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๐Ÿงต Blender can't int-ACKK

Anonymous No. 922872

Anonymous No. 922873

downright looks terrible.

Anonymous No. 922874


Anonymous No. 922885

stop with this forced meme. This is an anonymous site.

Anonymous No. 922888

>forced meme
so you don't have any work at all
>anonymous site
nobody says to upload your portfolio, a simple wip would suffice
but you won't post it because you don't work, you only shitpost in software wars threads

Anonymous No. 922889

>so you don't have any work at all
I've been working for 11 years

now fuck off. You are worse than cris

Anonymous No. 922893

>I've been working for 11 years
you've been crying about software for 11 years and made 3 cubes total, now pyw

Anonymous No. 922896

>watch this awesome blender video!
>halfway through starts using zbrush

Anonymous No. 922907


Anonymous No. 922922

Lets see ur work then faggot.