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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923992

Is this good enough?

Anonymous No. 923993


Anonymous No. 923996

add baked lighting

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painted lighting.png

Anonymous No. 923999

like this

Anonymous No. 924012

Add bob and pusi pls i have to see it

Anonymous No. 924017

needs Benis :DDDD

Anonymous No. 924033


Anonymous No. 924035

Something tells me Chris's name is Andrés Cerón

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Anonymous No. 924045

>professional elite artists
>this quality in pixel art

Cris is the walking definition of delusional

Anonymous No. 924091

not really when this is better than 90% of this board lol. cris is becoming too powerful

Anonymous No. 924096

>cris pixel art takes 3 days to get a character pixel art done
>SNK wasted 18 months to do the same
Yes, It's better, fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 924110

Just because you getting cancelled by agdg doesn’t mean you get to shit /3/ up nigger.

Anonymous No. 924111

fuck off, cris

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Anonymous No. 924116

He's unstoppable!

Anonymous No. 924138

>he thinks tools will make his work better
kek, that would be sad if it wasn't so funny, 10 fucking years

Anonymous No. 925715

Why is Cris allowed to create so many threads? I thought you could only have 3 threads simultaneously?

Anonymous No. 925719

why did you feel the need to reply to every cris thread on the board?
everyone knows he's a retard
the threads haven't been taken down because there's no moderation here and he's not nearly as volatile as that dr. doom schizo

Anonymous No. 926609

Cute nigress

Anonymous No. 928362

holy shit cris made something actually good for once

thank you for making something new dude

Anonymous No. 928420

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 928468

this >>923999 is a mock up i made to show OP what I meant in >>923996
I just painted directly onto his screenshot

Anonymous No. 928941

oh nvm cris still sucks
you made his stuff look passable

Anonymous No. 928959

>Start learning blender 2 months ago
>I can already make better models
d e s u

Anonymous No. 929004

ikr? All that means is he's 1 easy step away from success.

the chair nerd (banned) No. 929745

Ok so this Saturday I have to fly to Cali Valle del Cauca for work reasons. I may have some spare time to go to Jamundi and search for Chris and punch him in the face. Do you guys have some other snippets on how to pin him down?