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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923591

Donut man became Blender CEO

Anonymous No. 923593

>man incapable of modeling is in charge of blender
checks out.

Anonymous No. 923595

He's better than you.

Anonymous No. 923605


Anonymous No. 923607

Post proof.

Don't spook me like that.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 923610

That's quite the donut program you have there ceo san

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Anonymous No. 923616

>it's over

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2022-10-28 17.49.....png

Anonymous No. 923625

Bros... Why are women like this?

Anonymous No. 923636

>Find hobby you enjoy
>Build successful company around it
>Find a wife and have a kid
>Travel and go to meme conferences about new hobbies you have picked up

He's got it good desu

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Anonymous No. 923639


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Anonymous No. 923658

i blend for she

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Anonymous No. 923794

I was disappointed to see this. He's a bloodsucking jew

Anonymous No. 923797

>burger flipper wages for a job that that takes years of study and talents that less than 1% of the population possess.

Anonymous No. 923800

Mcdonalds starts at 17 an hour

Anonymous No. 923801

He is aiming for Indians, right? No way anyone in a developed country would work for that amount.

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Anonymous No. 923804

And that's after increasing it lmao

Anonymous No. 923817

Not that it matters, increasing the max wage is effectively meaningless as they can still choose to pay a max of $15 for all candidates.

But fuck me this guys a bigger cunt than I thought if he's asking for AAA quality assets for that.

Anonymous No. 923818

Assuming that's remote, it's very good for countries that have average 200 bucks per month salary.

Anonymous No. 923824

At that point, don't most artists freelance / start making shit for marketplaces?

Anonymous No. 923825

If they do, I haven't seen any of that outside slavs.

Anonymous No. 923830

>But fuck me this guys a bigger cunt than I thought
how can you not tell just from his outward appearance that he is fake/deceiving as fuck? he uses söyface for his thumbnails (overtly smiling without reason = aggression/attempt to manipulate) and made insane money teaching modeling without even being a top 2% modeler (his teachings go up to basic topology in simple situations and the usage of very basic tools) - you don't achieve that without strategically building up an appearance and using gullible people all around you.

the ratio of his skill to income and influence in the field is absolutely insane, i mean everyone who does some modeling knows who he is and most randoms on artstation produce more impressive and technically refined assets than he ever has.

i guess he tried to become a modeler, got stuck in "i can't make my way out of mediocre-ville" and went "hey what if I just cater to the 95% that will never make it instead? fuck actually modeling".

all you really need to know about the guy to judge his character is the undeniable fact that he joined a field of art and turned it into a business. that in and of itself is more disgusting than most people realize.

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Anonymous No. 925695


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Anonymous No. 925702

OP is a lying faggot, there isn't anything about this anywhere. How would a FOSS project even get a "CEO" in the first place?
I didn't realize how shit this guy is until I looked at his channel after reading your post. He's been using Blender for 19 FUCKING YEARS apparently but only makes videos on the most basic features of Blender? On top of this he also uses the s0iface on every thumbnail too which is just soulless crap to appease the Youtube algorithm.