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🧵 Worth it or scam?

Anonymous No. 923323

I have been getting these ads recently out of the blue. Their website looks a little shitty but some of the courses seem interesting. Are they trying to scam me?

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Anonymous No. 923330

most paid courses are not worth their money. for hard-surface study arrimus3d, for sculpting pirate virtually any full asset-creation course to understand the general workflow, then train, train, train (it's 90% learning how to use references and getting a feel for the tools/brushes).

the general rule is: spending money is not a shortcut to making it - there is no "ultimate" course, academy, software tool or tablet that will magically take away your duty of putting in genuine effort and lots and lots of time.

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Anonymous No. 923333

also ditch blender.

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Anonymous No. 923342

CGP is worth it.

Anonymous No. 923368

if you're a grown up you ought to be able to buy them.

Anonymous No. 923372

Giving the Chinese your credit details.

Anonymous No. 923381

My opinion

Artstation/FlippedNormals/Gumroad > Cubebrush > Udemy > Wingfox

Wingfox is my least liked platform out of all of them because:
-It is overpriced.
-player sometimes doesn't work
-You don't get the courses instantly like the other platforms, they're released periodically at an infrequent rate. Worst case scenario is that they're released per month.
-The astern courses are hard to follow because they're not really translated well and they use different workflows that aren't useful for the West. Instead of Substance or Mari, they use Maxon's BodyPaint 3D. There are workarounds for it if you know what you're doing, but if you're new it'll fly over your head
-Some sell outdated courses that aren't useful.
-Artists don't get paid much with it.
-Most of the eastern character courses are about editing basemeshes for hours instead of modeling from scratch. You learn nothing about anatomy, just a workflow.
-weird DRM and anti-piracy measures, desktop application tracks all of your applications and won't play if you have streaming software on
-can't access courses offline

tl;dr Good if you're intermediate, bad if you're a beginner.

+player works
+plenty of idiot proof beginner friendly courses that teach a workflow.
+quality tuts from SpeedChar and NextTut (though get the ones from NIkolay Naydenov and Victor Yamakado)
+Abraham Leal from NextTut is a good generalist, but you might be annoyed by him revising mistakes (he does this to make people remember the software)
+can view the course offline if you own a download manager
-pays instructors like shit, they get a very small percentage if you aren't using their udemy affiliate links

Anonymous No. 923382


+High quality
+teaches modern workflows with relevant software.
+downloadable offline
-can't stream, but it is okay. Just get cloud storage and watch videos from there

+perks of flipped normals
+high quality because it is done by industry vets
+can be insanely affordable and high quality or expensive
+pays artists the highest
+streamable or downloadable depending on the instructor

CGMA/Vertex School/Artheroes
Recommended for intermediate people who want to take advantage of critique or mentorship

Anonymous No. 923391

>for sculpting pirate virtually any full asset-creation course
any retard proof one that you recommend? I just want to learn sculpting for 3d printing anime girls

Anonymous No. 923427

Instead of getting caught up on the value of this course and whether it's a scam or not, if you really want to pick up figure modeling, why don't you just do this?

Download a character sheet that grabs your attention, open up zBrush or Blender or whatever, and just go for it, start putting the character together. Snag a basemesh from somewhere and start playing around with the geometry and adding stuff to it until it looks like the reference. If you end up hitting a snag and don't know how to do something, just google it or go to sketchfab and look up other people's models, there's lots of easy access reference material. When you're done for the day, take a picture or two and post it somewhere, your gay little private discords, on /wip/, kill an innocent thread and birth your own, just post it somewhere and ask for some feedback.

You don't need permission from these courses to get started and you don't need anything they have in order to finish a model.

Anonymous No. 923433

>open up zBrush or Blender or whatever
you have never created a single good-looking asset. sculpting can only be done in zbrush, that is not even a discussion.

Anonymous No. 923434

>he got filtered by blender

Anonymous No. 923435

>ou have never created a single good-looking asset. sculpting can only be done in zbrush
Whatever rocks your balls. people pay me for my assets sculpted in blender and that's all I care about, you can wallow and cry and shit your pants in your zbrush corner if you wanna

Anonymous No. 923437

it's the other way around: i filtered blender. it is subpar software for subpar people.

Anonymous No. 923440

post your work

Anonymous No. 923465

Posting work doesn’t prove anything other than feeling superior for 5 seconds. That 5 seconds can be spent somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 923466

I accept your concession.
Don't worry, being filtered by Blender isn't that tragic; you can still learn it if you try hard enough.

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Anonymous No. 923471

blender is quicker and easier to learn than 3ds max, at the cost of only having a fraction of the functionality (and worse tools where it does copy its core). if you actually did some modeling you would know that. keep shitposting against people that successfully made the switch, blendertard.

it's quite hard to express just how fucking retarded of an "attack" it is to claim that someone using a less user-friendly program doesn't use the shitty freeware because he got filtered by an easier to understand UI.

Anonymous No. 923472

I don't think it's easier. Blenders tools are spead across different rooms or windows. I still don't know what object and edit modes are seperate. Max is way more straightforward.

Anonymous No. 923473

Nah buddy, you are just shitposting against Blender for the lulz. You don't even do 3DCG in the first place.

Anonymous No. 923474

well, you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 923475

>for sculpting pirate ......

see >>923400

Anonymous No. 923476

>see a retard who can't use his computer properly
Works on my machine.

Anonymous No. 923479

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 923496

that's not even how that works, you goddamn retard. talking to you is like chatting with a poorly trained AI that doesn't understand basic logic and randomly tries to annoy everyone.

i am now genuinely convinced that you are a special needs person ("cris"?). no functional human being is as profoundly retarded as you.

Anonymous No. 923502

i have one of the top 2 most popular isps in one of the top 5 most expensive states in the united states

Anonymous No. 923503

>united states
Stop living in the third world, Pablo.