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๐Ÿงต how do I make pic rel in substance painter?

Anonymous No. 923828

purple porcelain abomination is what I got at the moment after following some fag ow2 esque tutorial

anything that involves closing substance painter I cannot do

Anonymous No. 923875

OP here, I should clarify. I can't close substance painter because my trial ran out, I am open to texturing in other software that I can get for free however

Is it possible to do this in a pbr workflow at all?

Anonymous No. 923876

>I can't close substance painter because my trial ran out
check >>919718

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Anonymous No. 923889

thank you very much anon, I appreciate the help

I assume no one here has the knowledge to answer my question?

Anonymous No. 923890

unironically /ic/ would know better how to do these handpainted textures because it is just that 2d concept art skillset transferred over.

Anonymous No. 923997

the way they made those pictures was by hand painting over 3d renders not by incorporating hand painted textures into 3d.
But to make hand painted textures just use paint brush patterns and paint the texture. Paint it directly onto the mesh with textured brushes.

Anonymous No. 924001

OP, with your level of experience, you are so stupefyingly distant from your goal of pic related that you're better off dropping this line of inquiry altogether and finding a better use for your time.

I don't mean that in a condescending way. The person who drew that pic is obviously a professional. There's people who can take a 2D asset and turn it into 3D, though that also takes a level of professionalism to do well. Then finally, there's the guys that are so good, they can take a 2D drawing, turn it 3D, and their knowledge of 2D and 3D is so thorough, they can make the 3D model still look like a 2D painting.

That's how many levels of professional abstraction we're talking here. You know so little, you don't even know how much you don't know. You gotta come back down to earth. You want to get more stuff like that pic and pretend you made it, sorta? Unironically, go download one of those AI models and feed that guy's pic into it and proompt into it a bit, that oughta scratch the itch you have right now. Otherwise, I'm sorry, you can close SP if you haven't already, because whatever you're thinking of doing, ain't happening anytime soon.

Anonymous No. 924041

> You know so little, you don't even know how much you don't know.
why the fuck do you think im asking?
beginning of june I didn't even know what the fuck blender was. not the foggiest of notion how people on youtube did the funny anime girl doing an uncharacteristic dance to uncharacteristic music. I am asking how people do this so I can put down a plan on how I learn this shit and then execute it. I may not execute it very well, but thats ok I will try until I get it right. I refuse to be discouraged, and stop because something is too hard. shit needs to be learnt and then done. I got a game to make and this out of all things isnt stopping me
I guess it was what I originally anticipated then, manual colour picking and painting, and striking that balance between tuning the colours in substance and in unity post. thanks. ill post work when I eventually figure it out

Anonymous No. 924054

Ok. My bad. Good luck with the learning and your game anon, godspeed.

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Anonymous No. 924183

OP here, did a quick polymodel of the reference that I will try to paint, since my current character is too far a departure from the look I want. will update all of you when I figure it out.

Anonymous No. 924453

OP here, posted in the ic thread instead.

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Anonymous No. 925394

been sick, this was from a week ago. ic thread died so im posting it here

projected the original painting onto the 3d head. As a proof of concept it doesnt look too bad (the eyelashes and hair and random sharp edges and "ears" do stick out) I will learn to handpaint it properly soon once this flu leaves me and I can mess with sleeping for the sake of 3d again

Anonymous No. 925556

fuckoff esdeath

Anonymous No. 925561

esdeath is such a legend he transcended the /beg/ threads into other boards

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Anonymous No. 926158

Is this closer to what you want anon?

But aside from shaders, I think you still have a fundamental problem to tackle here.
On your model, the hair is represented by a dozen large rounded shapes/bundles.
However, the hair in the examples is modeled with hundreds of bundles and individual hairs.
You will have to spend, at absolute minimum, the same amount of time that the original artists spent drawing this hair to achieve a similar level of quality and detail.

You're aiming very high by choosing reference material like this.
I think it's good to have high goals, but I want to warn you that it's going to be a long grind.

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Anonymous No. 926243

that's a rad material anon

Anonymous No. 927199

source on the art? i likey

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Anonymous No. 927725


I am a big fan of their work, paid for their 2nd artbook on kickstarter, apparently its coming june of next year

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Anonymous No. 928115

OP here, sketched out what I wanna model. gonna make an attempt now or later

Anonymous No. 928165

make yourself some very accurate image planes. With all of the details lining up perfectly.

Anonymous No. 928201

if you don't mind, could you please specify what you want me to do?

Anonymous No. 928208

NTA but I think he asked you to do a front, back and side view so that you don't have to improvise while doing the 3d model.

Anonymous No. 928313

>>928208 is right
make very precise drawings from the front and side, at least. It will improve your model and make it much easier to do. Image planes dont NEED to be as detailed as your concept sketch. Mine tend to be very basic. Just notates key features so you can make the 3D shape that projects as the 2D shape you want people to see.

Anonymous No. 928314

ok, will do

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Anonymous No. 928809

starting with the head

Anonymous No. 928810

I know the hair is different and the eyes are a different proportion but this is closer to the original character design. Might change up both later however, haven't made a satisfactory front facing sketch yet.

Anonymous No. 928904

get it exactly how you want. This is the time for your meticulous design autism. When you're modelling you want to be a mindless machine preproducing a perfectly made image plane into a 3D model.

Anonymous No. 928931

8 month schizo, is that you?

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Anonymous No. 928940

unfortunately, no

Anonymous No. 928979

unironically instead of trying to model a whole head just put the images through keentools face builder and paint in substance

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Anonymous No. 929143

ive already decided on handpainting her face and skin, then doing the clothes in substance

unironically I think its gonna be more effort to draw more sketches of her face than just model it in 3d

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Anonymous No. 929508


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Anonymous No. 931058

OP here, I got carried away with modelling a gun instead, will sketch out a full body ref and model it soon

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Anonymous No. 931059

yes, I am the same person

Anonymous No. 931095

tubes in cad software look like pure sexo

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Anonymous No. 931197


Anonymous No. 931426

What the duck are you trying to do with that hair? please post someone with hair like that in real life, maybe that'll help you or learn hair anatomy.

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Anonymous No. 931506

anon, politely, I don't care whether that hair can exist real life. If I gave it enough detail it begins to look plausible anyways.

Anonymous No. 931637

what about modelling/sculpting hair in a style you like but from reference?

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Anonymous No. 931642

give me a reference you want me to look at :)

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Anonymous No. 931666

followed this anon's tutorial, tossed a colour ramp AO on top

Anonymous No. 931667

She looks like a corpse with 4 rotted hotdogs stapled to her forehead. It's just shite.

Anonymous No. 931668

I get the corpse part, don't see the hotdogs though. the bangs up too high?

Anonymous No. 931669

Just give up on this project and make a simple props for now. You need to work on your fundamentals before you can even start to tackle characters.

Anonymous No. 931672

pyw crab

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Anonymous No. 931677

Okay Heres a simple barrel I made. Something so simple you couldn't make yourself.

Anonymous No. 931687

how many tris is it? you seem really proud of it

Anonymous No. 931692

600 tris total.

Anonymous No. 931722

I would take on your challenge but this is the 6th crack of substance painter i've tried and none of them work. I've tried vfxmed, getintopc, m0nkrus,, and cgpeers(both the mega in the piracy thread and the original torrent.), with versions ranging from 6 all the way to 8. I cant get any of them to run. I got one crack of marmoset toolbag and it works though, so theres that.

Anonymous No. 931723

Just use blender lol

Anonymous No. 931726

using blender for texturing is like trying to get vaccinated with a railroad spike.

Anonymous No. 931886

Photoshop is still a way creating textures and is easy to pirate.

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Anonymous No. 931937

I will look into that actually

Anonymous No. 932227

ok so using photoshop is about as good as using krita, which I am currently doing.

might be barely viable for ok looking anime characters, but not for pro level gun texturing

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Anonymous No. 932536

testing rig. deformation is shit, will make new mesh anyways because the sleeves block the hands in first person view.

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Anonymous No. 932539

game has a bunch of things that need to be made before new body mesh, so it is what it is atm

Anonymous No. 932647

that mouth topology is shit if youre gonna animate it kek

nice overall though. has a kind of weird retro look to it. your dunning krueger confidence is an inspiration to me

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 932687

redid the head from scratch trying to more or less copy the topology they use for guilty gear characters, it still feels a bit off though

Anonymous No. 933190

Make sure your UV mapping is all good.
That's where we're getting our normal and tangent info out of.

Also the frontal hair bulges remind me of Giorno Giovanna

Anonymous No. 933201

you're trying to build a house without a foundation and without knowing wtf you're doing.

Anonymous No. 933223

care mentioning what those so called fundamentals are, Mr. Krabs

Anonymous No. 933859

I don't plan on animating it, when my game somehow lasts until the point I need the mouth rigged I will redo the whole mesh then.

its mirrored, once I finalize the whole body in its entirety I will make the UVs extra proper, different mat for the face for higher res and all that

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Anonymous No. 935992

time to model the whole body properly

Anonymous No. 939209

lmao dumbass. fukkin jew tactic by not giving any actual advice. ovendodgers i swear

Anonymous No. 939344

You should never take anyone seriously who uses unix for media creation, retard.