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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924171

Can your rented $225 a month software do this???

Anonymous No. 924172

This is one of the main advantages of FOSS. With full, unrestricted access to the source code and a license that lets you use the code for any purpose, it opens the door for developers to make cool new things like this with it.

Anonymous No. 924186

why didnt he put a big titty chick in the box

Anonymous No. 924210

Next time at least post a link to the article or the video instead of a twitter screenshot.

That's already a commercial product and
Does indicate it works with commercial software just fine. I'd be insane if it didn't.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you can afford this to use as a toy you won't care about the price of software licenses.
It's more marketed towards studios and fortune 500s as a meeting room gadget or CEO toy.

Anonymous No. 924217

>225 a month.

nigger, you need to buy indie licenses.

Anonymous No. 924219

I will switch to Blender once they have a comparable alternative to Maya's Ziva Dynamics

Anonymous No. 924223

If you really want to it's probably feasible to fake muscle movement in geometry nodes.

Anonymous No. 924228

People shit on Blender relentlessly on here, and I don't doubt that its inferior to industry-grade software, but for what it is Blender is very impressive. The fact that Blender provides everything it does while being FOSS is great, and I'd be surprised if it couldn't compete with industry-grade software, given enough skill and time.

Anonymous No. 924229

Houdini is better than Ziva.
>paying more for an addot than a base DCC

Anonymous No. 924237

>Can your rented $225 a month software do this???
yes, you could probably get that running on 1990s software if you wanted to. you're basically asking "can your 3d software run a simple script?". no matter which one you prefer, the answer is yes.

the presentation is about the display, anon, not the software.

Anonymous No. 924284

you dont know what you're talking about. Ziva uses a FEM solver, while houdini does not.

Anonymous No. 924344

Houdini is still better than ziva.

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Anonymous No. 924345

>doesnt use fem solver
>never ever did it use
>its not the same FEM solver is not houdini FEM solver!

seethe mayatard

Anonymous No. 924346

Ziva is a muscle simulation plugin which uses FEM solve.

Does the muscle simulation in 19.5 use FEM, chud?

Anonymous No. 924348

Say I learn blender by tutorials and all the stuff as a beginner, then can I switch to Maya later seamless or what? What does Maya have that Blender doesn't?

Anonymous No. 924349

3d skillsets are interchangable, you will need time to adjust, but you should be fine.

Maya is better than blender when it comes to rigging and animation.

Anonymous No. 924350

it does if you know how to set it up, brainlet

Anonymous No. 924352

>Maya is better than blender when it comes to rigging and animation.
What does it have that makes it better?

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Anonymous No. 924354

>What does Maya have that Blender doesn't?
+ better performance in everything
+ better rigging / animation
+ xgen for hair
+ more used in the industry (but yeah, you can learn blender and then switch to maya)
+ better UV tools (you can use RizomUV or some addons in blender though)
= modeling is pretty much the same, especially with addons. some prefer maya, some prefer blender. performance benefit still applies.
- Autodesk Services is basically a nigger-tier spyware that pings home and runs in the background more than any other paid software out there (well maybe besides Adobe, but Adobe is easier to completely block)
Conclusion: If you do it as a hobby, you probably don't need it. If you want to have a job in 3DCG, you probably will need to learn it.

Anonymous No. 924366

your vellum muscle is going to look awful no matter what you do, chud

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Anonymous No. 924377

OP here, jannies really need to put an end to the software war shit. You guys are seriously retarded out here arguing software as if you were being paid to. LMFAOO LMFAOOO LMFAOO

Anonymous No. 924385

>the jannies
what jannies? a fucking "give tips on how to model fuckholes" thread has 109 replies and is 6 weeks old ON A BLUE FUCKING BOARD.



Anonymous No. 924386

now thats a glorious cope
i accept your concession

Anonymous No. 924387

maybe in time you will have a grown up vocabulary, chud

Anonymous No. 924389

says a person who doesnt know a differenve between vellum solver and fem solver.

you are indeed on a neanderthal consoomer level.

Anonymous No. 924390

show me your houdini muscles made with fem on youtube, chud

Anonymous No. 924395

Okay, now this is epic

Anonymous No. 924397

not worth it

Anonymous No. 924398

Are you poor?

Anonymous No. 924404

Poor man's holodeck

Anonymous No. 924407

I'm not poor, i'm just saying its not worth it.

Anonymous No. 924420

Why is this wrong? It's still 3D. Leave your porn crusade aside

Anonymous No. 924421

(0, 0, 1) board anon

Anonymous No. 924431

dream on tard, you aint gettng free tutorial from me, i do accept your concession again.

Anonymous No. 924440

Free tutorial for what? You have no tools and no end product. Look at the ziva webpage on the other hand and see where i am. 2 year paying member. Rigging TD. Thousands of lines of production code in my custom tools, too. Easy

Anonymous No. 924449

it's a blue board, porn is not allowed. the thread is a symbol for the state of the board: not only is it against the rules, it's about the lowest, scummiest form of modeling - and of course it has tons of replies.

ask an in-depth question about topology and you will not get any (useful) replies. create a thread about literal buttholes with a fucking butthole pic (should be an instant ban) and it's guaranteed to max out.

Anonymous No. 924474

Cope. Context matters and in the context of art 3d or otherwise, nudity is sfw.

Anonymous No. 924477

context doesn't matter. you don't get to just make up rules.

Anonymous No. 924478

also how fucking distasteful of you to defend the creation of virtual fuckholes for perverted smut with the word "art". disgusting lowlife

Anonymous No. 924480

And now seething. Like clockwork. Stay poor autist.

Anonymous No. 924484

>the thread is a symbol for the state of the board: not only is it against the rules, it's about the lowest, scummiest form of modeling - and of course it has tons of replies.
That's...your opinion. This crusade against porn is boring and you bring it in every thread you go into

Anonymous No. 924486

By the way, if it bothers you this much unironically go to reddit as it's better moderated.

Anonymous No. 924493

and yet ziva is till worse than houdini

Anonymous No. 924494

>I am TD
pyw faggot

Anonymous No. 924505

One is a plugin, one is a DCC. Are you 10?

Anonymous No. 924506

mr TD, Houdini started and still is at heart a tool creation software,
you are an embarassment

Anonymous No. 924526

I make my tools in maya and occasionally do sims in houdini. Deal with it

Anonymous No. 924530

>Deal with it
dont need to. its obvious you have no skils and try to pull "im a TD" out of yourass like it would mean anything, when you are clearly just larping like an idiot.

im glad you conceded tho, saves you from embarasing yourself further, cristiertard

Anonymous No. 924531

Jesus, chud. I move the industry forward with my work. You can get extremely and i mean extremely far by making tools in maya.

Deal with it, nerd

Anonymous No. 924533

blender is better though

Anonymous No. 924534

post your industry forward moving work.

Anonymous No. 924571

Posting any real work on this site would be career suicide, so why even ask? Unless...You dont know what its like because You are unemployed

Anonymous No. 924575

i accept your concession larpfag.

Anonymous No. 924582

>I accept your concession
Is that some kind of forced meme, chud? Been seeing it a lot lately. Give up.

Anonymous No. 924601

i suspect most if not all of the completely nonsensical diehard blender posts are from this "cris" guy. he is clearly not fully functional (genuine mental retardation or -illness), so please understand that you are arguing with a special needs person and ask yourself how sensible that is.

Anonymous No. 924603

>bro I have 100000 years of experience I'm the second coming of Christ bro trust me bro
>uhh any proof?

Anonymous No. 924604

the proof is in the logical arguments about why and how professional tools are superior that you stubbornly ignore, cris.

Anonymous No. 924611

saying "blender bad because..... it just is okay????? pajeet!!!!!" isn't an argument

Anonymous No. 924613

people have proven to you again and again and again in countless threads (most of which you spammed) that they possess vastly more knowledge than you. they speak with confidence and in clear detail about programs you have never even tried and tools you haven't even heard of - only to have their patience in trying to help someone less skilled and knowledgeable rewarded with one of your disrespectful spam answers.

i am not exaggerating when i say that you singlehandedly bring down the quality of the board. the only value your posts have is that your incompetence can sometimes be amusing. please die.

Anonymous No. 924615

That means it's only allowed on boards that do actual art like /ic/ and not just perform glorified 3d printing lel

Anonymous No. 924624

YOu chose to bring your credentials out of your ass as it would mean anything.
pyw larpfaggot

Anonymous No. 924625


You have no argument, you ahve no job, you have no skills and best of all, you have no credibility

all you can sperge on is how you are some TD

guess what, i am TD and i have over 600 clones a week from my repo
and Ziva addon is worse than Houdini, because of how its coded and works

My industry moving forward software pushes houdini sims in matter of decades ahead of its time..

You however, are an embarassment

Anonymous No. 924626

Jesus chud, you sound particularly triggered today, don't you? Keep doing You, maybe you will make a dent in the industry someday. Me, if i feel like "proving" myself i will just continue doing what ive always done, which is to post to real legitimate sites free from hate speech, "prove yourself", etc like github. You wont get a whiff of my work here, so keep being mad. Nerd!

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Anonymous No. 924627

Why is /3/ full of pajeetniggers LARPing as industry professionals? It's embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 924630


Anonymous No. 924631

it isn't, it's basically everyone vs that cris schizo

Anonymous No. 924640

Cris hasnt posted once in this thread. Cris posts low poly characters and sex games he makes in unity. The word "chud" is not a cris exclusive meme. It is in fact an extremely widespread meme.

Anonymous No. 924679

your response sounds like donald ai bot response.
keep on being larpfaggot that wont make you feel any more important.

Anonymous No. 924681

>Im totally legit forward moving and superimportant
>Prove it

ok Cris

Anonymous No. 924693

>he thinks "chud" is exclusive to Cris when its a worldwide meme

maybe you should get out more

Anonymous No. 924694

>The word "chud" is not a cris exclusive meme. It is in fact an extremely widespread meme.
please die in a fire

Anonymous No. 924695

its cris behaviour. and on this board it will always be

Anonymous No. 924700

>a global meme is the behavior of one individual
>this individual, cris, has never ever exhibited any interest in talking about tech art, houdini, blender source code, forking, github, or any combination of the above.

You're special ha ha ha

Anonymous No. 924729

>cris behaviour
>being cris
now you are just being retarded on purpose

Anonymous No. 924731

Cris is not a tech artist anon. Give up.

Anonymous No. 924741

your reading comprehension is so bad, im just gonna say i dont talk with ESL "people"

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Anonymous No. 926246

Anonymous No. 926249
