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blonde progress.png

๐Ÿงต I have mastered an entirely new workflow on 3D to 2D anime art.

Anonymous No. 921660

Finally learned to mix my AI workflow with my pixel art workflow.

Two powerful methods, now combine to reach even a bigger autism level of quality.

chud haters BTFO.

And no, left style took me 14 months to develop since April 2021.
Right style took since mid august to actually learn how to do it.

Anonymous No. 921661

And I thought sculpting anon was a schizo. You are lonely mate.

Anonymous No. 921662

Yep, I'm thinking "fuck off".

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Anonymous No. 921665

Fuck off, retard

Anonymous No. 921814

The only limiting factor on VNs is generating stills. Limits on detail and complexity. Rapid AI generated images will lift the lid on this limit and also eliminate the skill and commitment barrier for entry.
There will be an explosion of stylised sex VNs. So many, maybe, you could train an AI on generating entire VNs based on prompts.

Anonymous No. 921978

"Mid august" dipshit your prompts sucked ass and 0.35 denoising is dubious at best. You didnt even tell me how you got it you just showed off the result and ghosted.

Anonymous No. 921987

Sovl / souless

Anonymous No. 921992

You didn't actually make that "art" on the right. That was computer magic, sorry

Maybe learn to draw on paper and go outside and talk to a real girl

T. Accomplished artist in traditional mediums, and digital, and 3d, and life

Anonymous No. 922008

The right one looks really cute! Keep going Cris!

Anonymous No. 922157

>That was computer magic, sorry
all digital art is computer magic, cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 922158


Anonymous No. 922182

Calling digital art computer magic is pretty redundant. But a big difference Cleaning up a guitar recording you played in real life and using an ai music generator claiming authorship. Apply same logic to visual media, cope seethe?

Anonymous No. 923114

the "AI" spawned a lot of those maniacs. glad i stopped using discord, i wont regret missing all this raging autism

Anonymous No. 923709


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 923710


Anonymous No. 923746

no I won't pay my win

Anonymous No. 925713

So you think this is a "1% improvement every day", Cristiano Colombiano?

Anonymous No. 925725

say, cris, have you ever heard of "Yonkers"?

Anonymous No. 926384

yonkers deez nuts, cris

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Anonymous No. 928149
