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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 921179

Why does porn animators get so much hate

Anonymous No. 921181

Because they are talentless and also don't have to do anything with /3/

Anonymous No. 921186

They dont get hate unless they act like douchebags tho. Im a 3d porn animator myself and know several others and Its not something I can confirm. On the contrary, ive had a lot of very nice interactions with all types of people, from industry professionals to amateurs to simple consumers.

Anonymous No. 921200

projecting much, anon.

Anonymous No. 921202

Go download some daz studio models talentless nigger

Anonymous No. 921203

no thanks, but isee that i struck a nerve.

Anonymous No. 921234


Anonymous No. 921235

porn is for braindead people
>BBC sir
proves my point on line 3

Anonymous No. 921253

tell me why all overwatch porn is anal and dickgirls

Anonymous No. 921307

I can tell you that all overwatch porn isnt and that you are probably just looking for it a little too much.

Anonymous No. 921314

because 9 times out of 10 theyre terminally mental retards just waiting for their chance to some something stupid.

Anonymous No. 921325

i mean, we already see you are coping, i mentioned that you seem to have some internal issues anon, its okay Cris, i believe You can be better.

Anonymous No. 921399

I imagine if the person who just so happens to be an 'animator' may have let their personal opinions slip out on their social accounts thus revealing their personality that is contrary to a majority of other animators or consoomers. Or if they happen to reveal some hypocrisy within the community that everyone knows but don't discuss (hollywood similarities). Mirage3dx comes to mind, just check their twitter bio.
>is this thread bait?
not an animator, but can confirm many are good natured and some let their 'humour' come out (GB)...
>why all overwatch porn is anal and dickgirls
pretty sure this is incorrect...there are plenty of dickgirls (zarya being a main one) but there are a plethora that is not (mercy, pharah). also, from what I've read/learned from others, anal is easier to get away with in animating. i forget why but I guess less work? I think with anal you just push the mesh inwards as opposed to opening of the vagina which requires more nuance? idk ask NYL or Rikolo!
anon, check the demographics of people in the community. not exactly mathematicians...

Anonymous No. 921553

Most of them are assholes with inflated egos. I've met a couple that are pretty cool. The ones who are cool usually just do 3D as a hobby. There are two that come to mind that frequent /v/.
Wyerframz a university that is just their for the girl cock and I can respect it.
Then there's SElegy who just likes his mature blondes and secretive as fuck outside of that.

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Anonymous No. 921700


Because its a form of cope for them. Being talentless and not being able to make money from art.

Anonymous No. 921721

who is the artist?

Anonymous No. 921725

You get shit if you act like a shithead. Generalbutch was a Southeast Asian guy who pretended to be black while bullying other 3d people. He would've never been doxxed if he didn't act this way.

Anonymous No. 921760

Some do have talent though. ID say Yeeros latest animation is where most 3D porn animation should be. And peak skill would be ThumpNSFW

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 923589

want to share 17,833 files, even if some aren't nsfw
the filenames are generated this way because they come from hydrus network
i've been hording shit for a while and decided on sharing it if any of it interests somebody
had to split this in 6 folders, 5 of them with 3000 and 1 with 2833
expect all kinds of fetishes and types, some rare content too
make sure your computer and connection aren't shit
>it's all disorganized, but the folder with 2833 files is the biggest because it has bigger images and videos
>the files were copied from hydrus network and organized by filesize accordingly, then split for each folder
>contents include muscle girls, fat girls, yuri, yaoi, futa, maybe some cuntboy, 3d, furry, fantasy races, size differences, real races, robots, pov, animated, 3d, size difference, monster girls, lolisho, sfw art, pixel art, female and male focused content and 3dpd with real women and some men
feel free to preserve and share the files, i don't blame anyone that doesn't trust these links either
at least there's some 3d stuff in there
also, get hydrus network to better organize your files with tags and shit

Anonymous No. 923612

Holy shit

Anonymous No. 923626

Because they just steal copyrighted models, textures, props, headhack bodies (wait no, they dont know how to do that), and just copy the same content over and over.
Unless you are talking about proper 3d nsfw artists, those animators deserve no respect.

Anonymous No. 923666

because they only make futa trash or just regular dyke trash

Anonymous No. 923715

I don't know, btw why do people hate opiate distributors? Btw ever heard of exit bags? Look into it.

Anonymous No. 923716



Anonymous No. 923722

real life porn is demonic, non negotiable

can animated porn be demonic too?


Anonymous No. 923723

>can animated porn be demonic too?
it's not necessarily the act that's demonic, it's the intention and representation

Anonymous No. 923742

Didn't he live in a country were porn is illegal?

Anonymous No. 923765

what no pussy does to a nigga

Anonymous No. 923921

Yes, his name is (apparently) on a prisoner list for 10 years but idc enough to check that

Anonymous No. 926553

OK you wanna come on page 1 too? OK I'll allow it

Anonymous No. 926698

They act like what they making is high art when all it is just making geeks wackle their tackle.

Anonymous No. 927689

I think all artists are flighty and irrationally sensitive, whatever role they serve in the economy.

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15 09 2022 kvgklf....jpg

Anonymous No. 927697

because it's easy

Anonymous No. 927722

if its so easy do it then or stop bitching like a tranny faggot

Anonymous No. 927723

Why shouldn't they get hate? They deserve all of it.

Anonymous No. 927727

I choose not to hate them because it's not entirely their fault for being coomers. They are just feeble minded people who have become victims of Judaism. If someone was introduced to crack at a young age, I wouldn't blame them for being an addict.

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coom classy.png

Anonymous No. 928405

coomer man, why is there no warhammer vids?
Morathi alone can generate hype

Anonymous No. 928407

in theory yes, but in practice there's a lot of technical difficulties that can go wrong, so the more you know about 3D workflow the easier of a time you'll have.
Its a skill, despite looking easy

t. amateur coomer

Anonymous No. 928436

I've started getting into animating porn and haven't seen any hate. I think people using Overwatch models for everything is kind of funny, but given how long it took me to make my own model, I guess it makes sense. What us the poijt of this thread

Anonymous No. 928470

Find a good model you like then head hack it. It’s that simple.

Anonymous No. 929374

>Makes porn of you favorite characters:
>Getting fucked by dogs and horses
>Getting raped by monsters
>Fucking niggers
>Just because I can lol

Anonymous No. 929418

based and beastpilled

Anonymous No. 929452

Name of the dress on the girl in the center? I need it for scholarly purposes.

Anonymous No. 932162

It's an industry standard

Anonymous No. 932178

Im glad this faggot stopped doing his garbage, good riddance

Anonymous No. 932304

Will he ever make his models he used available for others or are they forever stuck on his pc.

Anonymous No. 932315

Anyone can create those abominations, dude.

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Anonymous No. 932465

Who is he? What did he do?

Anonymous No. 932472

What's he up to man, what's he doing?

Anonymous No. 932482

He either deleted them or it's in police custody.

General_Butch was NSFW artist who lived in Bangladesh, where porn is illegal.

Anonymous No. 932499

You've left out the part where he intentionally made anti-white porn and skewed everything he made to cucks and race supremacists.

Anonymous No. 932527

Morathi is gross man. I don't think anyone can lay a hand on her without getting every STD Nurgle ever came up with.

Anonymous No. 932528

Can you blame him? Cucks are reeaaaally generous with their wallets. It would actually be his ticket out of that hellhole.

Anonymous No. 932537

Yeah if I had any sort of artistic talent I would go for all the weird ass fetish shit, whoever pays the most, especially if you live in some third world shithole