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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 922610

>blender... le good
>blender... le bad
>no, I will NOT post my work
Why is this board like this

Anonymous No. 922641

3D modeling is hard. Shitposting is easy.

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Anonymous No. 922648

>be an absolute noob
>nothing happens (no work)

>be a pro
>nothing happens (doxable and doesn't want to be associated with nazi virgins)

geez, i wonder why nothing happens when you ask people to post their work here? it's almost as if it's a simple shitpost-tactic to silence people when you yourself have no fucking arguments?

Anonymous No. 922649

>"nazi virgins"
>obsession with cuckoldry
>won't post his work
Lol, lmao even. You don't have a job Rajeesh, go back to the shitting street.

Anonymous No. 922650

>defends blunder
>calls others indians

Anonymous No. 922651

Only pajeets like (You) are so obsessed with software wars and "muh industry doxxing".

Anonymous No. 922660

Post your work.

Anonymous No. 922665

>creates new thread after being btfo in a software war thread
>complains about software wars
turing test failed. you are most likely a rather primitive AI and not an actual person. post your work.

Anonymous No. 922702


Anonymous No. 922704

I don't have any cool shit that I haven't posted online from my public account, simple as

Anonymous No. 922715

Also, so what if I'm Indian? What does that have to do with the conversation anyways?

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Anonymous No. 922716

>so what if I'm Indian?
good morning sir, bloody benchhod bastard

Anonymous No. 922718

>you need to post your work here to ha le software opinion!

why are blendchods like that

Anonymous No. 922728


Anonymous No. 922818

>starts the thread with a meme image instead of his own work
pyw, anon.