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🧵 ITT: Things to avoid

Anonymous No. 923780

Shit to avoid like the plague

pic rel
Pirated the blender course thats $499 and its the worst tutorial ive ever followed. Im kind of mad anyone has paid even $5 for this. Its terrible he does all sorts of shit he doesnt explain, uses nurbs where theres no need, makes you change your blender config to his own personal ( retardedly slower) tastes, cuts the fucking video and things have appeared on the model etc etc

If id have paid for this I would have killed myself.

Anonymous No. 923782

Most Blender courses are like that. Free money.

Anonymous No. 923786

I think I pirated one of their c4d courses and dropped it pretty quick because it just seemed like a mess. I think school of motion is better taught. That said, these are both catering to people who post work on dribbble and they want to be generalists in 8 weeks. A lot of fundamentals like good topology and UV mapping don't even get mentioned.

Anonymous No. 923789

A lot of the lectures from premium courses seem to be weirdly bad for some reason. I feel bad for the third world people who purchase it as well with the intention of getting the best material out there.

I'll mention this though, you're paying for the critique as well, so they probably teach you more whenever they're reviewing your stuff.

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Anonymous No. 923833

This course was so bad I doubt anyone but very few had the skill and patience to fill in the gaps, after paying $499

Also they charge people for courses and then remove/don’t have the course finished

Anonymous No. 926551

Come on top brotha

Anonymous No. 926588

>Motion Graphics
>Blender Course
I'm still laughing, this has to be bait.

Anonymous No. 928514

i see