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๐Ÿงต AI with blender

Anonymous No. 922745

You can now render something using AI with blender.

Industry niggas BTFO.

Anonymous No. 922747

correct me if I'm wrong, but
the addon just takes the 2D image information from blender render view, right? so essentially it's the same as just exporting the render image from blender and uploading it to any AI site....

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Anonymous No. 922754

>sign up here sign up there

Anonymous No. 922759

All it's doing is taking the blender render output and feeding it into stable diffusion. Don't need some faggoty paid addon and API key for that.

Literally selling you something that's free.

Anonymous No. 922766

feel free to code a free addon that uses your gpu instead.

After all, is open source.

Anonymous No. 922769

Addon is also available for free. Sucks that the AI itself is subscription based.

Anonymous No. 923422

wow now i can get more shitty blurry images of shit art. Really no different from a concept artist but at least the concept artist does not give 500 useless pictures of abstract garbage that i cant use.