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Anonymous No. 921567

Hi /3/, i'm struggling learning the CD-3D art style (like ps1/n64 3d model), currently I'm using as reference the old ps1's resident evil, and i can tell that i'm on my way... anyway i know mine model has no head but i want to rig the model first. As you can see my model is just made of groups of collection with mirrored parts (each one is indipendent from it's mirror counter part). Now wich way i need to study for rigging and animate it? I was thinking that i need to have a custom bone for each parts without grouping them all in a unique armor... Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Anonymous No. 921583

Seems like English is not you first language, or you are retarded. I can never quite tell.

You don't need to do anything fancy. Just enable the rigify addon, throw the basic humanoid skeleton in there, auto weights, clean up any errors, done.

You didn't need the body parts as seperate objects.

Anonymous No. 921586

>Seems like English is not you first language
Sorry about that, i'm italian and my english is not that well... I want to improve my language skill, can you tell me the error (if you want, we're on /3/ afterall)

>You don't need to do anything fancy. Just enable the rigify addon, throw the basic humanoid skeleton in there, auto weights, clean up any errors, done.

>You didn't need the body parts as seperate objects.
Roger that! I will merge everything and try, ty! Have a nice day :)

Anonymous No. 921619

I just accidentally stumbled into /3/ and read your post. I have no idea about 3D modeling, but I'm pretty decent when it comes to languages. I immediately figured out that you're Italian, funny enough.

You convey meaning well enough for your odd style not to be an issue, just to get that out of the way, so there is no dire need to up your English skills, everyone can understand you. But since you're asking, here we go:

"Struggling learning" is technically correct, but no native would choose to phrase it like that. You "are struggling to learn". Double gerunds aren't rare, but they're best avoided where they aren't necessary.

"I'm using as a reference the old ps1's RE" is backwards, you want to say "I'm using the old ps1's RE as a reference". You wouldn't say "I'm eating for breakfast cornflakes", you'd say "I'm eating cornflakes for breakfast".

"Mine model" should be "my model".

"From it's mirror counter part" should be "from its mirror counter part". Probably the most common mistake you'll see out in the wild, accidentally using the contraction of "it is" in place of the possessive pronoun "its". Use "its" where you would use "her" and "his", except for nouns without a gender. It's especially confusing considering that it's "the duck's beak", but if you replace "duck" with a pronoun, it is just "its beak".

"Now which way I need to study for rigging and animate it?"
I get that you are asking what you need to learn in order to animate and rig it, but there are barely three consecutive words that belong together in there. For starters, make sure to inflect words that belong together the same way. You can form correct sentences both ways: "rigging and animating" or "rig and animate", but you can't combine them. Examples: "What do I need to learn to rig and animate it?" and "What do I need to learn for rigging and animating it?". Another way of asking, maybe closer to what you intended, would be: "How do I go about rigging and animating it?"

Take care!

Anonymous No. 921692

Ty, anon! You made my day!

Anonymous No. 921693

>funny enough
funnily* ;)

Anonymous No. 921705

This style always bugged me. I don't think you need to replicate it in this day and age.

Anonymous No. 921706

>You didn't need the body parts as seperate objects.
You kind of do. Otherwise you will need to deal with complex weight painting and ps1 games didn't really animate using that.

Anonymous No. 921708

Clearing the unwanted weights from the parts is probably the same amount of work as manually each part a child of the appropriate bone.

Doing it via weights also makes it painless to throw into a game engine.

Anonymous No. 921990

>CD-3D art style
>like ps1/n64 3d model
fuck off zoomer. its over. AI will eventually replace you, even the """"CD-3D""" artstyle which you think is soulful and quirky will be replaced with AI art

Anonymous No. 922270

Watch more tutorials on PS1 style modeling and rigging tutorials.

Anonymous No. 922271

I just upload my character on Mixamo and let it rig it for me, granted it only works for human like characters

You'd probably need a head first to use it and i dont know if it will work with the ps1 artstyle

Its easy to do especially for beginners and it looks cool enough due to nostalgia, its like the pixel art of 3d