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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 921644

Let's say I wanna comission a 3D artist to make me a 3D model of my oneitis to have virtual sex with. How do I go on to do this? Where do I look for this?

Anonymous No. 921651

sounds like it'd be easier and cheaper to use the power of alcohol and extra help

the chair nerd No. 921657

You can contact services like VirtAMate OR get a pair and go out, meet new people have real experiences.
If you are much of a wanker stop playing video games and use your imagination for once.

Anonymous No. 921674


Anonymous No. 921755

>oooooh u spend too much on gacha
>now re homeress

Anonymous No. 921763

1) Text her and ask about her plans for the weekend
2) Ask how to make a virtual sexdoll replica of her (NTR!)

You chose poorly.

Anonymous No. 921766

find a forward facing picture and a profile picture (side of their face) try not to have bangs in the picture, highest resolution possible

Anonymous No. 921777

A likeness sculptor will spend a minimum of 20 hours to make a thing that looks exactly like the human you want, then another 2-3 hours for hairs and grooming, then another 2-3 for a retopo, 1 or 2 for UVs, texturing/shading another 6 or 7 hours, rigging will depend on what you want but can be 20 hours+

It becomes expensive because it's slow, and it's all complex work, also people that can do likeness sculpts are expensive as fuck, $30-$50 an hour.

Anonymous No. 921780

>20 hours
>2-3 hours
>2-3 hours
>1-2 hours

>Overall 20+

Anon... you never worked or done anything 3D thats remotley close to human likeness.

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Anonymous No. 921799

The absolute state of /3/.

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Anonymous No. 921803

>Anon... you never worked or done anything 3D thats remotley close to human likeness.

You shure I haven't?.

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Anonymous No. 921804

How do you like my 56 minute head sculpt done with a mouse, boy?.

Anonymous No. 921820

It looks like shit and nowhere near realistic.
you need to stop stroking your micropenis

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MidnightJourney No. 921821

How about I use my Midjourney backdoor to generate you a 1 Min Video of your ex, doing whatever you want her to do in the video. Then I'll give you a snapshot for free and if you satisfied you can pay me for whatever for the video clip. Sorry I can't do vids longer than 1 Min or 30 images per day, but at least my results can be taboo in nature.
Lemme know if you interested.

Anonymous No. 921838

You're still years away from being decent, don't try and rebut someone with work that even amateurs will scoff at.

Anonymous No. 921840


Literal negroids with no work posted to prove shit, attacking people.

You fuckers need to die in a gasoline fire.

Anonymous No. 921849

>no work posted to prove shit
You posted some nonsense - someone doubted your abilities based on your words - you posted your work and YOU PROVED THEM RIGHT.
The ability of the other side is irrelevant to this case - No more evidence needed....

This court has come to the conclusion that you are in fact lacking ability and judgement to make any factual statements about sculpting human likeness and you are sentenced to remain stupid until you can elevate yourself out of this predicament.
Case closed.

Anonymous No. 921850


Point out the mistakes, then.
Go on, I'm sitting here waiting, drinking my coffee.

Oh, there's no mistakes and a literal human looks like my sculpt somewhere on earth structure wise?.

>No more evidence needed....
How can Chris tier "artists" provide anything?. Everyone on this board is a noob.

Literal rats can't provide a human facial sculpt, the most basic thing ever. I said that a sculpt takes 20 hours+, the ones that are likeness sculpts, due to intricacies and asymmetry of real human faces.

Anonymous No. 921853

This post shows me that You are indeed insecure about Your work and You know it, you are ways behind to even remotley sculpt something decent. learn to take criticisim and dont act cocky when you dont have the skills to back it up.

>A literal human must look like this! somewhere in the world!
the biggest copium i have ever witnessed on this board.

this is going to be a waste of time for me, so no, i dont feel like pointing shit out. because if You dont see mistakes in Your work at this stage, and instead - try to 'impress' someone with less than mediocre sculpt, then You lack any capacity for growth.

if you want comparison then sure - what you sculpted is not a human living in the world, but a malformed Titan from the fucking "AoT" anime at best.

pick up an anatomy book first, learn the rules basic and then maybe try to 'speed sculpt with a mouse' to impress others.

You chose to spout nonsense, and people rebutted You. literal professionals have no time to muse an amateur on random 4chan board.

Anonymous No. 921855

>the biggest copium i have ever witnessed on this board.

Not pointing out mistakes :)

>pick up an anatomy book first, learn the rules basic and then maybe try to 'speed sculpt with a mouse' to impress others.

Not pointing out mistakes as there are none :)

>this is going to be a waste of time for me, so no, i dont feel like pointing shit out

There's nothing to point out. :).

>pick up an anatomy book first, learn the rules basic and then maybe try to 'speed sculpt with a mouse' to impress others.

What anatomy books do you recommend, the ones you read pls, I want to learn what to avoid since I haven't seen any work from you yet.

>literal professionals have no time to muse an amateur on random 4chan board.

Literal professionals don't post on 4chan. It's mostly mouthbreathers like you, who don't ammount to anything and will always be crabs.

Anonymous No. 921870

For clarification, this dude >>921853 is not me >>921849 but I agree with everything he said.
There you have a second opinion.
>Point out the mistakes, then.
You choose freely with your own volition to use your own work as credentials for your words and you failed.
Nobody needs to prove you wrong if YOU have failed to prove your point in the first place.
Your biggest mistake is that You fell for the "post your work" meme/fallacy in the first place and you perpetrate it unironically.
Its a trap and people with Dunning Krueger and people with a huge ego regularly walk in, but its also an opportunity:
You can swallow this red pill, surrender to the truth and accept that the worldview you believed in is a false perception - your current "you" dies but you'll be reborn in the light of truth.
Or you can take the blue pill, double down on your perception, continue to live in a dreamworld where your ego rides you into the depths of self-delusion.
Your choice - but I think already know the answer.

Anonymous No. 921874

>You choose freely with your own volition to use your own work as credentials for your words and you failed.

But I haven't, :). My sculpt is perfectly fine, nothing special, nothing flashy, but the entire head is as should a normal head be.

>Nobody needs to prove you wrong

The initial statement was "you never worked or done anything 3D thats remotley close to human likeness. "

This denotes that the cunt replying to me knows what he's talking about, he doesn't, he spews trash online with nothing to back it up.

I posted human likeness, a generic human, because I'm not going to be doing actual human likeness without money being exchanged. :).

>Or you can take the blue pill, double down on your perception, continue to live in a dreamworld where your ego rides you into the depths of self-delusion.
Your choice - but I think already know the answer.

I know my skills and my worth. I'll stay on my high horse until someone proves that my sculpt is "wrong" in any way. :). Nobody will since this board if full of Chris tier fucks and stagnant crabs in a bucket.

Anonymous No. 921883

>But I haven't,
That's not for you to decide.
>The initial statement was "you never worked or done anything 3D thats remotley close to human likeness. "
Human likeness in context of this thread and in general means like a SPECIFIC human, not half finished sculpts of generic homo sapiens without convincing details, you absolute retard.
>I'll stay on my high horse until someone proves that my sculpt is "wrong" in any way. :).
You are so full of yourself and so retarded you actually proved yourself wrong by saying:
>I'm not going to be doing actual human likeness without money being exchanged. :).
So, you admit that you know the difference and therefore proved nothing?
>I know my skills and my worth.
No, you don't.
Your behavior in this thread is perfectly described with the saying:
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Anonymous No. 921884

>That's not for you to decide.

Technical skills are technical skills, you can't debate those. Nothing wrong with the sculpt.

>in general means like a SPECIFIC human

It's a specific generic Asian man, loosely using his photo references.

>So, you admit that you know the difference and therefore proved nothing?
Yes, I've done likeness sculpts in the past, won't post those here, :).

>No, you don't
Yes, I very much do.

>Your behavior in this thread is perfectly described with the saying:
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Are you implying that you have no technical skills to analyze a sculpt for errors or mistakes?. I know I'm talking to a retard.

>without convincing details
This is how I know you're a noskills maggot. Keep digging yourself into a hole, Chris.

Anonymous No. 921887

>Yes, I've done likeness sculpts in the past, won't post those here, :).
So you wont post the orange in an discussion about oranges, instead you post an apple and insist that your apple is proof that you can do oranges and there is nothing wrong with it, while also admitting that you know the difference between an apple and an orange.
I'll rest my case - there is nothing else I can do or say.

Anonymous No. 921890

Yes, people that have done oranges know when the guy that posts apples can do oranges. There's a "je ne sais quoi" where skill recognizes skill. You're not skill, Chris tard.

>I'll rest my case - there is nothing else I can do or say.

Same here with you, noskills Chris.

Anonymous No. 921891

yeah lol

Anonymous No. 921892

You asked me what I think, and You didn't like my opinion and started sperging.

Anonymous No. 921893

Because your opinion doesn't mater, you're not skill, you're a rambling bullshitter that pretends he's skill but isn't.

Anonymous No. 921894

woops sorry, I was meant to reply to post above You.
im the OG anon who doubted his skills, but by the amount of sperging and copium on his part, i can only reaffirm my stance - he will never reach anything remotly significant.

Anonymous No. 921897

"Eeet was an accident". Sure it was, no skill rat.

Anonymous No. 921898

>but by the amount of sperging and copium on his part

It's not sperging or copium, I am called unskilled by literal nobodies that can't disect a head sculpt piece by piece and find flaws. NO FUCKING SKILLS on this board, kek.

Keep on trucking, Chris.

Anonymous No. 921912

And yet, You are taking it harder than Your mother on nigger gangbang session.

Anonymous No. 921913

You're the one seething here, not me, I knew from posting my sculpt that at least 3 noskills Chris tier rats would reply with "that's shiiiittttt", without any further explanation.

it's clear that you can't explain your position, or explain if it's shit, or why it's shit, because you have no skills, haven't read the anatomy books, and are shit at 3d in general, because you're a fucking no skill rat.

Anonymous No. 921915

>You are seething here
Am I? You are the one desperate for validation

>You cant explain Your position

I can, but I am not wasting my time on some blenderfag, who obviously has complexes.

>you have no skills
try again, blender user.

Anonymous No. 921918

If the best 3D modeller in the world showed me this and said it is exactly like they intended, I wouldn't assume it's a human. I would think it's like a lizard person in an Elder Scrolls game, or some sort of animal folk. The fact that you're convinced this is super realistic just screams that you lack self awareness. I mean, it's definitely something; it's a great model for a Play Station 2 game, but not much more

Anonymous No. 921919


What's wrong with blender?.
Zbrush or Coat isn't that special or amazing for sculpting, tried both, went back to blender after 2 weeks in each.

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Anonymous No. 921920

Das racisss, bruv.

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Anonymous No. 921921

>Literal negroids ... attacking people.
>You fuckers need to die
>Literal rats
>mouthbreathers like you
>Chris tier fucks and stagnant crabs in a bucket.
>noskills maggot.
>Chris tard.
>you're a fucking no skill rat.

>It's not sperging or copium...
>You're the one seething here, not me.

Anonymous No. 921922

have sex

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Anonymous No. 921923

>attacking the modeler
>attacking the tool
>has nothing to say about the model.

Pic rel, (YOU).

Anonymous No. 921924

stay there, and dont peek out of line then.
because as you showed us, you got nothing to even be proud of.

>attacking "modeller"
you asked what I think
>attacking the tool
only blenderchuds like (you) have so much issues, and Dunning-Kruger symptoms.
>has nothing to say about model.
I said it sucks.

>pic rel.
Im not Your mom.

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Anonymous No. 921926

>I said it sucks.

Why? Explain. You can't, oh well, I suggest actually reading those anatomy books you keep speaking about.

Pic rel, you but young.
I'm searching for a pic of your mom.

Anonymous No. 921927

>WHY does it sucks

Your facial structure is fucked.
You have no knowledge of human anatomy under the skin

in short. you need to learn, You are not in position to even remotly act cocky.

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Anonymous No. 921928

Found your mom, bruv.

>Your facial structure is fucked.
Ahahahahahahahaahahahah.. Ffs, this long it took you to out yourself as a retard?. Go away from /3/ and play in the sand you fucking blind maggot. Jesus christ, an entire day speaking with a fucktard.

Anonymous No. 921930

You seem upset.

Anonymous No. 921932

No, it made my day. First time I laughed today.

Anonymous No. 921934

And with that You proved that You are not only coping, seething, malding - but also projecting.

Anonymous No. 921935

Suuure I am, go read on those anatomy books my nigga.

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Anonymous No. 921937


Well fuck everyone on this thread.

Anonymous No. 921938

>Jesus christ, an entire day speaking with a fucktard.
You spoke to at least 4 or more people and they all seem to agree that you are the fucktard. Your hubris, massive self-delusion and lack of everything is at full display - but you can't see it.
You just can't stop, because you're in the Matrix seeing only what you want to see.
Seethe, cope, change your "gender" if you like and rage against the machinery of reality - the more you push, the more you'll get crushed.

Anonymous No. 921941

The internet is a large place, I have anatomy references in on my screen, everythings perfectly fine, I can compare my model to a book reference, there's fuckall wrong with it, besides the arguably large ears. Go pound sand and eat some grass, will you.

Anonymous No. 921942

My point about wasting time explaining to You is now also proven.

Anonymous No. 921946

Go in your yard, find 2 large stones, and pond one against the other, violently.

Anonymous No. 921948

pointless insults towards me will not make You better.

I'll leave You with the:
"I Can explain it to You, but I cannot understand it for You"

Anonymous No. 921949

You're an entire Sun Tzu of a faggot, I'll give you that.

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Anonymous No. 921950


Is this your screen right now?

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Anonymous No. 921954

You still don't understand the fact that you are CATEGORICALLY WRONG by presenting an ugly apple, when the goal was an orange.

you're arguing with multiple people
Its totally understandable however that you think its only one anon since your perception is deluded and you project hard.

Anonymous No. 921959


Post 921950 isn't me.

>Its totally understandable however that you think its only one anon since your perception is deluded and you project hard
>CATEGORICALLY WRONG by presenting an ugly apple, when the goal was an orange.
>an ugly apple

Keep on yapping, schizo. It's mostly you projecting your lack of skill in this thread, I'm going to sleep, get fucked, no skill rat.

dontbeweird No. 921960

get permission first, if you cant, take the hint.

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Anonymous No. 921976

ebin thread

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the chair nerd No. 922022

I feel like a crow roflolmao

Anonymous No. 922027

Why is it always blendlets?

Anonymous No. 922033


Anonymous No. 922035

Okay so you've set the bar with a mediocre but passable face sculpt.
Now lets see Paul Allan's sculpt.
Or he could just not post his work and keep pretending he knows better than you like a gigantic fucking faggot.

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Anonymous No. 922037

here you retard, your head looks retarded, and not even remotely human. end of discussion.