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Anonymous No. 924307

"You mfs are too stupid to recognize bump limited thread" edition

Previous thread: >>915587

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Anonymous No. 924308

I'll start, is there any Marvelous Designer fag around here?
Is it easy to make a garment fit character of different sizes? And when I say different size, I mean different proportions of arm/legs/torso/whatever.

I have these stylized characters that I have sketched and sometimes I get really bored of working with Zbrush and want to switch to MD for a "break" of sculpting. But I never do it because I feel that in the end, I'll have to redo them to fit the proportion of this or that character.

So is it easy to make a ton of clothes in one size, then resize each of them for a specific character they were created for?

Anonymous No. 924331


Watch tuts by Daniel.

Anonymous No. 924335

Apparently he nuked most of his content but the goat Michael Pavlovich was just live and adressed this exact question

Anonymous No. 924351

why did he do it?

Anonymous No. 924357

is it legal to recreate a paid model? i think i need to start using a basemesh instead of going from a sphere every single time so i looked up a good basemesh and recreated it in zbrush with pictures of it on planes as reference. i won't sell the basemesh itself anywhere, just use it as a beginning for my characters for a personal game project i will sell someday, can i get in trouble for that?

Anonymous No. 924358

I think he joined a studo (probably Disney) that made him do it. That's what an anon told a while ago

Anonymous No. 924373

What a fucking pussy. Deleting content that teaches millions just to get a meager paycheque? What an asshat! Something always seemed off about him, too

Anonymous No. 924374

Where do you think the artist for that base mesh got the idea? Or do you think he sculpted and modeled from memory

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Anonymous No. 924392

How do i approach making such lattice-like model? Box it out and boolean? Start with a plane and autistically move vertices around, adding more detail? Or maybe curves, extrude them and merge somehow?

Anonymous No. 924393


Anonymous No. 924408

Are AMD gpu's really that bad for 3D stuff?

Anonymous No. 924409

Nah, they're fine.

Anonymous No. 924410

they are that bad. No CUDA = no good stuff

Anonymous No. 924411

So no hope really for the future? Cursory googling shows HIP is an equivalent to CUDA?

Anonymous No. 924414

Guys can I use a normal map to remove detail instead of adding? For example, suppose that I have an icosahedron and a sphere with millions of faces, then I bake the normals of the sphere over the ico. Is this fundamentally wrong?

Anonymous No. 924425

also, no RTX

Anonymous No. 924432

Yeah the worse is I never got to see what this guy had in his Youtube channel, I just had the exact same convo with an anon that linked his channel a while ago and he realised that everything was gone.
What content did he have? Do you think it's still somewhere?

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Anonymous No. 924433

Zbrush fags, how can I go from hair number 1 to hair number 2 ? Especially cutting the hair into separate parts.

Anonymous No. 924437

It looks like a custom insert brush. They dyanmeshed at the end to make it one piece.

Anonymous No. 924605

Yes, google smoothing groups + your softwere.

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Anonymous No. 924835

Is there a program that can auto generate a normal map based on the visual appearance of the diffuse texture for a model?

Anonymous No. 924850

Crazybump, bitmap2material, nvidia normal map photoshop plugin.

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Anonymous No. 925206

>split part into two
>fill the hollow edge on one part
>copy the surface chain and connect the second part to the same exact vertices
>everywhere else its perfect
>this spot it fucks me
normals are done properly, flipped to face outside on both parts

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Anonymous No. 925322

What do you guys recommend for parametric modeling and design? Mostly for architecture purposes (so from furniture and wall mounts to buildings)

Anonymous No. 925325


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Anonymous No. 925397

is python programming in blender similar to node editing?
like does it have all the features of geometry/shader nodes??
usually in other software the nodes are built ontop of the programming language so that code illiterates can do stuff
i was just wondering because i wanna get into it but i dont wanna miss out on all the features...

Anonymous No. 925413

so I'm looking at getting a galaxy s7+ tablet for different reasons but figured I may as well look into it for art, Im wondering if anyone knows if the cheapest version of it feel ram limited in things like nomad sculpt, or if you know it for any drawing programs, I know it wont be ideal/perfect for art, but its more of a 'can also do without shitting the bed' kind of bonus.

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Anonymous No. 925433

How do I erase some spots on the face
I have the dirt layer selected but the eraser doesn't do anything
I believe I've added the dirt from smart mask

Anonymous No. 925439

create a folder
drag the material with the mask to said folder
right click the folder and add a white mask
erase the unwanted parts with the white mask selected

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Anonymous No. 925447

How do I get animators to work with me on a project? I tried finding people through Discord, but everyone I got could barely speak English and their work all looked like it was complete shit - corporate infotainment animation bullshit. My technical abilities are limited and I do not want to spend years of autistic fury working alone on a project. I want to tell a story about pirates, attack ships burning off the shoulder of Orion, C-beams glittering by the Tannhauser Gate. What would /3/ want to see in a project's writing to get involved?

Anonymous No. 925450

You have the mask for the dirt selected, the eraser is pointless here. Since it's a black mask with fill layers, you better add a paint layer to the mask, and paint in black to mask what you want hidden.

Anonymous No. 925474

I added the paint layer, I think
But what now?
Create folder? In the program?

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Anonymous No. 925479


Anonymous No. 925481

In the brush panel pull the slider to the left and paint the mask.

To be quite frank I think it's best if you watch some tutorials as they can things explain better than me.

Anonymous No. 925488

They don't get into such specifics

Anonymous No. 925508

What brush panel are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 925589


Anonymous No. 925600

are amd gpus bad for 3d?
what do i lose by not picking nvidia?

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Anonymous No. 925776

Anons im working on my donut and at times my CPU will hit the ceiling, is it because i have cycles left on instead of eevee? Should i leave eevee on while working in render mode and only go to cycles when im looking at what a "complete" product might look like? I have it set so it uses my GPU (3070) and i know my cpu is i need of an upgrade soon (i7)

Anonymous No. 925786

Just don't work with the live render.

Anonymous No. 925810

can someone tell if an obj was made from cracked software?

Anonymous No. 925811

Of course. Even more if it's some Autodesk thing; they have a bunch of ways to mark pirated stuff. I worked at a place where all our software was pirated and the company owners were pretty worried that customers would find out.

Anonymous No. 925813

how can you hide it for an obj from maya?

Anonymous No. 925821

How do I duplicate an object so that the duplication will have different nodes
I did shift+D then ctrl alt S but if I change the nodes of the duplication the original object gets modified too. How stop that?

the chair nerd No. 925833

I'm no expert but I have dealed with obj parsing for many web related proyects. Obj is a very simple file type, you can read it on a notepad and see all its visible contents in plain text. Just copy that plain text into a new text editor and save it as .obj. the new file will have all the geometry data and none of the hidden meta data. Same applies to .mat.

Anonymous No. 925867

I'm posing and animating some rigged models but I'm having a little trouble visualizing how much a joint or muscle can move/bend/rotate before being wrong, mostly because my knowledge of anatomy is really basic.
Having reference is of course really helpful, but when I try doing something on my own everything starts falling apart. Are there any resources that could help me with that?
I don't know if going balls deep into anatomy will help in my case but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous No. 925913

Also make sure you're actually using the GPU, you need to both check it in settings and on the properties tab.

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Anonymous No. 926145

Im done with the first half of my donut tutorial, im not very dedicated but im proud ive made it this far. Ive followed people involved for 3D art for quite awhile and always see people talking about how learning nodes is like a major improvement for a lot of them. I recently did the shading part of my donut to add bumps and I fucking hate how it looks, is this just a nodes thing? Im going to ignore it and push through for now but is this why people struggle with nodes and say its important to learn?

Anonymous No. 926177

what is that website that gives out "free" models, and it has an image version where you can get models at different angles?

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Anonymous No. 926181

How do you trigger BlendShapes in Unity from a script? When I try it the action is triggered in the 'animation controller' but the object doesn't animate. When I link the action with an arrow it plays but not when triggered programmatically. I know Blender very well, it's not the FBX file.

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Anonymous No. 926182

I'm trying to make a game in which you chip away at a rock to make a 3D object. The 'sculpting' action is achieved by triggering different shape keys (mesh deformations) backwards from the original shape.

Anonymous No. 926195

Isn't that code wrong? Are you supposed to start playing the animation every single frame? Feels wrong.

Anonymous No. 926197

Can anyone tell me is saving and reusing skin weight/paint/whatever your favourite software is calling it, really time saving ?

Let's say I have an automatic rigging tool in preparation for regular human bodies (two arms, two legs, etc). Will I save a tremendous amount of time just reusing the same skin weight accross all my characters and just tweaking details for each of them? Because it don't seem that this part is really time consuming. The details are but the general work doesn't seem to be a hassle. Sorry for the bad english.

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Anonymous No. 926251

This guy (>>926195) is right.
Also you don't need to use animations and shit - you can just directly manipulate the blend shapes.
See code attached.
Activates blend shapes with R and F and turns off the blendshapes with T and G respectively.

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Desktop 2022.11.1....webm

Anonymous No. 926252

That code was in a script attached the the cube in picrel. You can see the blend shape values on the right changing as I press corresponding keys.
Quality is shit because I am lazy. Hope it's readable.

Anonymous No. 926253

Also, goes without saying that this can be optimized further - using get component multiple times is redundant - could just store it in a variable on awake or whatever and just access that variable.
Hope your game works out.

Anonymous No. 926254

Also damn, VP9 is too stronk.

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Anonymous No. 926325

pose model in complex position
find out nails are missing
append the nails from original model but they're not attached to the fingers

guessing parenting them to the finger bones won't help

wat do???

Anonymous No. 926340

parent them to the finger bones, but don't forget to weight paint them too.

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Anonymous No. 926441

how do i make the fur

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Anonymous No. 926493

What's the best auto rigging tool for Maya? Fuck the Quick Rig built-in option they have, it sucks balls.

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Anonymous No. 926516

how would I go about creating a fur texture like this? It's really nice.

Anonymous No. 926522

If you are going for stylized there are some good zbrushes for fur patterns, if you are going for more realistic, Nanomesh/fibermesh or some hair grooming tool like Xgen or hair cards are probably the better way.

Anonymous No. 926545

Is there a good IMM brush for branches / trees? I've played with curve brushes, IMMs, tried making my own but all of it looks like crap. And I can't find anything on the internet either. Is the technology really not there yet so that you can just draw some curves and get a detailed generic branch from it? I see people still use zspheres or snakehooks and sculpting from scratch manually.

Anonymous No. 926554

>just learned about IK
>go to add IK to an old model I rigged
>everything's all fucked up because of bad topology
fucking shoot me

🗑️ Anonymous No. 926579


Anonymous No. 926595

Your demo is blowing my mind. As I understand it, I can:
>make a model in Blender
>make some shape keys for it
>export as fbx
>trigger the shape changes with little effort from Unity
Is it really that magical? This stuff seems pretty useful but I never knew it existed.

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Anonymous No. 926656

Do I actually need to make sure the entire model is stitched together or is it okay to have disconnected pieces as long as you cant see the back faces?

For some reason for the longest time I thought the entire model needed to be in one piece.

Anonymous No. 926681

Would you say its a good one for gamedev, I'm primarly interested in that? I heard a lot about Advanced Skeleton too

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Anonymous No. 926721

What do you do when you come home real late from work and have to go back the next day and after you eat your meal and run a shower its even later, giving you next to no time to do any 3d because by the time you start working its just going to be too goddamn late? I get discouraged.

I do make progress on my off days, but i dont have a lot of off days. Like, I feel like my work could skyrocket in quality if I was allowed to do it every day, but really, i can only do it at most 3 days a week becauss i have to many god damn things i have to do

Anonymous No. 926723

write your own rigging tools. Forget about mgear, - its a mess - and advanced skeleton is terribly written. Just write your own modular auto rigger with fk ik switch, a handful of set driven keys, and a gui picker and facial gui

Anonymous No. 926727

Yeah, that's the basics of it. Your understanding is correct.

Anonymous No. 926728

Is there any generally accepted rules for using 5 edged poles in regards to animation? Like "only use them where deformation is/isn't likely to happen" etc.?

Anonymous No. 926729

I was bro. But then I got frustrated by the amount of hard coding that making an auto rigger requires ngl. I was also not used to Python and I just that the logic you want to implement sometimes relies on string management (splitting, concaneting, searching, etc.)
I'll eventually get back to it but I just need some basic bidep rigs for the moment. And they all seem to the job very well despite what you're telling me.

Anonymous No. 926768

>I just that the logic you want to implement sometimes relies on string management (splitting, concaneting, searching, etc.)

But anon, string management in python is ez.

are you using pymel message attributes?

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Anonymous No. 926769

So, following a blender tutorial on adding fuzz to a fabric. However at no point in the tutorial did the hair particles look like these big sharp bits, and at no point could I get my bits into hairs.
I've no idea what's going on here, how do I fix?

Anonymous No. 926771

> are you using pymel message attributes?
No. I'm quite a beginner in Python. Didn't even follow a tutorial, just learned on the spot while trying this.
What is that? Do you mean creating an attribute (addAttr)à for an object or something else? Even if you mean that I never used it lol.
I'll admit that I need to get used to the Maya Python library

Anonymous No. 926776


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Anonymous No. 926794

Why's my render result like this?
I have black spots...

Anonymous No. 926825

Go see a doctor.

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Anonymous No. 926872

How would you place seams and sharp edges on a bevel geo like this so that shading doesn't have gradients?

Anonymous No. 926885

Nevermind, I had a fucked up displacement going on simultaneously that I had failed to check on before.

Anonymous No. 926889

Been stuck on one project for a year because of work. It sucks alright.

Anonymous No. 926892

Scared this will happen to me. I'm getting back to webdev after a 4 year break just doing my things (one of them being 3D and gamedev) and I don't know if I'll keep making progress when someone hires me. Wich isn't any time soon for a profile like mine but still.

Anonymous No. 926894

What's your high poly like? That should bake fine, what normally blows up is trying to bake a rounded high poly bevel onto a low poly with 90 degree edges. Otherwise, rule of thumb is all hard edges should be UV seams, but not all UV seams need to be hard edged

Anonymous No. 926906

HP has clean shading, I'm just never sure about these gradients because I heard gradients in normal maps are not ideal. They can be fine, but may cause weird visual issues when textures start mipping or something like that.

If LP was a 90 degree cube, I would have no problems, that should still bake fine. If it had some supporting loops (korean bevels lol) that should also work well because it will fix shading gradients. But the cost would be extra geo. So this combination of a single bevel which I can't really make so it has clean flat shading is what I don't know how to deal with.

Weighted normals apparently won't work with baking, right? I assume baked normals from HP and FWN on LP would clash.

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Anonymous No. 926923

Somewhat new to blender, I want to do image related.

How should I do these boils?

Sculpting requires a high vertex count right? Not that it really matters.
Any modifier or something that can do it automatically?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 927009

place icospheres manually then use remesh operator

Anonymous No. 927234

Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 927268

Surely there is a better way to generate an anime style face than this, right?

Anonymous No. 927280

Just look up timelapse videos on youtube.
There are a bunch of methods to do this, so find one that looks right to you and use that.

Anonymous No. 927290

This isn't a bad way to do it honestly. You'll get a more visually appealing face this way.

Anonymous No. 927350

Is there a way to automatically fix my fucked up meshes in Blender?
I have a few tris and ngons somewhere in my mesh, but I can't find them anymore.

Thought it wasn't a big problem but it's pissing me off now.
A way to mark them so I can fix them by hand would also help.

(bloody beginner just saying)

Anonymous No. 927352

How easy is it to edit someone else's STL file?

I finally got a 3d printer on black friday and want to print my waifu, but I want to add a belly button to her model.

Anonymous No. 927356

Is it truly necessary to retopo if I am going to use my assets on UE5?

Anonymous No. 927358

You can go in edit mode, deselect all and then in the top menu do select - select all by trait - faces by sides, then choose your filter in the menu that will pop up.

Anonymous No. 927363

Any reccs for laptop mostly gamedev in UE4 and some light work in 3D. Budget would be 1500 euros

Anonymous No. 927377

does cgpeers have a superior selection of high quality 3d printable models compared to other sites?
is it worth buying an invite to?

Anonymous No. 927437

Thank you

Anonymous No. 927441


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Anonymous No. 927482

Why can't I weight paint on top of this irregular flat cylinder? It only wants to paint on the edges.

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Anonymous No. 927484


the chair nerd No. 927485


Not a blender user but normally weight painting is a value applied to vertices in geometry. Your top surface is a huge ngon so in order to apply weight you should subdivide it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 927491

Is there a way to enter real world units into the Transform panel in Object Properties? I hate doing math.

Anonymous No. 927524

Is it normal that Cycles rendering takes like 2-3 min per frame using a GTX 1080?

I wanted to do an animation but it took 2h+ for 2 seconds yesterday lol.
All I have was a pumpkin with 1000 vertices and 2 light sources.

Anonymous No. 927541

Probably it is, but you can always tweak render settings. You can speed it up at a cost of lower quality and vice versa.

Anonymous No. 927585

3D newfag here, I torrented many softwares and I wanted to know if Marmoset was useful to learn if I already have Substance Painter/Designer and Marmoset? Do both of them can work together or it's one or the other?

Anonymous No. 927597

What is the recommended way to model shoulder/armpits? Every time I try it looks terrible. Does anyone have a retard proof tutorial on how to accomplish this?

Anonymous No. 927601

Marmoset is usually used just for quick render showcases and HP to LP bakes, but you can do the latter in Substance as well.

Anonymous No. 927603

I use it to preview complete characters. Hair, clothes, skin etc. You will probably be only working on single pieces in Substance.

Anonymous No. 927618

hmm okay, so it doesn't seem that useful then. thanks

Anonymous No. 927627

using a random value node in geometry nodes to affect the scale of things scattered across a surface. How would I go about adjusting the frequency of the min-max values of the random value node? For example, I want the scale to be random, but I'd like to have about 70% of all instances to be closer to the min value and 30% closer to the max.

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Anonymous No. 927657

Is there a free download for Goo Blender anywhere?
It's this custom Blender version made for 2D animations see the video below.
Apparently its open source but you need to compile it yourself or pay on patreon for the precompiled version.

Yes it's just 5 bucks but I'm poor as fuck and almost starving as is.

Anonymous No. 927658

Okay it was the subsurface scattering.
With none it's 1sec render time with a high value its 3min.

Havent found a setting that does okayish SSS without taking 1-2min yet.

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Anonymous No. 927666

Anyone familiar with Grease Pencil in Blender? Got questions:

- How to I get rid from that behaviour that progressively draws the previous frame drawings to the current one?
- How can I change all the strokes colors at once?

Anonymous No. 927711

the progressive frame thing should be the snowflake icon to the right of the mode dropdown
change the color by changing the material in the properties editor

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Anonymous No. 927724

>I'm poor as fuck and almost starving as is
>8 billion and counting
not my problem

Anonymous No. 927795

Humblebundle has a beginners course for blender from Anyone have experience with it? Is it worth it?

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Anonymous No. 927807

It's very, very amateur hour. Only for absolute beginners that know nothing, in which case it will be useful.

Otherwise, you will benefit more from 3rd world guys who can barely speak english on youtube.

Anonymous No. 927809

The most I’ve done is a donut, so it’s sounds right for me. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 927819

How long should it take to get an AutoCAD cert? I took a class on it years ago in community college and wanted to try teaching myself to get the certificate so I can get a wfh gig.

Anonymous No. 927864

Can someone PLEASE tell me where I can find a HDRI with a Night sky? like just a night sky?

All I can find is HDRIs at night in a city.

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Anonymous No. 927865

So I decided to make a door. I started with a plane, extruded the details beveled them, then copied the plane, flipped it around and ended up with this. I know that nobody will ever see the lower side of the door, but how would one cleanly unite the faces? Was my approach wrong?

Anonymous No. 927872

>copied the plane, flipped it around
Can't you just mirror it anon?

Anonymous No. 927926

I could have, but I wanted to place myself under a situation where mirror was not an option.

Anonymous No. 927932

Well, seems like now you're in the situation where you need to make additional fixes on topology

Anonymous No. 927944

Build it yourself

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Anonymous No. 928062

This is a Tupperware (lid not included). I was thinking about all those triangles I ended up with. What's the right topology for something like this?

you will never be a woman No. 928068

I would like to design old school miniatures. Is Blender a good tool for that, it should I just do it by hand with green stuff? 28-32mm scale.

Anonymous No. 928084

You can merge all those vertices along the horizontal edge into a single vert in the middle. If the geo doesn't contribute to the shape in any way, simplify it.

Anonymous No. 928104

Isn't there any worth in keeping the anomaly boxed inside the other face, given that that face is part of the natural flow of the shape without the anomaly? It felt cleaner to me this way. Should I stop thinking like this? I just assumed modelling was like coding.

Anonymous No. 928131

are animationmentor or cgspectrum good courses for learning maya zbrush and substance painter? im being offered as a preemptive Christmas present to take a 6 week course in any of them and some deadlines to sign up are on the 2nd of december, even as a gift the prices ive seen look really steep to me so im unsure if i should go ahead with any of them especially if it doesnt end up teaching me much or rather something i could just be working on if i got the software and looked up tutorials thats not $699 per term, ive made some basic models and textures in blender and photoshop and some stiff animation in source filmmaker although whether im modeling or animating something always seems to trip me up and I cant articulate what the problems are and how they came to be and whether or not certain things arent looking as they should, but i only try stuff maybe once or twice a year to roll the dice on if i get any of my steam workshop submissions accepted

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Anonymous No. 928134

I assume by looking at that topology, you're not going to use subd workflow. So why does it matter if that face has tris in it if the shading looks fine? I'm beginner myself currently learning subd modeling and proper topology so take that as you wish.

Anonymous No. 928142

Not sure I get what you mean, by if you say that topology is adding a bit of imperfection to the surface - I get that, and it can be a good thing, but in this case I think it's not worth it, and you would usually optimize the geo so it has less tris. You can add that kind of flat imperfections directly in the texture. If it's affecting the silhouette in some way, that's another thing and you can add more geo for it in that case.

Anonymous No. 928143

If it's not a subd model, topology like that is perfectly fine. It's just better to still optimize it where possible and ideally avoid long thin triangles because of quad overdraw

Anonymous No. 928202

polyhaven has some night hdris. Look for natural light. Some of them are amped up in brightness but you should be able to tone it down.

You can find competent courses for a fraction (less than 10% of that price) that tell you all you need to know regarding anything. $700 is a ripoff unless it's literally live in-person teaching for several hours and a professional back massage on top. And even then not worth it imo.

Anonymous No. 928206

what website would these cheaper courses be on and do they also come with maya/zbrush/substance painter or licenses so I could go "hey i found this cheaper course it would be much better for me than the expensive one ect."

Anonymous No. 928220

I'm pretty new to blender and modeling in general, but I was wondering how to work on a separate section of a model independently of another section.
for example, I have a torso with a mirror modifier on it, but I want to now work on some shoulder turrets, but its being affected by the modifier I have on the torso.
Is there anyway to have separate modifiers for each part I want to work on? Do I have to finish one part, and apply the modifiers before I start on the next part?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 928235

some modifiers have a vertex group filter, but it sounds like you should just make each part a separate object

Anonymous No. 928237

ah yea thats it, had to add it in object mode.

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Anonymous No. 928260

never modelled a motorcycle before, how should I dissect the parts?

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Anonymous No. 928271

since the nigger jannies won't let me make my own thread:
So, is it true that you can just distribute blender addons for free and it's totally legal/legit because of GPL or is this just reddit cope? I want to grab hard-ops but I don't want to have to download spyware from some sandniggers google drive to get it. if it's free to redistribute, why isn't it hosted anywhere that doesn't looks sus as fuck? should I just wait to buy it? I don't have $40 now but I want to do some hard-surface stuff. Is there any hard-ops/ boxcutter alternative??

Anonymous No. 928274

Yes, it's legal. Blendermarket is just a tip jar.

Anonymous No. 928275

hard ops isnt the "answer". Good modelling the arrimus3d way is. Do not waste your time with hops, its dogshit.

Anonymous No. 928276

cool, I'll keep looking for a legit looking download link but if it's all shit like google drive I'll just wait and buy it.

wow, I will go check out arrimus videos I guess

wait... n-no... it can't be...

Anonymous No. 928320

unironically how do I know what I want to make? I have the skills required to actually create things somewhat competently now after 2 and 1/2 years of grinding but I don't want to just follow other people's concept art like a monkey. I am talking about creating simply for the fun of it, but when I try I can't think of what I want to do, or what I try is too cringe and stupid

Anonymous No. 928322

try taking part in a challenge where everyone has the same prompt.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 928325

make your own concept art

Anonymous No. 928390

Learning anatomy helps a ton, but always use reference.Even is you just record yourself on a phone mimicking the motions you want, anything helps.

Anonymous No. 928391

Let ideas come to you. Be patient and sit somewhere calm and quiet and let yourself wander. If you fall in love with an idea, write it down, and work on it over and over until you are happy with it. It's a skill you can develop like any other. Also go out and see and do new things.

Anonymous No. 928394

How can I bend a 2D mesh into a 3D mesh without distorting it in blender? I want to use some papercraft patterns for making a basemesh of a complex object, but I can't find a good way to get the cut shapes into position.

Anonymous No. 928398

This is definitely a skill for itself you can get better at. I respect not wanting to recreate existing concept arts, I'm the same. Creativity can be hard but it becomes easier the more you use it. Expose yourself to different things, don't stick to usual media you consume, explore new things.

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Anonymous No. 928412

How can I avoid "pinching" at the sharpened corners of a cylindrical object with subd?

Anonymous No. 928447

With loads of geometry.

Anonymous No. 928448


Anonymous No. 928456

Thanks, I'm actually using Elementza's course to learn hard surface modeling. So appearantly you just need a cylinder with more subdivisions and as even of a topology as possible to minimize pinching. Someone in the comments mentioned that you also could just use a simple plane and do the detailing on that and then bend it to turn it in to cylinder.

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Anonymous No. 928554

Any help on how to fix the mouth?

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Anonymous No. 928572

This should be straight. Post the side view, it'll be easier for me to draw.

Anonymous No. 928577

Nodes as in material?
You need to duplicate/copy the material to create "Material.001".
Duplicating objects don't duplicate materials.

Anonymous No. 928582

I'm importing DAZ characters into blender. I'm trying to work with the MHX rig but the damned bvh retargetter add-on just crashes blender and Rokoko just retargets it all wrong/wonky despite me T-posing both figures prior to retargetting. How should I approach this to troubleshoot this mess?

Also, I was wondering trying out ARP instead, since it appears to be the more commonly used rig. Is anyone familiar with just adapting a DAZ rig/MHX/Rigify rig to ARP?

Anonymous No. 928592

I just tried to put together a scene to render with all the objects I made the past few days but it just fucking crashed with no error nothing.
I did however seem to max out my VRAM and RAM.

So one mistake I made was copy pasting the trees I made instead of linking okay I see, but even after linking the VRAM usage is rather high.

My question is, is using all of my VRAM bad? as in does it cuz problems or can it just cache some shit in the RAM?
Are there any settings to prevent sudden crashes like that?
Lost everything I made in the scene and wasn't even able to recover it.

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side view.png

Anonymous No. 928598


Anonymous No. 928635

Where do I find a bunch of orthogonal references of anime heads with proportions and all that stuff?

Anonymous No. 928637

Look at your own face. The corners of your mouth go in

Anonymous No. 928672


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Anonymous No. 928681

Pls send help.

Is there a function that can "round" vertices like in my pic?
Like when you have a cube and apply a loop cut, is there a function that can make the loop cut round instead of the cube form?

Anonymous No. 928682

Why not use subdivision surface, by 2?

Anonymous No. 928697

the smooth tool or the "to sphere" operator

Anonymous No. 928705

I want to try my hand at making 3d spaceships.
What software whould you use ?
Something like Freecad or something like Blender ?

Anonymous No. 928711


Anonymous No. 928716

enable the looptools plugin in your preferences, it gives you the "circle" option that can morph any selection of vertices into a circle, as well as a relax option

Anonymous No. 928717

Seems like an industry standard, but quite expensive. Do you personally use it ?

Anonymous No. 928719


Anonymous No. 928726

There's a "free" trial license but it isn't libre. It didn't mention it had to be so it's my bad.
Also, it sadly doesn't work on my linux.
However thank you for the proposition.

Anonymous No. 928727

>using linux for the desktop and not exclusively for the server
>expects to be taken seriously

Anonymous No. 928730

I expect nothing from other people, and I have my preferences.

Anonymous No. 928776

Anyone ever do stuff with this model of Ellie? Trying to learn with it and don't know what half of this stuff is. I believe the bone group is called IK mechanism or something. I have a vague idea of what inverse kinematics is but none of this stuff seems to do or change anything when I move them.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 928777

forgot pic, oops

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Anonymous No. 928781

Is there a way to grab two vertices in blender and have all vertices between them be a smooth average between both positions? (Picrel is a shitty example)

Anonymous No. 928782

Note: I can't just zero them out and use rotate because i need them to move only along Z, i could move them back to their original XY after rotating but that'd mean going vertex by vertex which is what i want to avoid

Anonymous No. 928799

opened it once and deleted the file after 5 minutes of digging through a thousand layers of controllers
iirc it needs an addon called blenrig installed, maybe a particular version

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Anonymous No. 928957

Zbrush-fags explain one thing to me that doesn't make sense at all.
Earlier I imported the Unreal mannequin to rescale a head I was working on wich I started from a Sphere in the lightbox.
The head was immenselly smaller than the mannequin but whatever, I rescaled it, exported it to Unreal and it was at the right size.
But right now, I wanted to start another project and start at the right scale from the begining. I open the same sphere I started with on my previous head, import the Unreal mannequin and the sphere is at the same size than the mannequin. Wtf? How is that possible and why ?
I'm absolutely certain that in my first head, I never edited the initial scale of the sphere I started from

Anonymous No. 928961

I pirated a Maya course from CGMA and the instructor is using a script called LFAutoCrease which I can't seem to find anywhere. Does anybody know where I can get it?

Anonymous No. 928962

Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, Modo. 3ds max is probably the best. I don't know enough about CAD software to comment on software.

Anonymous No. 929035

So the basic workflow for any model is sculpt then retopology, right?

Anonymous No. 929036

you could try to use the "edge flow" addon - i just don't know if it works without faces around them

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Anonymous No. 929055

How do I fix my panel lines looking like this in Substance Painter? Is it the texture size or some brush setting? Only have 2k texture for whole model, using thorn alpha and just painting height.

Anonymous No. 929064

It would be nice to have a PC building thread specifically for 3D, but anyway I just wanted to ask if there's anything better at the moment for the price of 13700k and rtx3090?

After 4XXX reveal I pretty much decided to just stick to 3XXX series, so 3090 seems like a no brainer as the strongest option with the most memory.

For Intel, I'm not sure if i9 would be necessary for me, and I just don't know if I should bother with Ryzen. The one with the same amount of cores seems more expensive than Intel anyway.

Wondering if anyone has a similar config and are they able to work smoothly on 4k maps in Substance Painter? Also I'm planning to go with 64GB of RAM, I think that should be enough for me.

Anonymous No. 929066

13700k is a housefire

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Anonymous No. 929072

It's probably because your UV's are diaganol in their UV map, exaggerated further by probably not enough UV space dedicated to this section. Make sure your UV islands are all as straightly aligned to the X and Y axis as possible.

I have a question - how do I average a nice piece of curved geometry over this hole? Any ideas? Maya 2023

Anonymous No. 929073

Even with aio? Sounds like a troll t b h, care to explain?

Anonymous No. 929074

you dont want an aio in your system

Anonymous No. 929086

Turns out scaling along one axis after zeroing out basically had the effect i wanted, Thanks tho

Anonymous No. 929087

Thank you. I will try that.

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Anonymous No. 929098

>It would be nice to have a PC building thread specifically for 3D

in general a good idea, on this slow board it would not even disapear so fast!

>price of 13700k and rtx3090?

... you will get heat problems overclocked, and without overclocking you still need the largest air cooler you can find, 250w min, because this chipsi9/i7 are beasts! ...

...the next days or so i try to undervolt my chip, a 12700k, to lower the temperature, ~75°c @~4.6ghz on 20cores, but keep the overall performance, because, on blender, in a tag team with the gpu, the rendering is much faster than booth alone...and the i7 is curently faster in cycels rendering than my gpu, a 960...

>I should bother with Ryzen. 5cent, would love to have a 3dwsg.

Anonymous No. 929099

>cpu is faster in viewport rendering faster than gpu

Anonymous No. 929100

Again, please elaborate because you’re saying everything the opposite of what I heard from everybody else.

Cool thanks, I’m not sure I’ll play with overclocking at least at the beginning, I’ve been told to go with 360mm AIO. I could consider ryzen as well if these intels really have such temperature problems even with a big aio and a good case, but I haven’t heard the things can be that bad.

Anonymous No. 929101

>Again, please elaborate because you’re saying everything the opposite of what I heard from everybody else.
everyone says what i am saying, that aios leak and have a high rate of failure. Always use air. If you dont believe me, ask /g/

Anonymous No. 929102

>I’ll play with overclocking at least at the beginning,

...start slow, and rise the power to the point you are feel comfortable with! o/

Anonymous No. 929103

Hah ok, /g/ is the one who told me to use it in the first place, multiple times. I’ll be researching this more either way, I’m not stuck with any choice and I can use regular coolers if that’s really the case.

Anonymous No. 929104


...what's your machines specs, as an example, its a 3d workstation general thread!

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Anonymous No. 929108

Maya question!
>I have my rigged character. Everything works fine.
>I made a different model based on this one. Same UVs, slighty different.

>I want to copy skin weights from the first to the new one.

No matter how many options I try, the weights on the new model get completely wrong. I cant even smooth them, they are stuck in that position.
I tried copying weights, exporting/importing weights in xml format, tried the ngskintools, and I think all possible variables.

Any ideas on why this is happening?

Anonymous No. 929112

12900k air cooled
128gb ddr4 ram
20 tb hdd storage
3 tb ssd
30 series gpu with 12gb vram

Anonymous No. 929178

Hey anons, my desktop died and replacement parts didnt arrive until yesterday but now I'm back.
Thank you guys for the replies.

>Why not use subdivision surface, by 2?
You can't make it so it only applies to selected vertices right?

Smooth tool did the trick for my use case thank you.

Tried that one too, thats even easier to use thank you.

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Anonymous No. 929200

Noob here, has the UI been dumbed down since 2.8? Is there any reason to use 2.7 and earlier?

Anonymous No. 929220

Only if your workflow relies on a plugin that isn't compatible with newer versions.

Anonymous No. 929236

An AIO has a 3-5 year guarantee. If you aren't going to change it in that timeframe then it's a bad idea.

Anonymous No. 929240

Yeah I don't plan to change any components for a while after I buy them, 5 years at least

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Anonymous No. 929252

trying to pirate models out of video games for 3d printing. is there a way to unbake normals so to speak to make a low poly model into high poly or does it not work like that

Anonymous No. 929255

>unbake normals so to speak to make a low poly model into high poly or does it not work like that
What the fuck are you saying? Do you mean that they bake the normals and you want to revert that to make the model low poly? Just don't use the normal map.

Anonymous No. 929261

I think he wants to reconstruct the highpoly from the low poly + the baked data. I don't think it's possible but honestly I'm not an expert on very technical stuff like that. maybe you can subdivide the low poly a few times and change the normal to displace the geometry and apply it, but I dunno if that would even work or how accurate the result would be

Anonymous No. 929266

I was always curious about this.

But... what is stopping someone just rending out a few frames around the model and just using a photo scan and running it something like Meshlab?

Anonymous No. 929267

I haven't done it myself but I remember seeing this guide for it some time ago

Anonymous No. 929310

That's possible and I heard some people were doing that, but I don't think it would benefit in this case because you would still be scanning a low poly geometry.

Anonymous No. 929314

I should also say: it's not gonna work with all models
Part of Skyrim's approach to making their models have depth is literally painting dark spots on their textures, so you'd need to find a high-poly model replacer mod if you want a result that looks good.

Anonymous No. 929401

I mean with the normals applied to give the fake detail turning it to a mesh with detail.

Anonymous No. 929430

Hm, actually yeah, it might work to some degree

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Anonymous No. 929476

I am 1 week into learning blender to make weapon mods for FFXIV
I have somehow left myself with a lot of orphan'd edges that I cannot actually select with any tool I can find

Anonymous No. 929478

Nevermind, it's the triangulate modifier previewing those for me

Anonymous No. 929490

Going to be traveling for an extended period of time and am looking for a laptop that isn't too expensive but that I can still 3D model on. Any good recommendations? Preferably under $700 but I understand that laptops can get fairly pricey. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 929522

Does anyone understand units in Blender well enough to concisely explain them? Under Scene properties, there are a couple of options I don't understand:
From what I can tell, this lets me set the display unit for lengths of object dimensions and positions.
>Unit Scale
What the flying fuck does Unit Scale actually do? The Blender documentation on this (like with most things) is fucking useless.

When you start a new Blender project the units are set to Meters by default. So if I make a cube and move it "1" unit in the +Z direction, it moves "1 meter". If I set the units to millimeters, and I move it "1" unit in the +Z direction, it moves "1 millimeter". What does any of this have to do with Unit Scale? Its just an arbitrary number, what does anyone care if its written as "meters" or "millimeters". What does changing the Unit Scale actually do in Blender? When specifically am I supposed to change it?

If I mess with Unit Scale it fucks my view up, makes it hard to zoom in and out, and the grid disappears / becomes useless.

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Anonymous No. 929526

Can anyone explain to me how Retopoflow is supposed to work?

I select an object in object mode, I go Retopoflow > Create new target at active. This activates the Retopoflow mode, but none of the tools work. Clicking on the mesh in Retopoflow mode does nothing, regardless of what tool is selected.

Anonymous No. 929528

If it's set to 1m and you type in only 1 it will move 1 meter, but you can also type in 1 mm or 1 cm or 1 in or 1 ft etc and it will automatically calculate how much that is based on your global 1 meter scale and move it by that amount. I think it's active by default.

Anonymous No. 929529

you have to press control when using many of the brushes
use z and c to relax and tweak
i mostly use poly pen, it's kinda like quaddraw from maya.

Anonymous No. 929530

Ah, thanks. Not sure why it didn't say this in the documentation.

Anonymous No. 929531

I want to work in mm, but I don't understand what unit scale is for

Anonymous No. 929541

>It's just an arbitrary number
It's not arbitrary if you're doing physically based lighting or physics simulation.

Anonymous No. 929555

At the start of a project i'm excited to work on it, but at the end I lose all interest. Why?

Anonymous No. 929622

Watch Healthy Gamer on YouTube to understand it. Basically you're retarded and might have a mental condition.

Anonymous No. 929623

How do I animate characters with layers of clothing on them? For example:
>make guy
>select mesh of his body and duplicate it
>make it bigger and turn it into a shirt
>animate the guy with shirt
What if in some positions the body clips through the shirt? How do I make it so that the shirt is always over the body, but also loose enough to look like a shirt? I'm talking about Blender and this problem is hypothetical, I haven't tried it yet to know how much it happens.

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Anonymous No. 929624

any smutbase vets? i've appended the collection to another blend file but lost the MustardUI and Tools. should i do all the editing inside the original file before dropping into another project?

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Anonymous No. 929625

In Solidworks, there has got to be an easy way to handle this edge but I can't figure it out.

It's like 5 chamfers on the same region. Even brute forcing it with custom planes isn't helping much. I know where every edge goes but I can't get the damn software to make the cuts. Anyone got any tips?

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Anonymous No. 929652

I can stare at these face meshes and still have no idea where to begin when it comes to making faces

Anonymous No. 929655

>sculpt with Dyntopo
>sculpt the retopo without Dyntopo
>make copy
>subdivide copy to millions of polys
>sculpt finer detail in the copy
>bake normals over the one with low poly and good topology
You don't even need all these steps to make anime. You need like the first two or three.

Anonymous No. 929660

Do I start with a sphere?

Anonymous No. 929663

If you want to. It doesn't matter if you want to start with a cube or metaballs, you're gonna sculpt it into the right shape anyway.

Anonymous No. 929677

This happened to me once, in Blender. The reason was that I was using different units when making the export file.

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Anonymous No. 929685

How do i fix this?

Anonymous No. 929686

-it's meant to stay semistill
-Increasing the size didn't seem to fix it

Anonymous No. 929728

So I'm a casual with graphic design and animation. I've used blender to create 3d and animated a background with Photoshop and Vegas, I feel like my methods arent very intuitive. I want to do a little animated lyric/music video visualizer, should I just get After Effects and do it all in there?

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Anonymous No. 929877

how do i get rid of these shitty edge artifacts?
its so annoying

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Anonymous No. 929880

I'm new to animation

1. How can I make a camera follow a path, stop at a point of interest for a few seconds (pic related) then follow the path again?

2. Any good videos explaining animation?
Especially camera shit.

Anonymous No. 929895

My animation looks like ass, is 24FPS bad if I make a camera tour or is there a setting to make shit smoother?

My PC is not greatest so I didn't want to double my render time by going with 60...

Anonymous No. 929904

subdivide, or bake a normal map from a subdivided mesh

Anonymous No. 929906

thats just the cavity effect
you can tick that off in the little menu that lets you select matcaps

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Anonymous No. 929908

I'm working on this model, it has this heptagonal part, but one vertex is missing, I want to complete it, I'd like it to be geometrically exact.. Any good tricks? I know blender is not the best tool if you're looking for geometric precision...)

Anonymous No. 929917
How can I get a character to walk across uneven terrain like in the video in blender?

Anonymous No. 929918

That depends on the program you're using dunnit...
what are you using?

Anonymous No. 929919

Been learning the whole character creation workflow and I pick my software/tool on the go and now I have to retopo my character and I need recommedantions on the different tools/soft available. So wich one should I chose?
I sculpt with Zbrush, polymodel with Blender and rig/animate with Maya (I can model with it but I prefer Blender).
I tried to pirate TopoGun but it tells me to update it thus I can't even try it out.

Anonymous No. 929931

>cavity effect
Intel on this? I looked it up but only got teeth stuff and some chemistry.

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images (14) (10).jpg

Anonymous No. 929953

i dont know judging from your pic it looks like that.
picrel is where you can toggle it on/off and fiddle with the settings

Anonymous No. 929986

Is there a way to make an object that can hide other objects in the camera view?
Like a cube that when you put it on top of a smaller cube it hides it.

Anonymous No. 930034

How would I texture a very large building for use in a mecha vr game? Like 100-300m tall. I only ever did props before and with large structures 2k textures don't cut it anymore as everything starts to look like shit. My current approach is to just use many materials but it gets annoying to manage in UE and I am not sure about the performance impact of it.

Anonymous No. 930046

I'm making a Haloween animation and I have trouble getting decent lighting in my scene.

I have a sun added to it that emulates moonlight which works fine I guess.
But I wanted to add candles and pumpkins to the scene for the mood and to highlight the interesting parts (or make them visible when the moonlight is not enough) but I have to crank up my candles to 3000watt to see shit lol.

The fuck should I do?

Anonymous No. 930050

I just want to learn hard surface, don't really care about the software. Just want to find someone that actually teaches something other than making a glorified beveled cube.
So where do I find good resources about this stuff?

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fuck this shit.png

Anonymous No. 930074

I'm losing my mind. What the fuck is wrong with Blender"s bevel tool and how do I fix it?

Anonymous No. 930075

Looks good to me. Remember it's FREE chud.

Anonymous No. 930085

Build everything in this thread and you'll be fine
Bake your cavity and ao to vertex colours, and use noise to lerp between a few different scales of triplanar textures

Anonymous No. 930102

I see a lot of dance tutorials/break downs on YT for popular Kpop dances/songs. Would these make a good reference/cheat sheet for copying the dance moves into an animation? Do I import the video as a plane and just pose with keyframes?
How should I build on from this, to improve my animation skill?

Anonymous No. 930116

>completely fucks your topology
>looks good
Like clockwork.

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Anonymous No. 930156

why don't people make eye textures like the one on the left? You can have 90%+ of the texture providing iris detail versus like 60% and you get an equal amount of space all around the iris for any veins or bloodshotness

Anonymous No. 930158

>should i do all the editing inside the original file before dropping into another project?
Yes, smutbase files are bloated and overly complex as they are. I use them as a character editor exclusively and export only what I will actually use. You don't want to build a scene into an original smutbase file. Also, what if you wanted 2 characters in the same scene?

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Anonymous No. 930173

So these step by step guides on DRAWING face or body. I'm not suposed to follow them literally when sculpting, right? Like, I'm not supposed to make a low poly base mesh out of the cranium sphere and the jaw prism and so on, right? I see people on youtube just start by deforming a sphere and then go through similar steps, but fully in sculpt mode.

Anonymous No. 930174

You can or you can't, there isn't a specific way you're "supposed" to do it. I usually use multiple objects to block things out instead of worrying about topology, then I join and remesh.

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Anonymous No. 930175

Well, I tried doing that, but it was a lot of work (granted, doing it for the first time) and what upset me is that never in this process I was understanding the proportions of the sculpt. Once I got to smoothing down the shape and adding the first level of detail, the result was a surprise for me.

I guess it's all comes down to practice, it's just that the drawing books promise a step by step shortcut to a decent result, and with sculpting I'm not seeing a shortcut yet.

> inb4 retard forgot ears

Anonymous No. 930202

Are there any good open-source voxel editors out there? I've been searching for days and the only reasonable choice appears to be Goxel, which even that has a fraction of the functionality of MagicaVoxel.

Anonymous No. 930203

How the fuck do people work with Cycles?
Especially for animations.

I'm working on an animation in Blender for an University project.
I made my models with Cycles in mind, then put my shit into a scene mostly using Eevee.

1. Cycles and Eevee behave differently when it comes to light so I need to change the light sources (in my case candles) so nothing throws shadows on my models during the animation.
But Cycles is so annoying when previewing things in viewport cuz its slow as fuck.

2. Still rendering my first Cycles version of the animation but the first few seconds barely look any better...
And it takes around 17h to render...

Anonymous No. 930224


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Anonymous No. 930235

complete blender noob here, i want to add a pocket to some clothes and i really like the shape that the spin tool can make but it fucks up and becomes inverted at some point, is there any way to fix this? how else could i get a pocket like this?

Anonymous No. 930295

you can select some faces on the shirt where you want the pocket to be and extrude them, then go into sculpt mode and push it into a pocket shape. if the pocket doesn't need to be functional, you're better off making the appearance of a pocket using a normal map and texture

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Anonymous No. 930367

babby's first 3d model here, object was traced from a silhouette in sketchup
how can I smooth it?

Anonymous No. 930373

Depends on your software I guess. In Blender, it would be bevels, subdivision surface, and smooth shading (but you need quads for that, not triangles). You'd need to see hard surface modeling tutorials for your software to see what people do.

Anonymous No. 930375

Hello its me, your friendly /tg/ tourist looking for advice.

I want to start digital sculpting (and eventually create my own miniatures) and Im wondering what software would be best suited for that.
I've been using both ZBrush (the free version) and Blender, and I wonder whats the best choice here. ZBrush feels incredibly better at sculpting but also its harder to use and navigate (at least for me)

So, which one should I use? Is ZBrush worth paying? Or its a waste of money? No, I wont pirate it because Im retarded and too scared to give my computer e-aids.

Anonymous No. 930380

if the free version of zbrush does everything you need, you may as well stick with that. blender's sculpting may look like it is easier to navigate, but that's because there are fewer options and you have to do everything from scratch. if you want to add some stitching to your leather armor, you have to sculpt each strand. with zbrush, there's a tool that lets you draw a single line and it generates the stitching for you, but you'd have to click around a bit to find that tool.

Anonymous No. 930387

>if the free version of zbrush does everything you need
Thats the thing, it does not, its too fucking limited.

Anonymous No. 930391

so get a job then

Anonymous No. 930397

zbrush core $10/mo
zbrush full $30/mo
Or use Blender and live with/work around its limitations. The volume of work you produce is the deciding factor. If you see yourself sculpting several hours a week, months on end, you probably want the nicer tools.

Anonymous No. 930420

Is it worth biting the bullet and just getting a perpetual license?

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Anonymous No. 930442

How do I extrude it in a curve evenly? (in red)
Why are my edges so dirty? (in green)

Anonymous No. 930445

Are you confident you will do a lot of work with it for multiple years or will you have buyers remorse? You could try Blender and when you reach a point where you start thinking "I really wish I could do more in my particular niche but clearly my software, not my personal ability, is limiting my productivity/creativity" then you can get more software. You can still keep Blender if you want to.

Anonymous No. 930446

>for multiple years
This, but also for multiple years in the same version of software.

Anonymous No. 930451

You're supposed to make a drawing and place it in the background, and then sculpt over the proportions of the drawing. Somehow you misunderstood and thought that seeing some drawings will give you the skill to model from your imagination.

Anonymous No. 930452

*you're supposed to scan the face in and then touch it up


Anonymous No. 930481

Is there a way to project depth maps onto geometry? I have references for some difficult (for me) organic shapes but none of them are conveniently aligned and my spatial perception a shit so I was hoping I could use a depth map projection as a kind of guide over my existing basemesh. To give a concrete example, one of the things I want to do is an extreme closeup of a fingertip, which means the cuticles, faceting on the nail, overhang, fingerprint, etc.

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Anonymous No. 930485

Lads I have a problem with my candles here.

I render an animation with Cycles and there is some kind of variance in the area marked with red (in the middle of the box) now I wouldn't mind it too much but in the animation it looks especially bad, like a low quality video that has artifacts.

Any idea what is causing this?
Could it be the fog?

If I increase the samples it seems to be a bit smoother but it's an animation I can't render it at 2k+

Anonymous No. 930533

that's why you download all the important tutorials on youtube with yt-dlp

Anonymous No. 930572

Tell me more about this please. I have a huge problem nailing the top orthogonal view of my models. For example, I have a front reference and a side reference, but that tells me nothing about the top view. My models end up looking like the right front and side, but the shape of the head is a cube. How do people avoid this? You can't always get a top view.

Anonymous No. 930612

Yes fog makes the noise much worse, you should try to run some sort of denoiser.

Anonymous No. 930726

Insanely stupid question & I’m not even sure this is the right place — but here’s hoping.

How hard is it to slightly modify STL files as a person with exactly zero experience (as in - I have used blender a grand total of three times, and all three times were solely to modify the sizes and some accessories of items for Sims 4 mods. And blender is not the same as whatever you use for STLs, if I had to guess.)? I’m not trying to do a ton, I’m just trying to make a model shorter for a D&D mini so she’ll be more accurate to the character. I dunno if it’s as simple as it’d be in blender, where you’d just…have to chop off parts and smoooth them out? Do you have to change anything else, will it still print normally after editing? I really don’t know what I’m doing, sorry.

Anonymous No. 930736

I don't know what STL is, but I understand that you want to 3D print some dolls for that weird game you freaks play. All I can say is that 3D printing has the highest standards of modelling, because you have to ensure that your mesh is compatible with reality. For example, no self intersecting, no holes, not an impossible small thickness... basically what being "manifold" entails. If it's a thing like cutting a chunk off the legs and they're perfect cylinders, you have a chance. If the legs have pants and those have wrinkles or complex shapes or something, I would bet money against you.

Anonymous No. 930747

You can import and export STL in Blender and do what you want with them no problem.

For 3D print you want to use a slicer, there you can also add support structures for parts of the fig that you otherwise couldn't print.

Like you can't print in the air, so if you print lets say an arm you need a support structure underneath.

Anonymous No. 930749

The legs aren’t cylinders, but they aren’t super detailed and I’m not trying to make anything thinner (bit of the opposite in this case, really) so I guess it’s gonna be middle-tier difficult. Thankfully, because of the size, there’s not a ton of super fine detailing in general. Thank you!

Oh, good, then I’ll at least have a vague idea of what I’m doing with then in blender, which is better than nothing. And noted about the supports! I’ll keep it in mind, thanks much!

Anonymous No. 930775

ahoyhoy t/3/apots
I'm devving a small 3d related application and I need your input regarding 3ddcc user interface
which software package that you used, in your opinion had the most comfy translation/rotation/scale handles(gizmos)?
which one had best camera controls?

Anonymous No. 930799

How to bake emissive to texture in blender? I can't get any bounced light baked for some reason.

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Anonymous No. 930863

my first modellin attempt. faces got broken while trying to punch holes through the lid. how can i fix this mess?

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Anonymous No. 930885

The faces are broken up because otherwise they would be clipping through the holes; you can try triangulating the whole thing but I would mark seams on the edges first and get it UV unwrapped.
You're not going to get pretty topology from here anyway, you've got a bunch of edges that just lead into a face without terminating, so this chunk, for an example, is actually a 60-sided polygon even though it looks "clean". Edges should only end when they meet into a point on a triangle.

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Anonymous No. 930886

wrong example picture

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Anonymous No. 930905

thanks anon, i ended up re-doing everything, i think its slightly better now, here is the final thing

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Anonymous No. 931001

Blender. Never used this UV project from view thing before, following a youtube tutorial on it atm.

Why is my selection all weird and different? my first selection I made was accurate, but then when I try to change the selection, it goes all weird like in both of pic relateds.

When I unwrapped it and tried again, the selection went how it is in the second picture. I just want the tattoo to reside within the confines of the selection.

Anonymous No. 931038

Where do I go to find pictures of toned/muscular women in all sorts of poses? Unironically, need it for reference/research. Stylized or real life, I guess it doesn't matter too much.

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Anonymous No. 931119

whats happening here and how do i unfuck this in blender?

Anonymous No. 931120

nvm i figured it out. it was a problem with importing fbx files from unity after going through autodesk's fbx converter. had to clear custom split normals data in blender.

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Anonymous No. 931122

can someone explain why the file i imported from unity looks shittier than the same mesh i downloaded from somewhere else

Anonymous No. 931147

Which one is which. The left one looks like intention smoothing groups.

Anonymous No. 931148

Left clearly has had a lot of its face normals manually edited by a human to achieve a flatter and cleaner look. Right seems to have lost those manual edits along the way somewhere in the exporting and re-importing process.

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Anonymous No. 931194

any good place i can find big material and brush collections for substance?

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Anonymous No. 931198

how do i get the shitty head to show up in zbrush

Anonymous No. 931199

Preferences / Camview / Camview on.

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Anonymous No. 931200

i don't see it
i'm just starting out with zbrush, please bare with me

Anonymous No. 931201

unfortunately Adobe took down the old Substance share site for no reason, but here's the new one:

I'm still on 2019 so it's a crapshoot whether some materials will import or not, but it's better than nothing. For brushes, you can import any Photoshop brush into substance and it should just work.

Anonymous No. 931205

Do you have Zbrush 2021 and above.

Anonymous No. 931210

i hate downloading stuff individually
i just want a big collection with all the stuff i could need

Anonymous No. 931213

do smoothing groups have any implications beyond how a model is displayed in a 3d program or does it also affect stuff like textures or how the model is rendered in games?

Anonymous No. 931238

Yes. If you look at workflows for haircards they give them the normals of a sphere so they don't retain the card look.

Anonymous No. 931249

Who has the best beginner tutorial for Zbrush?

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Anonymous No. 931252

Why is happening?
I tried flipping and recalculating the normals and it doesn't do anything
When I turn on backface culling and Face orientation the model looks fine, but the textures are inverted

Here is the model file too:
It's in the Rikuhachima Aru folder

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Anonymous No. 931253

It's works fine in Maya out of the box but Blender hates it

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Anonymous No. 931269

Also the model is really segmented
Is that how they do it? For example the skirt and top look like they are one mesh and line up perfectly, but they are actually separate meshes
Is there a reason for that?

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Anonymous No. 931283

I'm currently working on an animation system for my graphics engine and have been using Blender as a way to export the rigged models with the animation info. However, when looking at the graph editor, Blender exhibits inconsistent behavior. The stomach bone and forearm bone of my model are both rotated about the x-axis at roughly the same angle. However, only the stomach curve seems to depict this, whereas the forearm curve depicts a rotation about the z-axis. Furthermore, in instances where a bone is pointed downward, such as with the leg bones, any location transformation creates a curve that is the inverse of the equivalent transformation performed on an upright bone. This inconsistent fcurve information persists when exporting the model and loading them into the engine. Is there any insight or reasoning to this behavior that can allow me to predict and correct the appropriate fcurves when I export?

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Anonymous No. 931308

How can I make a 3d mesh shapes without faces or with see thru faces like this in blender

Anonymous No. 931389

>Is there a reason for that?
pretty standard practice for multiple outfit characters

Anonymous No. 931917

Sculpting with Blender. How do I make the draw brush use the camera normal instead of the mesh normal? I'm sculpting eyes inside an animal head, but I want the holes to go forward from my POV, not diagonally because of the head curve.

Anonymous No. 932439

How many sculpts did you have to do before you got the hang of it in a general sense? I already know how to draw okay but trying to sculpt heads or simple objects has been pretty hard for me desu. Wondering if I do a sculpt a day for a month, will I finally have something presentable at the end?

Anonymous No. 932444

good drawing skills will translate

Anonymous No. 932445

thanks anon