🧵 Help me with a texturing conundrum
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Oct 2022 20:14:06 UTC No. 922230
I have substance painter and designer.
Each of these wall models have their own UVs for now.
I could do a smart uv and pack them all into one file, sacrifice texture quality, and then bake a procedural concrete material to them. No guarantees they come out seamless.
Or I could use substance designer to create a seamless wall material and then use it with painter. But the problem then would be with overlapping UVs if I were to import them all into substance. To avoid this, I'd have to use smart uvs and pack them all into one giant uv shell.
Sorry, how is stuff like this usually done? Is each and every single piece of my modular wall set supposed to be painted by hand? I'm a one man indie dev and self-taught so I'm not really sure how I can go about doing it.
Would really appreciate the help frens.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Oct 2022 20:49:57 UTC No. 922235
No you create a master modular material that will project a tiling material onto them (you can use the UV to do this or use triplanar projection) and add variation with vertex painted blends, deferred decals and additional props etc.
I've given you a lot of terms to google there you should be able to figure it out off that
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Oct 2022 06:24:54 UTC No. 922272
ah yes substance painter has triplanar projection. I'll work it out anon. Thank you!
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Oct 2022 10:45:32 UTC No. 922278
No no no, you don’t texture it in painter, just set up UVs and make sure they are aligned to the edges of 0-1 so there are no seams when you connect 2 modular pieces, and set up a material with tileable textures in your game engine of choice. Just go to artstation learning and search for modular architecture tutorials.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 05:58:23 UTC No. 922334
Ohhhhhhhhhh but idk procedural texturing in unity
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 12:06:53 UTC No. 922351
It isn't a procedural texturing, literally just connect your tileable texture maps in a simple material and it's a good start. Again, search for modular architecture tutorials. There's probably more resources for Unreal though, but you should be able to figure out how to do it in Unity after that.