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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923392

>Align UVs in UV editor to be perfectly square.
>Squares on model are skewed
>Unfold the UVs into a skewed mess
>Squares on model are perfect


Anonymous No. 923394


Anonymous No. 923396

UVs are black magic, textel density is alchemy
Get RizomUV

Anonymous No. 923398

I dont know what to do and the only thing i can ask is how to make painting uvs easier

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Anonymous No. 923410

Looked into it, but I'd like not to download an entire other program for doing one task. I'm already doing that by using photoshop and adobe substance to paint the textures.
Found a tutorial tho.Looks better after following it.

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Anonymous No. 923411

Still have some wierd skewing going on, especially with the hat.
Here are my UVs.

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Anonymous No. 923412

Thinking I'll make a duplicate and try changing the edge flow before moving on. Maybe doing so will help me get rid of some edge loops.

Anonymous No. 923425

>I'd like not to download an entire other program for doing one task
never ever ever going to make it.

Anonymous No. 923438

Model should have perfect squares without stretches. UV island itself doesn’t need to be straightened. Use your logic.

Anonymous No. 923443

I know exactly what you're talking about, and I'd love to know the reason why that happens.

I think it has to do with how the "straight" version actually deforms the UV triangles, and the unfolded version preserves their shape (in relation to the abstract planes that each triangle belongs to).

Triangulate that model, then try the same two different mappings as you did. Is it clearer in this way?

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Anonymous No. 923449

Sorry i'm a noob. I don't know what you mean by triangulate it.
I retopologized it. It's somewhat better, but on my UV island, its not unitized squares liked I'd like for painting purposes.

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Anonymous No. 923450

I see other peoples low poly meshes with damn near squared UV layouts and I'm scratching my noggin asking "How did you do that?!"
I'll try out that Rizom. the other anon suggested. Not like I'm paying for any of these programs anyhow.

Anonymous No. 923451

So, i add triangles? I thought game engines id port to add those. Also thought adding those is a bad idea

Anonymous No. 923452

You have to accept the fact that the object you are unwrapping is not perfectly flat or square. The output on the bottom is how it's supposed to look in UV space.

Anonymous No. 923482

If the polys are square then the UV face will also be. If your polys are rhombuses, then so too will your UV. By forcing a UV to be square you stretching the UVs. Think of it like a sock. If you unsew the threads and lay down the shapes of cloth they aren't square right?

Anonymous No. 923484

if you need specific software to just do UV,
you are indeed NGMI.

WHat you need to aim for, is not perfect squares on the uv unwrap, but the ones that show on Your model as checkerboard (pic you provided , bottom part left)

You can activate distortion overlay in maya to see how distorted/stretched some parts are, you will 100% not be able to make it perfect.

aim for "good enough"

Anonymous No. 923485

if you need specific software to just do <specific thing>,
you are indeed NGMI.
just use blender for everything,

Anonymous No. 923486

failed hyperbole, blendchud.

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Anonymous No. 923491

Well, I retopologized it and was more choice with my UV cuts while following this tutorial:
Still got some skews, and was unable to make the hat UVs straight without a plethora of more skews, but I'm going to have to settle for "good enough".

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Anonymous No. 923492

I just don't get it since I see other people make straight UVs just fine.

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Anonymous No. 923493


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Anonymous No. 923495

I'm sure spacing of quads and edge flow has something to do with it, but pic related. I simply don't know.

Anonymous No. 923499

lesson number one:
just because there is tutorial online on the internet, doesnt mean the guy is making it right/good for your project.

Anonymous No. 923504

Well, it would be good since it would be easier and speed up the painting process. I know its possible, seeing i find examples of people making organized UVs all the time, like i have posted.

I really think a lot lf you are ignoring it because you dont know how to do it.

Anonymous No. 923505

Most of the stuff here isn't even a square, it's just packed efficiently

Anonymous No. 923518


The distortion is present in both images, you just can't see it as easily when the texture doesn't line up with the image.

The problem is not the UVs, it's the renderer using affine mapping rather than perspective correct mapping to improve performance. Yes, we are still using a PS1 trick in 2022.

Why? I have no idea.

Anonymous No. 923519

never occured to You that you are mistaken and alot of folks are teling You what to do to do it correctly -and you keep trying to be an idiot.

just do your stuff, knock yourself out, but dont post any more about this non-issue because it doesnt deserve a thread of its own.

Anonymous No. 923523

I made this thread trying to figure out how to make a better uv layout. My bad for not asking the question directly. It is an issue. I dont know how anyone would not want a better UV layout. Be it absolute squares, or as another anon put, packed effciently. The images i posted in the thread, if you read the thread, its barely over 30 posts how could you not, are images with examples of nicely packed UVs. Its clearly possible. Ill have to find more pics, because ive found them before.
Either or, the tutorial vid i posted wasnt completly useless. Like many tutorials, you use what you can and tweak what you cant for the project at hand.
Which is what i did here.
What i gathered in this venture was.
Mind the spacing of quads.
Choose best angle for planer mapping.
Aim for good enough.
Whatever tho, Thanks.

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Anonymous No. 923529

> I don't know what you mean by triangulate it.
It's a command in the 3D program, it adds extra edges inside all faces to make the triangles that form those faces explicit (every mesh is composed of triangles, even if the program is hiding them from you by showing you quads n-gons).
The mesh will still look the same shape-wise, but now all triangles will be visible.

Triangulating is rarely used, except before exporting the final model to a game engine so you know the triangulation will be the same inside the game engine as in your 3D program - on rare occasions the engine might triangulate it differently than in your 3D program, leading to surprises. But again, it's rare.

Anyway, back to the UV distortion. >>923518 talks about affine mapping vs perspective mapping but I don't think that's right, I think perspective is the standard nowadays.

Picrel, I think the distortion is stronger when the triangles in the 3D mesh have different shapes than their UV representations.
The "unfolded" version tries to preserve the original triangle shapes as much as it can (though not 100%, since they all need to stitch together), leading to less distortion.

Cute model.
Notice how the edgeloops are mostly either horizontal or vertical. This makes the unwrapped UV islands almost rectangular, easier to align to the image axes on the UV space, with minimal distortion added.

Anonymous No. 923540

Thanks man. Explains the why this happens as i could see while modeling, as well as what other anons pointed out.
Also found the triangulation in maya so i could see them myself.
>notice how the edgeloop sare mostly either horizontal or vertical.
I see. That doubles back on why when i retopologized everything got noticably smoother. Especially when i used that tutorial video. Didnt work on the hat like i would have liked, but getting a good chunk of it organized is a good consilation prize. Just need to tweak it a bit.

Anonymous No. 923554

its almost like the surface isnt perfectly flat or something

Anonymous No. 923571


Anonymous No. 923620

> I think perspective is the standard nowadays.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? And you'd be wrong.

Anonymous No. 923647

>>Align UVs in UV editor to be perfectly square.
>>Squares on model are skewed
>>Unfold the UVs into a skewed mess
>>Squares on model are perfect
you figured it out!

Anonymous No. 923648

>t I'd like not to download an entire other program for doing one task.
that's normal

Anonymous No. 923656

This is just insane. Imagine having worse uv mapping than sketchup.

Anonymous No. 923674


You're wrong anon, you're talking about two different things.

Since DirectX 8 (in 2000), perspective-corrected interpolation of vertex attributes became the default. The same with OpenGL.

First, lets see what NOT perspective-corrected interpolation (same as the PS1) looks like, with this WebGL demo:

Now do the same in Blender: create a cube, add a checkered texture to it and rotate it in the Blender viewport. The texture DOES NOT deform, even though the cube is being seen by a perspective camera. Vertex attributes (such as UV coordinates) are using perspective-corrected interpolation, such as SketchUp, 3ds, Maya etc.

That means that that right-click-select you linked to is also wrong, unless they're trying to troll of course -- they even wrote it with that arrogant tone as if they had done their homework, which they haven't, because they'd understand that the problem is happening at the data level with bad UV mapping by the user, and not at the display level with something that is a non-problem nowadays because since 2000 it's been solved.

Some resources:

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Anonymous No. 923679

As a complete noob, I didn't ask what you meant by activating the overlay to see the distortion. Found the button.
I was already fiddling around with moving the UVs around by hand to decrees the square distortions, but this is a more clear method about doing so via the red/white/blue colors being more apparent than the checkered pattern.
This will come in handy.

Anonymous No. 923835

Fellow noob here

I think blender is not the best for UV layouts. There are paid addons I downloaded that made it better but I still have this issue myself

You’re not crazy or stupid I would also like to know the answer as on pro work it often seems even geo that’s not flat has a flat UV island

Anonymous No. 924057

Do You even know what those tell You?

Anonymous No. 924059

You're supposed to unwrap then square.

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Anonymous No. 924117

Because stretching a square into a pyramid will stretch out your texture aswell, UVs are relative

like no joke bro read up 5 minutes on this because your monkey ass brain needs to be able to understand basic shit like this

the squares made by your mesh are not actually square, are they? they are rectangular and some of them almost triangular with the way they spread out at the bottom, if you put a square picture into a trapezoid shape, its going to come out misshapen, what the UVS are doing is calculating how to make those shapes look like squares

Anonymous No. 924119

Thread is 5 days old. 40 replies.
You think 5 minutes have passed already with a discussion on the subject taking place in this thread?

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Anonymous No. 924122

Yeah, cause you can hover over the button to tell you how it works, but you can keep being a smart ass unless there is something else you want to add.

Anonymous No. 924124

dont care nigger

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Anonymous No. 924132

I got what I needed. Still has issues, but I'm moving on.
i accept your concession, faggot. Next time read the thread.

Anonymous No. 924133

nigger, you need to stop being smartass, whe you post this abomination of an 'unwrap'

Anonymous No. 924135

>>Squares on model are skewed
3d software cant render quads, it has to divide it into triangles, what you see is just infisible ropology.

Anonymous No. 924145

Man, youre trolling. lol. Youre so good at unwrapping you can stfu by unwrapping this dick in your mouth. Beeotch.

Anonymous No. 924218

You are the one who made a thread about 'how do i make uv unwrapping wrong' not me, faggot.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 924232

>how do i make uv unwrapping wrong
I see you still havent read the thread.
like no joke bro read up 5 minutes on this because your monkey ass brain needs to be able to understand basic shit like this.

Anonymous No. 925250

>squares on model are perfect
sorry, you are perfect
have a nice day

🗑️ Anonymous No. 925293

I don't get the use of RizomUV when in Blender I can just do a smart UV project and it nails it everytime.
What's it good for?

Anonymous No. 925311

its good for when you finally start doing more complex stuff.

Anonymous No. 925642

What did you expect? Look at your mech, you have three tight lines going through it. What do you suppose happens when you make a perfect square out of them?

Anonymous No. 926369

>have non square mesh
>unwrap it to a square
>it's skewed
no shit retard

Anonymous No. 926418

>distorted affine mapping. psx style.
bruhhh thats legit SOUL frfr no cap
t. zoomer

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Anonymous No. 928417

lacking an intuitive understanding of UV is biggest indicator of low spatial IQ and NGMI

Anonymous No. 928424

You fucking retard why are you making your uv islands square

Nips do it only for flat colour to save on space