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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924359

Why did Ptex never take off? The only place (I think) I've encountered it is in Maya's XGen for doing quick maps.

Anonymous No. 924363

shit performance, ptex can't be mipmapped

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Anonymous No. 925285

>each face has its own texture!
that sounds horrid outside of a production environment with unlimited storage and no need to ever share the files
Vertex painting, or procedurals with vertex painting for masks, is good enough for people who just want to make something pretty to look at without UVs

Anonymous No. 925300

UVs are super useful in performance tuning and they're fun to make!

Anonymous No. 927788


t !iLoVeYOUvM No. 929069


t !!EQflXcqmhoi No. 929071
