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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 922682

I found a new even cheaper style, chuds.

I'm not more time efficient.
This took 15 minutes to make.

Anonymous No. 922694

why did you private your youtube

Anonymous No. 922725

Because i dont want gaming journalists to find shit about me.
Dont care bout 4chan losers, so they're not the issue.

Anonymous No. 922729

And you still keep changing styles, you're in an endless cycle, you will never make a game.

Anonymous No. 922782

And how efficient is it? In Dollar per hour please

Anonymous No. 922792

but now rigging/animating is impossible and you'd have to do voxel based animation
just make a 2D RPGmaker game, you might end up with a finished product if you aren't constantly trying to lower the amount of effort you're putting in

Anonymous No. 922864

QRD on this style and youtube channel?

Anonymous No. 922895

Rejoin the fucking /3/ server we miss you

Anonymous No. 922898

give me link.

I deleted my discord acount, lol.

Anonymous No. 922899

OP is a delusional faggot who keeps trying to make things as quickly and lazily as possible, and likes to shit up the board with his latest piece of shit.
He also deleted his Twitter account and made his YouTube channel private, because he forgot to take his meds and genuinely thinks gaming journalists will ever care about him. At least he’s gone from those places.
Point and laugh, never give him any sort of praise. He is a blight on 4chan and must be eradicated at any cost.

Anonymous No. 922900

hop on

Anonymous No. 922901

i think cris is better than you and you r just jelly of my success, post your work

Anonymous No. 922929

come back home cris I miss your posts

Anonymous No. 925714

Is this Cris too?

Anonymous No. 925721

>Gray backgroun
>weird ass pixel art style
>"Found a cheap style
Yeah, it's Cris

Anonymous No. 925724

>In Dollar per hour please

Anonymous No. 925766


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Anonymous No. 925775

There are at least 10 threads made by this literal subhuman. This includes all the pepes and cats. This is the face of /3/

Anonymous No. 925782

he is the only nigga on here unironically using the term 'chud'

Anonymous No. 925788

AI will take this away from you if you wont actually start finishing your work you subhuman. You spend what, like 5 years posting on this degenerate forum about how you made the perfect artstyle or perfect model pipeline. Do you honestly think your game has another 5 years of time to be finished?

Anonymous No. 925792

>AI will take this away from you
The joke is that he's been trying to leverage AI for his "ultra cheap AAA style".