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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 922399

>“Halo, welcum tu mi blendah tutoriel!”
>Audible lip smacks and obnoxious keyboard clicks fills the air
>Half the tutorial is spent trying to redo mis-clicks
>”Anz four ze last step on zis two hower tutarial, you arg goeing zu vant tu dawnload a shird-partee addun”

Anonymous No. 922403

cool story bro

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Anonymous No. 922405

>filtered by blender tutorials of all things
it's over for you buddy

Anonymous No. 922416

>Anz four ze last step on zis two hower tutarial, you arg goeing zu vant tu dawnload a shird-partee addun
I'm a total Blenderfag, but yeah, Blender is best when you use the right plugins. After using RetopoFlow for a while, I'm never fucking going back to manual "Extrude and face snap" bullshit.
I honestly don't get why they don't just directly integrate RetopoFlow.

Anonymous No. 922431

that graphic means that your hatred eventually reaches a maximum and then doesn't increase anymore, no matter how many tutorials you watch

Anonymous No. 922434

This graph is retarded.

Anonymous No. 922547

Was it sociamix?

Anonymous No. 922652

Why do you hate white people?

Anonymous No. 922653

Pajeets have a deep inferiority complex.

Anonymous No. 922654

Hahahaha OP is black everyone point and laugh

Anonymous No. 922659

>could watch this premium course i pirated that's worth a thousand dollars
>spend 2 hours watching a chinese tutorial with no subtitles instead