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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 922852

This scares and filters the /3/tard.

Anonymous No. 922853

post your work

Anonymous No. 922854

We have a wip thread, you retarded Colombian filth

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Anonymous No. 922862

your turn, chud

Anonymous No. 922965

what do you have against Colombians

Anonymous No. 922968

I think someone is spending time connecting the wrong dots and thinks some chris in /3/ is from columbia much hacker, many lurker oh wow.

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AAA - 7-18-21.png

Anonymous No. 922984

Getting over the fear of people seeing your shit and calling it shit and knowing theyre right and it hurting your feelings is all important to becoming an artist.

Anonymous No. 922998


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Anonymous No. 923011

>Posts work
>Gets blacklisted from all westroon companies for being associated with the nazi hack known as 4channel dot org

Anonymous No. 923012

Eh, I think it's just a shit argument. 90% of the time it's used in spite during an argument, so 99% of the time even if someone does post work, it doesn't matter.
The dude could be a super fucking pro, but no matter what, to the other party it'll be complete dogshit because they're in the sense of mind that the other person is wrong and they're right. So naturally the other person's work MUST be shit. Even if it isn't. Because it's an argument on 4chan and everyone but you is automatically a retard and wrong, and things must be antagonistic without actually considering the other viewpoint.

It's just a bad argument, and as soon as someone pulls that out as a response, they've lost. If you've been arguing a point with someone and putting forth valid statements without flinging shit, and someone throws that at you, you've won. Stop responding. There's nothing more that can be added to the discussion. The other person has completely given up trying to defend their own viewpoint, and they never were going to consider yours.

Anonymous No. 923014

100% agree. Also if you don't come to 4chan to do a little shitposting you are missing the point.

Anonymous No. 923278

>I know what they think 99% of the time. Their actions, their judgment.
Take it easy on amphetamines.

Anonymous No. 923279

All of my work is titties, can't post on work safe board.

Anonymous No. 923280

Seek a better hobby

Anonymous No. 923341

Seek employment outside of McDonald’s

Anonymous No. 923363

Posting my work would imply I have some kind of personal stake in winning an argument on a board I only visit because I get bored while taking a shit

Anonymous No. 923380

Any time you get in an argument online, it's "I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG", and there's no moving them from that position. Especially on 4chan of all places. The only exception being if they're actively asking for another opinion.

Anonymous No. 923533

>so 99% of the time even if someone does post work, it doesn't matter.
and 100% of the time if you do not post your work you're acquiescing the point.
In general I do not take people at their word when they say theyve got an industry job theyre trying to protect by posting nothing. Even if its true sometimes then make something just to post.

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Anonymous No. 923584

>and 100% of the time if you do not post your work you're acquiescing the point.
what a load of bullshit. by asking someone to post their work, you are implying that they cannot actually model (as well as you). that automatically puts YOU in the position to post your own work beforehand and prove your own skill level. you do not get to hide yourself AND be smug simultaneously.

it is also an incredibly cheap and pussy way to ignore sound arguments and silence them without having to address them. not coincidentally do "pyw" posts almost always follow a striking blow against a certain indian-favored piece of freeware, and the argument that couldn't be refuted is never brought up again. pyw is quite simply a reflexive bluff for nomodelers when they realize that they really do not have the same level of knowledge as their opponent.

Anonymous No. 923587

>*normal discussion about stuff*
>umm anon perchance you should post your work so that we know you aren't trolling
Post your work.

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Anonymous No. 923592

>talk about anons posting "pyw" reflexively in order to avoid arguments
>posts "pyw" reflexively and doesn't address any argument
you could not possibly have proven my point more effectively. work on your manners, though. even the mentally challenged can be expected to behave somewhat orderly.

Anonymous No. 923594

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 923597

>*normal discussion about stuff*
on /3/,where most threads are shizo spam and blender beginner questions that ignore the QTDDTOT? what if you really are retarded, anon? pyw

Anonymous No. 923598

I won the argument, and unlike you i know how to model, cris.

Anonymous No. 923618

cris's 3d work is legit disgusting trash

his 2d is okay but he's been stuck like this for years

so reminder to all posters not to be a retard like him, and to always work hard and not waste too much time in shitty bait threads

Anonymous No. 923619

You are shitposting way more than cris

Anonymous No. 923791

To be fair. I was the one who originally brought up the point. Not the blue elephant peanut man.
I left after >>923380 Been busy. It'd be kind of dumb for me to try and argue a point and then start getting mad. Really wasn't much of an argument to make in the first place tbqh w/u fampai.
I said what I thought about "pyw" as a retaliatory remark. Not that it ultimately matters though. Have a good day anon.

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Anonymous No. 924000

I actually do post my own work whenever I ask someone else to post theirs.
Here I'll do it right now

Anonymous No. 924157

>against a certain indian-favored piece of freeware
I think you probably have some form of mental illness, and your entire line of reasoning is based on some singular innocuous comment from someone else that disturbed a tribalist delusion you hold.

Anonymous No. 924195

swing & miss. try again, blendertard.

Anonymous No. 924776

>having a problem with indians makes you a tribalist
It makes you normal. Even indians dont like indians. It's why they're so desperate to escape their country

Anonymous No. 924795

Stop stealing my phrase.

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Anonymous No. 924800

It's a matter of context. We're fine with it in say WIP where people are civil and helpful, but not in the format of flamewar where the other guy just want you to cuckishly serve him a means of ad hominem on request, and doesn't even address your arguments. He'll just keep shifting goal posts or ignoring inconvenient posts that do post work. Shit posters are more often than not social media tourists looking to score points in their head and show as an anonymous stranger to other anon how hot shit they are.

Another problem is nobody wants to self-doxx or leave behind a digital foot print by showing their portfolio work or any already shared work period. Clever or not, If you're not a complete normalfag who was around for the old internet you should be able to understand why. And some of us remember how the he will not divide us flag was found, smoking out that Keffals by analyzing blanket patterns. or how random strangers were obsessed over, doxxed and fucked/swatted with by cow stalkers who get families involved and people fired. You don't need to be of fame or importance to be a celebrity in a snow globe of pernicious losers. /3/ sometimes but especially /ic/ love to shill gay ops central otherwise known as discord. All you need is one guy or few with a dumb tribal drama grudge. Or even better how about Merc WIP spammed into a meme by one overexcited or spiteful anon.

To summarize: you're just acquiescing to a cunt that wants the power to crab the shit out of you. You probably do this to not make the crab's stupidity be taken seriously and you undermined in the eyes of lurkers. But all you've done is empowered the crustacean over an assumption, and cross-referenced yourself for today's snoopy bosses (yes even in trades) or whoever else to spooky toxic white supremacists pedo site probably saying "your turn nigger." Please proceed to ignore my point that it's not a winning move to play argument-wise

Anonymous No. 924876

no no no
This is a board for people who create but it's overwhelmed by people who just shit on other people's work while hiding their own. If you can't even post your own BAD models then you deserve to have you criticisms dismissed.

Anonymous No. 924914


Anonymous No. 925493

We are few anon

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Anonymous No. 925679

gonna make me ask?

Anonymous No. 925727

>all his work is safe for reddit
lol go back then

Anonymous No. 925728

>this reply was typed with one hand

Anonymous No. 925729

>If you can't even post your own BAD models
tbf you will get shit on and crabbed hard so most people just don't see a need unless they're posting in the questions threa-
oh wait, nobody answers questions or gives advice here LOL

Anonymous No. 925731

fuck off cris

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Anonymous No. 925890

speaking for myself I always try to answer a couple questions in the thread if I ask one. I know a lot of stuff and i'm university trained. I'm just not in the industry.
I know it sucks to post your artwork that took so much time and fustration to eek out just to have someone say "its shit" and not even respond to questions or comebacks.
But you have to do it.

Anonymous No. 925918

those pillars near the water, they look small
they have engravings but are tiny (?)
or maybe the gate is too big?
anyway, i think scale is wrong

Anonymous No. 925919

That's Lord Jabu Jabu's fountain, isn't it? I haven't played OoT in like 20 years, but I explored that area so much it's burned into my brain. That dip in the back looks so much that you should be able to enter it, so I tried for so many hours.

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Anonymous No. 925995


Anonymous No. 926090

My friend made this weird animated video a while back

Any feedback or recs on similar stuff? I really like the ridiculous absurdity of it.

Anonymous No. 926156

this was really great.
Not examples of like good 3d skills, but it goes to show that a project can be fun and interesting even if it isn't good on a technical level (except porn). It still certainly took a long time and a lot of work to make even this.

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Anonymous No. 926178

Horse tits.

Anonymous No. 926179


Anonymous No. 926226

lmao how come no one here has OC they wanna post... everyone knows if you dont currently have work you'd like to share you should immediately give up and eat every sharp object within a 9 ft radius of your left nostril...

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Anonymous No. 926247

everyone is afraid of their work getting called shit. which it will, even if it's really good.

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Anonymous No. 928388

my man is ready for hair

Anonymous No. 928393

Did you get BTFO'd in some argument and have to resort to childish shit again?

Anonymous No. 928395


Anonymous No. 928443

Because when you are obsessed with 3D you mostly use the software as an exercise and don't necessarily finish every project you start.

Anonymous No. 928444

Best in thread/10

Anonymous No. 928467

More like there's a bunch of big talkers who have nothing to show at all. The most scandalous truth. The people who won't post their work have no work to post. Not even shitty incomplete models.

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Anonymous No. 928552

dont want to link my artstation profil to 4chan tb h

Anonymous No. 928628

Then you'll have to endure no one believing you can 3D model.
You could go make 4chan exclusives.
Hell go post on your profile that some random internet nazi is pretending to be you on 4chan, and then link it here.

Anonymous No. 928936
future of tf2 is brighter than ever

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Anonymous No. 928938

how to make photoreal

Anonymous No. 928945

needs more maps. Normal or displacement or both, SSS maps, specular and coat, add some textures with subsurface veins and imperfections, make the eyes real eyes with a cornea and an iris.

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Anonymous No. 928950

Enjoy being unemployed faggetie C:

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Anonymous No. 929300

zeiss ikon contessa

Anonymous No. 929965

this counts as a nett negative work done. you now have to post more,

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Anonymous No. 930060


Anonymous No. 930062

ok, kino. good work. you are redeemed anon.