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๐Ÿงต Recommended books thread

Anonymous No. 920883

Anonymous No. 920885

This isn't /ic/ you gay racist

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Anonymous No. 920887

Anonymous No. 921042


Anonymous No. 921046

Will learning Houdini get me a job?

Anonymous No. 921053

It's in moon

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Anonymous No. 921075

not posting any of my shit since /3/ hates anime.
Also not posting
>ycfcg courses
>shenyecg courses
>wingfox courses
>think tank online
>scott eaton figure sculpting and anatomy
>proko anatomy
>artstation tutorials
> tutorials
>blender courses
>zbrush courses
>substance painter courses

I roughly have 4tb in hoarded resources mostly handbraked versions you will never see in any major pirate site which /3/ doesn't deserve because fuck /3/ and fuck Cris.

Anonymous No. 921078

other people? yes.
you? no.

Anonymous No. 921086

Okay but do you have something useful to anyone who has been learning 3d for more than a month?

Anonymous No. 921092

Download a game ripped 3d asset and study it.

Anonymous No. 921102


This is what happens all the time. NGMI's fall into this perpetual cycle: watch some dumb shit -> try it out -> fail -> watch some other dumb shit -> try it out -> fail -> repeat.

4tb and the only thing you learned is how to watch other people do shit. And what's worse you said it like it's some sort of fucking achievement.

Get this through your NGMI skull: NOBODY and I mean NOBODY in the history of FOREVER has ever achieved anything by watching others do it. You can only learn by actually learning (radical opinion, I know). No one else can do the learning for you now matter how in-depth their YT videos are.

Apprenticeship once upon a time didn't mean "I'll just look at this guy work and in 2 years max I'll be able to do it myself". Apprenticeship meant getting beaten (or getting kicked out) for not being able to do what your master asked you to do.

Before downloading another tb of shit keep this in mind: even molluscs can watch tutorials.

Anonymous No. 921112

Why are you projecting so much? Did the industry molest you or something?

Anonymous No. 921121


You either replied to the wrong post or you are borderline retarded.

Anonymous No. 921122

lmao this, op btfo

just another tutorial hoarder

Anonymous No. 921125

>chad picture
>doesn't share like a jew

Anonymous No. 921128

he's 16

Anonymous No. 921129

Your opinion does not hold any value unless you pyw.

Anonymous No. 921138

could've guessed it

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Anonymous No. 921480

can't really recommend it because i just downloaded it, but apparently the vertex magazines are a pretty good read.

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Anonymous No. 921481

oh yeah, heres a zip of all 3 for anyone who wants it


Anonymous No. 921512

>think tank
new vegas old world blues?

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Anonymous No. 921695
