Would anyone be interested, or can you point me somewhere I could find people to commission?

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Anonymous No. 920649

And here’s how the normal furniture looks

Anonymous No. 920662

yeah sure


Anonymous No. 920663

first off fuck you I want your guns
second, that furniture looks like you could just crank it out on a cnc router from a few sheets of plywood, bolt them together, and then stain them
if you really want to commission someone they're going to need the measurements for the attachment points and probably the areas around those points to make sure everything lines up. you'll most likely have to do that yourself as I wouldn't want to send a Unica 6 to someone and I'm sure you feel the same way.
You might be able to find some small local 3D printing/cad studio in your area who would be willing to work on it. I don't live in a very big city and even I have one within walking distance of me. Paid him $500 to 3d scan every part of my gyrojet pistol

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Anonymous No. 920667

Sent you an email

I could make it out of wood and it would possibly look really nice, however I’d like to make the furniture out of translucent amber colored resin, like the grips from the bladerunner gun. I might also check out some local CAD studio to see if they can scan it for exact dimensions

Anonymous No. 920668

Also a gyrojet pistol is nothing to sneeze at god damn

Anonymous No. 920669

that would be rad. I'm sure you could probably cast your own and sell them as well.

Anonymous No. 920670

It is if you see how gross mine is. I bought it for $375 at a gun show and I swear someone buried it in their backyard or something, there was actual dirt in the gun. I've been putting off doing restoration on it since the entire gun is cast aluminum, and I'm not even sure if it's anything other than just pure aluminum. This means that it is incredibly fragile, and a lot of techniques that I would use to clean a steel gun would destroy the gyrojet.

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Anonymous No. 920671

I have, and would do that with the mateba furniture, although I don’t have the skills to actually model that stuff myself

Anonymous No. 920672

Would a solvent bath work?

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Anonymous No. 920674

I'm probably going to buy an ultrasonic cleaner, just it's so fragile it scares me. This part broke even after letting it soak in some penetrating oil, smallest twist of a screwdriver and it snapped, that screw is probably never coming out of there

Anonymous No. 920675

Damn that’s a shame. At least it was only $375.

Imagine how much you can sell it for once/if it’s refurbished

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Anonymous No. 920676

behold the three non aluminum parts in the gun (other than some small tab springs)

Anonymous No. 920677

I want to try doing something really stupid like making my own ammo. I don't car if it's accurate or functional I just want something to shoot out of the gun when I pull the trigger

Anonymous No. 920683

God speed. Make sure to post on /k/ with your progress

Anonymous No. 920739

>3d printing

Bro, you're thinking way too high tech for what you're asking for.

You need a carpenter with a pencil, a router, a rasp, sandpaper and varnish.

Anonymous No. 920787

I want the final product to be be cast resin. I’ll be sending the model somewhere to have it made

Anonymous No. 920795

Look what he posted earlier, he did a resin style grip for his Ruger

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Anonymous No. 920796

It would be hilarious if you did the resin cast but did it with preserved flowers or other resin art