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Anonymous No. 922144

Man 3D sure is hard. I've been studying environment art for games in school non stop for around a year and a half and while I've progressed tons and reached a certain level of proficiency and comfort with standard industry methods/workflows I still struggle and have yet to feel truly happy with a piece I've made in it's entirety.

I guess in this industry it's really easy to compare yourself with the greats. If anyone browsing on here is industry level and really skilled at creating beautiful images I'd like to ask how long it took you to reach a level of genuine satisfaction with your skill level artistically and technically.

Anonymous No. 922153

>how long it took you to reach a level of genuine satisfaction with your skill level artistically and technically.
10+ years

Anonymous No. 922161

Around 5 years.

Anonymous No. 922165

Thanks and fair enough that makes sense. Did you get hired in the industry before that point though? And at what point did that occur?

Anonymous No. 922166

Third guy and I say I'm still not satisfied and wouldn't have balls to say I'm actually good at this, even though I'm in the industry and also leading other artists. Learning is endless, you just keep getting better at it.

Idk, it took me about 1.5 years of a hobby-level learning to create a scene that ultimately got me in the industry, if that means something to you.

Anonymous No. 922167

I appreciate the honesty and insight man. That's why I decided to pursue this as a career, I really like the that there's an essentially limitless skill ceiling and always something new to learn.

I made the post because I'm basically at the same point you were. Finished my studies and am just about finished a reel and nearly ready to start applying for jobs but am autistically nagging myself because my scenes don't quite look triple A or like those of top tier artists lol. despite applying myself harder in the last 2 year at this than anything else in my life.

Hopefully shit's good enough to get my foot in the door at least.

Anonymous No. 922174

getting a couple of jobs or even a steady job doesnt mean you're good. I easily got jobs when I was crap. Only ten years later am i actually good.