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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 921331

How the FUCK is this thing so fast and why isn't someone else doing biased pathtracing at this level?

Anonymous No. 921333

Use Principled V2 Cycles X with Optix.

Do not support maxon.

Anonymous No. 921334

>with Optix.
how about blendets stop pretending that the smeary messes produced by optix are acceptable as final frames

>Do not support maxon.
>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 921335

You dont understand what Optix for offline raytracing is, underage b&. It doesnt result in smeared frames

Anonymous No. 921336

no one wants your low-standards vaseline renders, m8

Anonymous No. 921337

again, you dont understand what optix is for offline

Anonymous No. 921340

again, i've used optix in several offline renderers and you have very low standards

Anonymous No. 921341

obviously you are new at rendering as optix mode creates 1:1 renders to every other cycles mode and big websites use it in benchmarks to benchmark every single new gpu release from both AMD and NVidia

Anonymous No. 921343

wait, you're actually suggesting that switching from CUDA to Optix has somehow made cycles more viable? You realise every other renderer got the same speed up right? this is even more preposterous than asking someone to rely on optix denoising as a crutch for cycles shitass sampling.

so your "solution" this whole time is just wait like 5x longer for renders compared with redshift because ???

are you some insane, faggot?

Anonymous No. 921344

thats not true. Not only do most other renderers not have optix implemented in the same way, but they are buggy and incomplete on GPU, such as arnold and karma. Cycles X with optix is just as fast as redshift if not faster with the right settings as well as being free. All other renderers are not free. I for one have a cluster in my house that would cost me thousands in licensing fees alone per year had i gone with commercial renderers.

Anonymous No. 921346

m8 i'm just not going to reply to you because you're out of your fucking mind.

Anonymous No. 921347

you dont have anything to reply with. Hell you dont even acknowledge optix rendering mode in Cycles X as being real yet you call me crazy. 0/10

Anonymous No. 921348

>Cycles X with optix is just as fast as redshift if not faster
please send me a pm once you've come back to the same reality the rest of us live in

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Anonymous No. 921349

Which pony is your favorite?

Anonymous No. 921350

You having a laugh, mate? Cycles-x with optix is blazing fast and with Prin v2 looks better than your biased, paid renders. Get out of here you troll

Anonymous No. 921353

you're the one with the screw loose, bruv.
the only way i'd ever consider trying cycles again is if someone made a hydra delegate that actually worked. go back to chewing your toenails or whatever you foss boys get up to in your free time.

Anonymous No. 921354

you dont need hydra stop making excuses for once in your sad life

Anonymous No. 921355

that alembic life just isn't for me, bru.
how's USD support these days in blender?
and matx / adesk standard surface?

Anonymous No. 921356

i render alembics with cycles shaders since as I said, I run a cycles cluster. I dont care about other irrelevant "standards".

Anonymous No. 921357

yeh of course not, m8. too much to ask the open source dcc to care about the open and universal interchange standards that everyone else is adopting.

always a waste of time with you lot.

Anonymous No. 921358

again, why would i care about interchanging shaders when my final destination is blender which is used for rendering? Oh wait, I wouldnt.

Anonymous No. 921359

First post ITT but Applejack a cute.

Anonymous No. 921360

alright m8, you enjoy waiting for your renders by yourself

Anonymous No. 921361

I have multiple computers dude. How new are you to this?

Anonymous No. 921362

of course you do, m8. i can see em right behind you.

Anonymous No. 921363

How difficult is it for a brainlet that uses v-ray?

Anonymous No. 921365

should be a pretty straightforward jump t bh.

Anonymous No. 921369

>I dont care about other irrelevant "standards".
Of course not, you're an idiot.
Who would need an up to 25x increase in loading speed ....?
>the only way i'd ever consider trying cycles again is if someone made a hydra delegate that actually worked
I don't care what tool you use to do your work, but your wish may be granted in the not so distant future....
The Blender Devs reverted their (poor) choice of ditching the VFX reference platform and the next release will be compatible again after they actually got criticism and feedback from the industry ( among them from ILM of all places).
Cycles as Hydra delegate was mentioned in this discussion as one motivator for this decision - the BF wants this, seems like some people in the Industry want this, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually happens in the next 6-12 months.

Anonymous No. 921370

I tried Redshift

sadly it doesnt work well with my addons generators.

have to us V-turd.

Anonymous No. 921378

So does this video from the donut man still hold up ?

Also are there some comprehensive guide to Redshift in Blender ? There seems to be a crazy lack of resources and help forum on it

Anonymous No. 921379

azn <yt < 56% < bbc

Anonymous No. 921380

Sorry but I can't decipher the comment

Anonymous No. 921390

the video thumbnail is a racially color coded dick size chart

Anonymous No. 921391

it's about renderers, and he does as really poor job comparing

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Anonymous No. 921394

I think that discord is pretty cute