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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Marge Iโ€™m confused No. 920903

New /3/ related toss just dropped

Anonymous No. 920905

Please fuck off with ai posting somewhere else

Anonymous No. 920909

For the AI to make "actual art" it literally has to webscrape hundreds of thousands of actual pieces of artwork and then change a single pixel and then cant claim any copyright other than public domain

Anonymous No. 920913

Stonetoss is a retarded nazi

Anonymous No. 920915


a rare miss from stone toss unless it was intentionally cherrypicking

Anonymous No. 920917

Not /3/ related at all, but I guess you get an extra shekel for every ai thread you make, huh?

Anonymous No. 920964

Literally nothing to do with /3/. At least your name is accurate.

Anonymous No. 920979

>posting stonetoss in /currentyear/