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🧵 Video AI is going to replace us

Anonymous No. 923736

What's the point of learning any animation or using any tools when soon all you're gonna have to do is tweak AI parameters to generate exactly what you want?

The video even goes into how long it took to iterate this tech from the image generation technology, and I don't know if anyone here is familiar with how short of a time it took for that technology to improve, but it was staggeringly short.

The videos don't have any audio though, so there's that, but AI is already making insane leaps with auditory sound/voices aswell.

It's over.

Anonymous No. 923743

Because it is also about the process and not just the end result, it's about growing your skillset as an artist and achieving unique handcrafted look. Same reason why I for example handpaint my foliage instead of using boring megascans ones. And people notice, and they care, and they want to see more of it.

Cope harder.

Anonymous No. 923751

For the same reason we still learn math despite having computers.

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Anonymous No. 923759

>Satan uses demoralize.
>it's not very effective.

Anonymous No. 923764

>outrageously good
the kinds of mistakes it makes are high level cognition. It can mash patterns together to make very convincing looking images but it still uses that ability to do stupid things because it still does not understand what is in the image on a highly abstract level.

Anonymous No. 923795

I see you lack the ability to connect dots in relation to the future. Many many many such cases

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Anonymous No. 923798

Of course it will. Just take one look at how people in this field discuss it compared to 2d especially trad and they're scared shitless this past year. 3d is devoid of artists with neither knowledge nor care of fundamentals. You need no motor neuron recruitment in those hands you've got lazy mouse and drag and drop. It's all semi-automated for you at the cost of handicapping your skills for buttons and sliders. Just leave the kitbashing to AI.

Anonymous No. 923845

>I was too much of a brainlet to get into 3D therefore I shit out AI threads lololo

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Anonymous No. 926589

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Anonymous No. 926590

Anonymous No. 926600


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Anonymous No. 926617


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Anonymous No. 927599

Anonymous No. 927604


Anonymous No. 927607


Anonymous No. 927609


Anonymous No. 927626

Yeah, let’s just slap together all the ML models to create actual AI, and soon to be AGI. What could go wrong

Anonymous No. 927639

We are legit going to birth a chaos entity at this rate.
call it alien, demonic or whatever, its only a matter or time before we make mechanical ghosts to rule over us

Anonymous No. 928381

AI can give you it's interpretation of your words.
You can create your own.
If that means nothing to you you need to reevaluate why you are making art.

As far as the state of AI now, we still have huge problems with hands even in 2d images, and while 3d model generation is impressive, I've still not generated anything really usable, and I've been at it for a while now. AI still cannot even retopologize models properly, let alone create new usable models from scratch. That's not to say there's no place for these tools in certain scenarios, just that the AI we have now will only be able to at best replace the most boring and unimportant tasks. Maybe it could make rudimentary 'content', but real art making AI would require true AGI with a body and life experiences. We are no where even close to that.

Anonymous No. 928428

>As far as the state of AI now
Irrelevant smooth brain take no matter who says it and when, when you manage to gain the ability to see beyond the present then reply to me.

Anonymous No. 928607


Anonymous No. 928694

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What a Fantastic ....jpg

Anonymous No. 928750

Yes, at some indeterminate point in the future AI might have a body and sentience. The fuck does that have to do with 3d modeling being 'over' now? My point is relevant to what we can currently accomplish. You could've said the same thing at any point in history and it would have been similarly useless. This shit isn't going to make itself, and it's not there yet, so we have some fucking work to do don't we you fucking nitwit. The future is not guaranteed to us, we make it.

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Anonymous No. 928756

We can much more easily annihilate ourselves, or be annihilated by bad cosmic luck, or sink into stinky-slimy Pleasure-Pits™ and give up progressing until heat-death takes us. And your euphoric ass will be ground into fertilizer by the rotting teeth of the world just like the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 928872

Anonymous No. 928960

Those outputs are kinda dogshit tho. Not even usable as a base for animators to work upon, like AI generated 2D images are.

Anonymous No. 929011

Yeah, I've been working with dreamfusion for a while. For background decoration it's maybe almost there, but for anything important it's totally unusable. Progress has been fast the past few months, but we're gonna need a lot more before even the most grunt modelers are replaced. Even in that case, if you want consistency and a specific art direction, you'll still need a person to keep everything in a tight aesthetic lane.

Anonymous No. 929075


Anonymous No. 929080

>What's the point of learning any animation...

...oh, dude, that would be flipping awesome! just making a vid of a acting scene, and the AI transfers it onto the charakter, calculates the animation, done! no rigging, shapekeys and all the other hustle ... you just type in what do you want to tweak or change.

same goes for retopo, tons of booleans, ai retopo and done is the subdivision surface.

...or, you start to concept a charakter, a rough idea, take a base mesh, add some noise, some color palette, explain to the AI what you want, get in return x numbers of ideas, tweak the best, let the AI output a production ready charakter mesh, textured, ready to animate ...

... all this AI sounds shocking in the first moment, but it will enpower single user or small teams to handle lager more complex projects! ...

Anonymous No. 930567

So when should hollywood start to get nervous?

Anonymous No. 931515

dont keep calm my bro stay to end dir..
we like it know and for ever

Anonymous No. 931525

we still need to learn what percentage is because dumb american laws still dont make stores put in full price like normal countries do.

Anonymous No. 931537

>What's the point
then stop coming here, loser.

Anonymous No. 931551

IM tired of telling this over and over again... AI cannot create something out of thin air... it need a human to invent something first, the ai uses the existing creations of humans to combine and make something... OP is a retard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 931843

why do these fucking videos always have some shitskin subhuman talking, you can't honestly expect me to believe they had anything to do with this amazing tech.

Anonymous No. 931848

it takes AI to be fascinated by AI. no compassionate human being seeks salvation through tech/numbers/math

Anonymous No. 931910

you're tired of repeating yourself yet you keep repeating false information
it only needs initial instruction to know what certain things are, such as teaching it what a dog is.
after that it can invent any type of dog it wants.

Anonymous No. 931915

OP is a faggot who post every new 2 minute pajeet video here. It's always the same guy. He's probably a street shitting ranjeet himself

Anonymous No. 932022

He's Yevrop pee in. Stay mad.

Anonymous No. 932037

>What's the point of learning any animation or using any tools when soon .....

... there is no point! ...but i like the idea that i can set up a camera, start acting, record it, use the recording to transfer my acting onto a character i made with an AI software that eliminates dozens of people who would require this kind of tasks!

dont know why you are scared ... AI will remove the monkey buissness in the pipeline!

Anonymous No. 932148

wow anon! what a convenient post-hoc justification for your inability to make any meaningful progress in your craft! the AI is going to make it obsolete! how unfortunate for you that you stumbled into such a coincidental way to rationalize your mediocrity for the foreseeable future!

Anonymous No. 932745

Anonymous No. 932779

Bro this guy has the worst fucking voice I have ever heard in my life, plus hes just showing the examples from googles paper lmao

Anonymous No. 932855

It's an important public service. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2023. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level.
Without video creators the 3DCG would be even smaller than it is.

Anonymous No. 932860

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 932887

>some shitskin subhuman talking
>you can't honestly expect me to believe they had anything to do with this amazing tech.
This is Károly Zsolnai-Fehér and he's got a doctorate in light transport. But even if we disregarded that, you're still getting mad at somebody for vulgarizing science.

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Károly Zsolnai-Fe....png

Anonymous No. 932889

Snowniggers and Angloids can't fathom the many European languages and accents.

Anonymous No. 932890

Waw! Uat taim tu bee alaiv!

Anonymous No. 932915


maybe 80% of world population are
consoomer-types, they are happy when they can cosume

20% are productive-type, they only can be happy if they do something useful by themself

i cant life if the computer spit out everything for me.

another reason, if you want a very specific thing, you only reach it by make it self.

in ai you need more and more prompts if you want something very specific detailed from your mind.

you reach the point sometime when typing more and more prompts is more elaborate than just made it from scratch

in some years, not humans use dalle and co.
ai will use ai - think about content and write prompts.

everyone get new blockbusters, AAA games and music each day.

consumer fags find that maybe great
but my prediction is, that human getting more and more unhappier then, because mass/abudance destroy the feeling of worth.

and the feeling goes away when millions of people wait for the same good game, like in the past.

when everyone has 5 ore more total personal-made games a day, the group experience is gone.

dumb empty future

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Anonymous No. 935047

i thought it looked familiar

Anonymous No. 935777

No extrapolation. A problem Conservatives have.

Anonymous No. 937250

Anyone who says
>what's the point of learning X when an AI can do it
Is just a loser who was never going to learn 3D/drawing/music/programming/a language/etc anyway.
People who can learn & acquire skills instead of spending years browsing about a discipline, "considering" learning it, can go learn something else if they really become obsolete.
Even if every possible human task was automated, why not just learn it anyway? People learn to write with pencils despite typewriters existing for so long. People learn to walk despite mobility scooters existing. People learn to cook despite microwave meals existing. If you really think AI is going to replace us all, how about you kill yourself? That would solve everything, right?

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Anonymous No. 938016


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Anonymous No. 938017

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medieval cat art.jpg

Anonymous No. 938023

I feel like the AI panic is similar to when people thought photography would replace art
>why would I pay a guy to draw a portrait if I can just snap a selfie?
and so they did
and it was awful and soulless

there's still artists, and there's still photographs, actually a lot of artists are better off for it because they use photo reference and draw actual art instead of w/e the fuck 90% of medieval art was.
I feel like AI 'replacing' artists is a far stretch
Another analogy is
>'why would I learn to cook if there's mcdonalds?'
fast food does solve a lot of issues of cooking at a reasonable price, but a lot of people still enjoy making their own food, even though there is an option for those that just want to eat fast but shittier

Anonymous No. 938376

Anonymous No. 938389

I'm left leaning???

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Anonymous No. 938393

This thread is literal dog shit, whoever made this thread. You should kill yourself, Now!

Anonymous No. 938461

This thread has been up for so long that I have been banned (unjustly by trannies of course as I have never broken any rules) multiple times, and this thread is still up and generating (You)'s, and one ban even netted me -30 days.

Anyways this thread is entirely accurate, AI is and always has been the future, I knew this even when I was a child, like 20 years ago, it's always been the case, it always will be the case, all tranny artists who lack creativity and spent years learning a skill that they can only use when a creative genius pays them to use their skill that has no creative genius behind it, will be replaced by super creative geniuses like myself, who will be using AI tools to quite literally put our creative masterpieces in all formats into the world and reality in it's full glory straight from our neurons which can visualize anything.

All musicians will be mogged, All 3D Modelers will be mogged, All artists who draw or sculpt in any way, digitally or physically will be mogged, All comic book makers will be mogged (Western, Japanese, and Korean), All Film Makers will be mogged, and of course, All Videogame designers will be mogged.

It's over for anyone who lacks creativity and cannot vividly imagine and create literal worlds in their own mind.

I literally already experience multiple universes in my own head with continuities and details spanning decades, can you say the same creatividadcel?

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Anonymous No. 939116

Anonymous No. 939141

Your 16K HD, masterfully rendered, volumetric lighting, trending on artstation Sonichu OC will still be autistic garbage Chris.

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Anonymous No. 939427

Anonymous No. 939536


Anonymous No. 939641

You won't now because you didn't then. The creative people will just get more creative with AI tools and people like you will keep making excuses about why haven't done anything with what's available to you.

Anonymous No. 939643

We will be up to our neck in these pseud 'idea guy' type wankers soon.
I already see a lot of hack artists who can do a lot of impressive stuff by filling in the blanks and restructuring what the AI hands them.
Making stuff that on the surface looks interesting before you start diving in and realize it's generated garbo all the way down to the nuts and bolts.
The signal-to-noise ratio will be immense and we risk ending up in this situation where there's so much derivative work churned out that
even when somebody builds something worthwhile that work will have zero eyes on it because none will find it.

Down the line on the other end we have megacorps like Disney etc that will be armed with AI's so refined and with so much processing power that there's nothing left to achieve.
There's a lot of potential to make really cool shit with this tech but there's no shortage of dystopian scenarios on the horizon for creative types.

For it's not a tool as much as it is a total replacement. You employ an AI and you go from being an artist to being the creative director that tells the artist what to do
til your taste is satisfied. This is the 'idea guy's' wet dream, but it's not the dream of anyone who actually drew pleasure from the creative process.

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Anonymous No. 939741

Anonymous No. 939762

Anonymous No. 939784

How do you even make something like this?

Anonymous No. 939841

Scared trannies

Anonymous No. 939998

Anonymous No. 941869

No it's figurative dogshit you stupid faggot. This thread is a piece of data not the fecal matter of the most successful terrestrial quadruped. You should kill yourself for being stupid enough to not know basic grammar.

Anonymous No. 942339


Anonymous No. 942378

>actually coping
you can ai that hand painted look easily. normies dont care.

Anonymous No. 942479

>medium is style gaizz!!!
People are already exploring the limits of AI's ability to mimic actual individual artistic styles. And there are very, very hard limits to this. If an individual doesn't have a vast training set demonstrating their style, there's no way for AI to replicate it.
If you think being able to mimic certain mediums is enough to replace artists, then you don't know the kind of art people actually pay money for.
Also, if you want something a bit more positive: Nobody will every pay anyone to write prompts. If AI were to subsume every creative workflow on earth, the prompters would still be a laughingstock at best. The prompter would be seen as a pitiful gatekeeper if they hide their prompt, and absolutely nothing if they reveal it for public use. Prompting will not be a skill that is paid for, and definitely not one that will ever be respected. Nobody will every pay anyone for doing something so trivial and with such a microscopic entry barrier.
If your only concern is selling your art, there would still be a market, maybe smaller but still present, for traditional, handmade art. And there would be zero, I mean absolutely zero market for AI generated art.

Anonymous No. 942501

AI will definitely replace it all, if you're learning any of this stuff in hopes of getting a job then stop, if you're learning it for fun then what does it matter?

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Anonymous No. 942507

Blendlet going full AI

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Anonymous No. 943781

Anonymous No. 944472

Anonymous No. 944474

Anonymous No. 944491

The future of porn

Anonymous No. 944609

Graphic Designers
Type Designers


Anonymous No. 944640

Anonymous No. 944699

This thread has survived two false 30 day bans lol

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Anonymous No. 944740


Anonymous No. 944742

The only difference being you're not dependant on food like you are with 3D, chuddy chudcel.

Anonymous No. 945083

good morning sir
give up and redeem the slop like me

Anonymous No. 945085

I legit can't tell if this is ironic or not cause some failed shitskins actually write like this

Anonymous No. 945086

of course

Anonymous No. 945088

Why is a literal paid fa/g/ shill thread still up

Anonymous No. 945090


Anonymous No. 945091


Anonymous No. 945092


Anonymous No. 945108

Ironic considering i'm the whitest person here, thanks for another (You).
Cry about it.

Anonymous No. 945528

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Anonymous No. 946787

Starting to feel AI art has become sinonymous with low effort pajeet scam shit.

Anonymous No. 946788

Then you have been brainwashed, simple as, AI will be a tool used by whites to counter the art monopoly held by trannies, and Jews.

Anonymous No. 946789

I mean, is a tool.
but starting to see normies quickly mention AI art is showelware shit.
I assume is similar to people seeing the unity logo on crappy indie showelware.
Doesn't mean is correct.

My point is that normies are seeing garbage waifu AI spam art and it the novelty wears off.

Anonymous No. 946790

Doesn't matter, the good stuff is revolutionary, whenever new technology or concepts take off, expect knock offs, and people jumping on trends, people who actually think ahead, have been expecting this technology to appear, around this time anyways, and if you know how to look even further in the future, what lies ahead, when fully unrestricted, is a tool that will benefit far more than hurt.

Anonymous No. 946791

yeah, but like I said.
pajeets spaming their showelware AI art expect a quick buck for the village, has tainted this shit to me.
Honestly, I'm not a newfag, I've seen the limitations of current tech.

But what's the point of like doing something when 500 million pajeets can do it.

I do feel, at least to me, right now.
Would be to not use AI directly on my works, but more as reference and idea generation, and shit like automating task.

Because I started to noticed AI tends to default to the same generic compositions and shit, most of the time.

Dunno why, seems pausible the AI will default to averages, dunno.

Anonymous No. 946796

>and Jews.

Fool AI cuck.

Anonymous No. 947040

So overblown and astroturfed