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Dx chop_remastered.jpg

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Anonymous No. 922112

Guys why does Mixamo make my Armature do a dx chop?
Any way to fix this ?

Anonymous No. 922113

the character you transer to has to be in t-pose with arms horisontal.
i had a character with arms at 45 degree and got that stuff in your pic related.

Anonymous No. 922114

See the charecter IS IN T pose.

The side is the animation I want and the DX chop is the animation I get from transfering to the T Pose

Anonymous No. 922127

Did you make your own animations? I had unexpected behaviour just as can be seen here happen when I made some animations and I didn't keyframe everything properly. Basically I've had this happen when your animation frame 1 (or 0, depending on where you put your first frame) and the last frame don't have every single bone inset