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Anonymous No. 922140

How many hero characters can you actually render on a 12gb gpu? Say you have two or more chars + background with a whole bunch of 4k+ UDIM textures. How much can you render before you hit the limit and need 24gb? Is 24gb enough? This is for my build. Hearing a lot about melting cables for the 4090.

Anonymous No. 922249

>Is 24gb enough? This is for my build.
the best you can afford is the best one for you
is this so hard to understand? :/

Anonymous No. 922250

I would wait for proper driver support and the new power supplies before getting a 4090.

Anonymous No. 922254

>background with a whole bunch of 4k+ UDIM textures.
If its in the background then you certainly don't need 4k textures.
If you waste your resources and don't optimize your scenes, then your 12GB will be full very fast.

Anonymous No. 922281

>If its in the background then you certainly don't need 4k textures.
background is a spectrum from mid range to far away. The renderer should preprocess asnd mip map the textures, no? Are you trying to make me look like an idiot on purpose?

The hero char definitely has 4k udim textures

Anonymous No. 922324

>The renderer should preprocess asnd mip map the textures, no?
For some reason I was assuming you want to use Blender/Cycles, in which case the answer is actually NO.

Anonymous No. 922328

i thought everyone knew that cycles doesnt preprocess their textures and loads everything into memory, which is a main reason why it isnt used in production

Anonymous No. 922340

Theres nothing wrong with power supplies except the ugly 4 to 1 cable.

Anonymous No. 922344

Infinite amount as long as you put them all in a BVH

Anonymous No. 922346

>there's nothing wrong with a fire hazard

Anonymous No. 922355

people are saying that it will literally burn your house down if you bend the cable

Anonymous No. 922356

>creating imaginary scenarios in your head to justify overpriced hardware purchases

Anonymous No. 922358

>2 characters interacting with each other + a background is an uncommon, imaginary scenario

you have never worked in the industry, kid

Anonymous No. 922366

>2 characters interacting with each other + a background is an uncommon, imaginary scenario
yes no one would've ever been able to render something like that before 24gb GPUs were available

Anonymous No. 922370

anon, i have 3.5gb vram right now thats why i created this thread

Anonymous No. 922371

>imagine working the same job as your creative hobby.
Kek do artists really?

Anonymous No. 922372

will you stop trolling this thread and go back to your containment you dumbass