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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 921523

Hoe do i make stylised cliffs and rocks like the ones seen in Paw Patrol? Without being high poly

Anonymous No. 921525

Sculplt it with the orb brushes, Trim smooth dynamic, trim smooth border work well too
Curvature + a few noises blended together for the texture with some cracks and damage details

Anonymous No. 921833

Doesnt sound very low poly

Anonymous No. 921852

>What is retopology
>What is baking

Anonymous No. 921873

Fully texture it with at least a displacement map. normal- and ambient occlusion maps help too.

Anonymous No. 922044

Bro look at the edge of the rock. See any segmentation? No. That is a high poly rock with a painted texture on it. Why wouldn't it be high poly, it isn't for a game.

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the chair nerd No. 922052

You might be using Blender but the principle is the same.
1.Make a basic rock using box modelling
2.Chamfer to ease the edges
3.Smooth the geometry wityhout adding subdivision.
The the rest of he steps should be unwrapping and hand painting the texture to get that toon look. Or maybe you can tinker with an evee shader to get similar results.
For the deep cuts you can slice that geometry and accentuate the shadow with an occlusion pass in the shader or hand painting it.
I dunno I don't do this kind of stuff.
For the texture you can see this example

the chair nerd No. 922053

Inb4 yeahI know 5 edged poly. Meh. It's a rock.

Anonymous No. 923858

Start with low poly model
Subdivide once using simple subdivision
Add good amount of subdivision (at least 4)
Add high crease to original edges
Add low crease to subdivided edges

You can even make it non-destructive with geonodes.

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Anonymous No. 923860

Here's the geonodes group anon.
It's pretty straight forward I think.
You can change the look with the map range sliders

Anonymous No. 923947


Many thanks!