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๐Ÿงต a tourist

Anonymous No. 923891

I wanted to say that this is a good board and you are all doing a good job with your models and animations. I support /3/ and will come visit to look at your stuff.

sage No. 923892

Get this faceapp smile garbage outta here

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Anonymous No. 923893

>this is a good board

Anonymous No. 923904

>this is a good board
Stay here a little longer before you say things like that

Anonymous No. 923915

fuck you this board is the worst type of board. And I'm counting waterboarding.

Anonymous No. 923935

This board is even worse than /ic/

Anonymous No. 923945

/3/ is basically 90% absolute blender beginners with no realistic chance of making it that get terrorized by 2 or 3 literal schizos.

sage No. 923971

strawman, the post

also check em

Anonymous No. 923972

Why is she wearing a burlap sack. Why does her skin look like sandpaper.

Anonymous No. 923973

Looks good at a glance which is what someone scrolling Instagram won't notice c:

Anonymous No. 923990

>you are all doing a good job with your models and animations
Where do you see this?

Anonymous No. 923991

since when is her skin that bad?

Anonymous No. 924013

I was thinking this too. After staying here for many months, my progress slowed because my biggest NGMI trait is that I am a bitch who lets things get under his skin too easily. After being here for almost a year I was able to piece some of the posters together with their writing style, tone, opinions and other traits, and came to the conclusion it was just a few posters. The second thing I realized was that I needed to stop being a bitch and I was able to progress at a good pace again.

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Anonymous No. 924113

OP here, being a long time gamer before 3D graphics and a fan of these things I understand the difficulties of making these things.
Everytime I happen to come by everything looks nice on the catalogue and welcoming. I hadn't even noticed the things you said about the woman. Not I can't unsee the potato-sack dress.
I still think you are nice. Don't be hung up on "making it a living", it holds you down.