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Anonymous No. 921868

So, I followed this tutorial: to create a watercolor material and everything worked fine until I tried to bake it.
I've tried for hours but I can't seem to bake correctly this evee shader, I even tried to bake the shader that feeds into the "shader to RGB" node first but it still didn't work. The problem is that my texture ends up looking very different from how it looks on evee when I try to plug the baked texture to replace the "shader to RGB" node. I don't know what to do guys help me pls.

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watercolor materi....jpg

Anonymous No. 921869

these are the nodes I copied from the video, and they work fine but now I don't know how to bake this material properly

Anonymous No. 921878

4 bake u need cycles ?

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Anonymous No. 922647

help me you bunch of niggers god this board is useles, there must be a way to bake this fucking this fucking material on Cycles. whenever I try it just creates a flat texture showing only the base color I picked without the watercolor effect to it, tell me how to create a texture off these nodes please

Anonymous No. 922727

You can't bake eevee retard

Anonymous No. 922740

Yeah sorry Anon, baking isn't supported in Eevee. The baking panel only shows up in Cycles render.

Anonymous No. 922966

I knew that alreadt faggot retard

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 923689

Niggers niggers niggers niggers

Anonymous No. 924550

Shader to RGB node is EEVEE only, not supported by Cycles, so your material will not work, there are hacky workarounds with Lambert/Phong shading, but you will not get proper cast shadows.